Draft of revised seniority list of Kerala Charge based on Parmar judgement

Dear comrades,

The draft of revised seniority list based on the SC judgement in the case of Parmar is uploaded hereunder. Objections, if any, to the new seniority position may be filed on or before 10-06-2014.


Draft ITO seniority

Draft ITI seniority ( part 1)

Draft ITI seniority (part 2)

Draft STA seniority

Draft TA seniority



2 Responses to Draft of revised seniority list of Kerala Charge based on Parmar judgement

  1. admin says:

    Working strength after restructuring is 221

  2. krishnakumar says:

    final allocation of posts of ITI in respect of Kerala charge as per ITEF is 343.
    Kindly let us know what is the working strenghth after restruscturing?

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