Hyderabad CAT frowns upon the CBDT decision to effect promotions based on old RR

Order directing to abide by Cabinet instruction

Order suspending ITI promotion order based on old RR


One Response to Hyderabad CAT frowns upon the CBDT decision to effect promotions based on old RR

  1. D S Durganand, Inspector says:

    Comrade, the official who gets promotion back to back (Sr TA – OS -ITI) in the month of Aug. will get both promotional increments. If the official promoted after 1st January, is the official is denied to avail the facility to opt for fixation of pay in the cadre of OS & ITI after granting normal increment in the month of July. The official got promotion on different dates with gap of some days, further the promotion order speaks about the option. This was denied by the local ZAO, as such officials got fixation of pay now by forefieting July’15 increment. Under Rule the ZAO is correct. Whether my logic of promotions in the month of August is correct or not?
    Thankful in anticipation of reply.
    Comradely – yours Durganand.

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