NEW DELHI-110027
Cir. No. 43/12-15 Dated: 14th April, 2014.
Dear Comrades,
Confederation Convention and Programme of Actions.
The Confederation National Convention was held at Nagpur on 4th April, 2014, as scheduled. The events of the convention and the full test of the Resolution adopted in the Convention is contained in the Confederation Circular No. 15 dated 5th April, 2015 which is enclosed. Some of the highlights of the resolution and action programme to be carried out by all affiliates are given under with a request to all the ITEF Circles to carry out the decisions.
1. The State Committees of the Confederation and its affiliated Federations will take steps to translate the resolution in the respective local languages immediately and ensure that the same is circulated amongst the members.
2. Meetings will be organised in all offices to explain the contents of the resolution adopted by the National Convention.
3. The National Secretariat members who are assigned the responsibility (as per the details in the annexure) will interact with the State Secretaries and ensure that the campaign programme of reaching out to all members is carried out in all States.
4. The State Committees will solicit and enlist the services of the Pensioners organisations to carry out the campaign amongst the mass of the people.
Cadre Restructuring and Other Departmental Issues.
As informed to all of you in our message posted in the Website alongwith copy of the letter of JCA addressed to the Chairman, CBDT, for the first time the leaders staged the protest before the authorities in the PGRC meeting after exposing the attitude of the CBDT towards the issues raised by the JCA and continued falsification & treachery of the assurances and promises made by them. After going through the same you all will agree that this type of attitude towards the sole representing body of more than 95% personnel of the Department cannot be allowed to persist. Therefore, we have decided to meet in the National JCA on 4th May, 2014 at New Delhi. The National JCA will take stock of the situation and also review the actions taken by the authorities to address the issues raised by us in the said meeting. The JCA then shall decide the future course of actions, including the agitation to be carried out to bring sufficient sanction on the Authorities to settle our issues.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(KP Rajagopal)
Secretary General