Manishinath Bhawan
A2/95 Rajourigarden
New Delhi-110027.
Cir. No. 6/15-18 Dated: 14th July, 2015.
Dear Comrades,
The ITEF Secretariat met at Manishinath Bhawan on 13.07.2015. The Meeting chaired by Com. Ashok Kr. Kanojia was attended by all Secretariat Members except four Comrades. The meeting reviewed the progress of the pending issues taken up with the Authorities. Since many of the issues were discussed in the last PGRC meeting held on 10.6.2015 the minutes of which are awaited, it was decided to take up all other issues in the Quarterly Review Meeting scheduled to be held on 21.7.2015. Com. Secretary General informed that the laptop to Inspectors has got the final approval and the modalities and procedure for its purchase and distribution are being worked out by the Board.
The Secretariat further discussed the following issues-
It was decided to take up the matter of placement Committee for the group C staff since in various charges, either the same are not being functioning or transfers are being made without adhering to the same. Therefore, it was decided to demand its repeal and instead to formulate the transfer policy for group-C employees in line with the model transfer policy and in consultation with the ITEF Circle leadership.
In the matter of skill test for the erstwhile group D employees to empanelment for the promotion to the post of Tax Assistant, it was decided to seek one time relaxation for promotion to the post of Tax Assistant after providing them necessary training.
The Secretariat decided to demand, as decided in the 29th All India Conference, for periodical and effective training to all the employees according to the requirement of the functioning of the Department and update them with the latest changes/amendments.
The Secretariat decided to demand speedy regularisation of the casual labours who have completed 10 years of service for which steps have already been taken by the Department and proposal pending with the Department of Personnel.
The Central Working Committee Meeting of the Federation will be held at Gaziabad on 13th and 14th August, 2015. The ITEF, Western UP Circle is hosting the Working Committee Meeting. The Secretariat decided to appeal all circles to collect Advertisement tariffs for the Souvenir being brought out on this occasion.
For properly maintenance of the Manishi Nath Bhawan, the Secretariat decided to create Building Maintenance Fund with collection of Rs.100/- from the members placed in PB-2 and of Rs. 50/- from the members placed in PB-! And the decision of the Secretariat will be placed before the CWC for approval.
To run the organisation smoothly, the Secretariat decided to appeal before all Circles to remit the dues of Renewal Fees and Aayakar before the CWC. The details of the dues are attached herewith.
As decided in the Conference, the Secretariat constituted a sub-committee to formulate our suggestions and to be placed before the Working Committee for changes in the duty list especially after the changes in the nomenclature and functional changes after the Cadre Restructuring. The Following Members will constitute the Committee.
- Coms. Vinod 2. Com. Ombir Singh
- Com. D P Acharya 4. Com. J.P. Singh.
The Secretariat also decided to protest the videography introduced in the Examination from this year in spite of assurances given by the Member (P&V) to the representatives to the contrary and its immediate stoppage from the next year onward.
The National Executive Committee of the Confederation met at Manishinath Bhawan on 12.07.2015 under the chairmanship of Com. KKN Kutty, President. The Confederation decided, as in the past to endorse the call given by the Central Trade Unions including INTUC and BMS for one day strike on 2nd Sept. 2015 against the anti working class, anti people policies being pursued by the present Government. In the brief discussion Com. KKN Kutty, addressed the Secretariat members and explained the necessity of going for this one day strike as a prelude to the Indefinite strike by All Central Govt. employees, including Railways and Defence Federations, Confederation from 23rdNovember, 2015. The Secretariat also endorse the call for one day Strike on 2ndSeptember, 2015 and decided to make all out efforts to make the strike a resounding one as was done in earlier strikes and to take all necessary steps to mobilise the members and enlighten them with the requirement of making it a success. The Secretariat will chalk out campaign programme in support of the strike and inform to all Circle Secretaries accordingly. The Confederation Circular depicting the decisions in detail is enclosed. Circle General Secretaries are requested to take necessary steps to mobilise the members for the strike actions.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Rupak Sarkar
Secretary General