JCA cirular dated 05-05-2014





A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027

Email: itefcentral@gmail.comsecgenitgoachq@gmail.com

Joint Convenors

K.P. Rajagopal  &  Bhaskar Bhattacharya

                                   <98682 77455 & 89021 98888>


Cir. No. 2/M-12/14-15                                                                               Dated: 5th May, 2014.


Dear comrades,

Sub:-   Central JCA Meeting on 04.05.2014-

               The National JCA met at Manishinath Bhawan as scheduled on 4th May 2014. The JCA meeting was held after a long gap i.e. after 28th July, 2013 meeting held at New Delhi.  The meeting deliberated in detail the present situation on the issues of the JCA pending for long especially in the light of the nugatory and insensitive attitude of the CBDT authorities towards the just and legitimate demands of the personnel of the Department.  The meeting, on the other side took note of the positive attitude and assurances laid out from the side of the Secretary (Revenue) in the meeting held on 28th April, 2014.

All the members were in unison that the situation of apathy on the part of the CBDT cannot brook anymore and it is time to embark on serious agitation under the united platform of JCA.  It is also noted that the intervention of the Secretary (Revenue) and his assurances need to be taken note of and some more time should be given to the RS to respond and decided to seek one more meeting with the Secretary (Revenue) at the earliest.  It was also decided to write a letter to the Secretary (Revenue) highlighting some of the issues already taken up with him through our Memorandum with a request for his immediate interference to avoid industrial disturbances in the Department. Accordingly we sought a meeting with the Secretary (Revenue) at the earliest vide our letter dated 05.04.2014.

i) Promotions to various cadres pending for more than a year and issuance of uniform instruction for implementing Supreme Court Order on inter-se-seniority.

ii)  Filling up of posts of ACIT created in CR 2013 at one go and creation of commensurate posts in the cadre of AO/PS

iii) Fixation benefit on promotion and advance increment on passing Examination.

iv)   Amendment to IRS Recruitment Rules & framing of Transfer Policy.

v)  Reduction of existing strength on allocation of CR Posts.

vi)   Approval of schemes sanctioned from 1% incentive scheme.


The next meeting of the JCA will be held on 02.06.2014 at New Delhi. Necessary notice for the meeting alongwith agenda items will be issued shortly. The meeting further decided to draw the Charter of Demands and campaign amongst the members before embarking on any agitation.

VII-CPC related matters:  The meeting decided to submit a joint memorandum to the VII-Central Pay Commission on the issues of the personnel of the Department.  A committee with three members each from ITEF & ITGOA has been formed with the following members to prepare the draft memorandum.

Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Com. Ashok B Salunkhe and Com. K.P. Rajagopal from ITEF Com. Amitava Dey, Com. Arvind Trivedi and Com. J.B. Singh from ITGOA.

It was also decided to circulate the draft memorandum amongst the circles/units for their suggestions and views.  After consideration of the same final report will be prepared and submitted to the VII-CPC within the stipulated time.


With greeting

Yours fraternally,

                                                             (KP Rajagopal)  (Bhaskar Bhattacharya)

                                                                                      Joint Convenors

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