Circular no 52/12-15 of CHq.




NEW DELHI-110027

Cir. No. 52/12-15                                                                                                   Dated: 15.12.2014.

Dear Comrades,

ITEF Secretariat Meeting and decisions.

The Secretariat met, as scheduled on 10th December, 2014 at Manishinath Bhawan.  The President, Com. Ashok B Salunkhe and some other members could not attend the meeting due to illness. The meeting, therefore,held with the available members, was chaired by com. Yeshwant Purohit, Jt. Secretary, and discussed the agenda items.  The following decisions were taken in the meeting.

Progress of demands pending with the authorities. The Secretary General, KP Rajagopal, informed the members the present status  of various issues pending.  After discussion it was decided to take necessary steps to pursue the following issues with the appropriate authorities. 

(a)    Laptop to Inspectors/Mobile handsets to all–      Pending with DOE & IFU respectively.

(b)    Increasing the Local Travel reimbursement to ITI & NS     Pending with IFU presently.

(c)    Advance to Sr.Tax Assistants and Stgrs. on passing Deptt. Examination– Diversion of 1633 Posts out of West Bengal Charge and situations created by promotion orders issued in the  attached Directorates  

29th All India Conference-Guwahati. Com. Subir Majumdar, GS, ITEF,NE circle informed the ongoing preparation for the smooth conduct of the Conference.  He also informed that the accommodation for the delegates will be available from the afternoon of 18th February to forenoon of 23rd February, 2014.  It was decided that the Central Working Committee Meeting will be held on 18.02.2015 at 6.30PM and all CWC members are requested to reach Guwahati accordingly.The Secretariat also decided not to increase the delegates fee of Rs. 1000/per delegates and to request all the Circles to strive to achieve the target fixed for obtaining tariffs for the Souvenir. 

Renewal fee. The secretariat,taking into account the financial position of the CHQ, decided to circulate the latest dues of Renewal fees and aayakar  with eligible delegates to attend the conference, and to request all the circles to remit the dues by 15th January, 2015. (the latest statement of dues of Renewal fee and Aayakar is enclosed).  It was also decided to give a final chance to remit the entire renewal fee dues to NWR & Eastern UP Group D circles by 31st December, 2014 and on failure, to act according to the provisions of the constitution and the decision of the Hyderabad CWC.  Persons in excess of the entitled delegates/observers will only be allowed on the conditions decided in the Central Working Committee Meeting held on 2&3rdFebruary, 2013 at Puri viz.  “Any other person to be considered as observer, it shall only be after approval of the CHQ upon a request from the Circle Secretariat.  They shall also bear themselves or the Circle, all the cost of their boarding, lodging, travelling, transportation etc”.

Steering Committee of 29th AIC. The Secretariat constituted the Steering Committee for the ensuing All India Conference with the following members.  Circle General Secretaries are requested to send in their proposal for adopting resolution on various issues to the Convenor of the Committee through email and hard copy..  Resolutions on amendment to Constitution should reach by 20th January, 2015 and other resolutions on organisational, common and departmental issues may be sent by 5th of February, 2015.

Convenor: Com. Yeswant. PurohitMembers :Com. Seturam;Com. Subba Reddy;Com. Monmohan Naik;One Comrade from NE Circle.

Departmental Examination: The results of the Departmental Examination for ITOs were declared in the month of November, 2014 and the answer keys were also got published.  The Circle General Secretaries are requested to analyse the answer keys and report to the CHQ the discrepancies, if any, to tke up the matter with the Board.  The Result of the ITI Examination is expected by 25th December, 2015.

Filling up of vacancies of RY 2014-15.  Having got the requisite instructions issued for filling up the vacancies of Group B & C for RY 2014-15 and according to the time table, the DPCs and promotions are to be over by fourth week of December, 2014.  As already intimated to you, a understanding was reached with the Board to move a proposal to the competent authorities to get relaxation for filling up of the remaining vacancies in the Inspector cadre lying unfilled for want of candidates in one category, from the eligible candidates in the other category.  Therefore, all the Cirle General Secretaries are requested to intimate the CHQ such vacancies in the cadre of Inspectors remaining unfilled, for both the R.Ys 2013-14 and 2014-15, to enable the CHQ to move the proposal.  The required details may be furnished in the following format.

Name of Charge Rect. Year No. of unfilled posts Cadre in which candidates are not available viz. Stenographer/Ministerial.


Confederation TUE Camp.

As already infomed in our circulat No. 51 dated 22.11.2014 the next All India Trade Union Education Camp of Confederation is scheduled to be held at Bangalore on 5thand 6th January, 2015 and all the Secretariat members were requested to attend the Camp during the two days.   The ITEF Karnataka Circle is arranging the stay etc. for the delegates from Income Tax.  All the Secretariat members are requested to inform their itinerary to Com. Sethuram,Zonal Secretary, ITEF,( 08762300436) or Com Vinod, Circle General Secretary,(08762300111)  by 25th Dec. 2014.  In case any Sect. Member(s) are not able to make it to the camp, the same may be intimated to the CHQ for nominating other comrades as delegates from ITEF. 

National Convention of JCM Staff side Organisations.

A National Convention of Central Government Employees Organisations participating in the Joint Consultative Machinery was held at New Delhi on 11.12.2014 at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Civil Lines, New Delhi. More than 800 delegates representing the two Federations in Railways (AIRF and NFIR), two Federations in Defence (AIDEF and INDWF), two Federations in Postal Services (NFPE and FNPO), Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers and many other organisations participated in the Convention.  From ITEF 25 delegates attended the Convention.  The convention deliberated upon the demands and problems of Central Government Employees remained unsettled for several years. The non-functioning of the Joint Consultative Machinery, the wage revision which was due in 2011, the demand for Interim Relief, merger of DA with Pay, inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks within the purview of 7th CPC etc. The convention also seriously discussed the draconian steps taken by the new Government immediately on assumption of office,viz. the total ban on recruitment, 100 % FDI & privatisation in Railways, increasing FDI to 49% in Defence sector, closure of the Printing Presses, Publication, Stationery and forms offices and Medical Store Depots, Corporatisation of Postal Services, amendment of  the labour laws against the interest of workers and many other anti-worker policies. The Convention has adopted a declaration (copy enclosed) and decided upon various programmes of action culminating in indefinite strike if settlement is not brought about on the 10 point charter of demands adopted by the Convention. The Convention set up a 14 member National Joint Council of Action with Shri M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen as its Chairman and Shri. Shivgopal Mishra, General Secretary, All India Railwaymen Federation as Convener, to spearhead the indefinite strike and other action programmes.  The detailed circular and declaration adopted in the convention are enclosed.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General.

2 Responses to Circular no 52/12-15 of CHq.

  1. SUNIL C J says:

    so many vacancies of promotion from steno to inspectors quotas are vacant in kerala. They should be immediately filled from ministerial cadres. Otherwise stay on these vacancies will come. We will never be in a position to fill these vacancies.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Rajagopl sir, please do not fill the vacancies of Inspector posts earmarked for STENOS – (3:1 quota) by the fools in ministerial cadre. STENOS are being recruited every year and after THREE YEARS, what they will do?!….

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