JCA circular on protest action




A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 


Joint Convenors 

K.P. Rajagopal  &  Bhaskar Battacharya



Cir. M-12/13-14

Dated: 5th March, 2014.

Dear Comrades,

Sub:    Implementation of Cadre Restructuring – allocation of Posts Protest against Callous attitude of the CBDT Authorities- 

You are aware that the Central Board of Direct Taxes has finalised and approved the allocation of 20751 additional posts sanctioned by the Government for restructuring of the Department.  The Board, according to the signing off message on the wee hours of the Chairpersons superannuation, has sent the proposal to the Hon’ble Finance Minister for his approval on 28th Feb. 2014.  The present position, it is learnt is that the same may be returned within a few days after approval for notification and implementation.

            The JCA, representing about 95% of the personnel in the Department and shouldering all the core responsibilities of completion of assessments, Revenue Collection, widening tax base etc. came to know the above development from the Website. In this context you may recall the ITEF Circular No. 38 dated 18.01.2014, wherein we have detailed the discussion with the Member (P&V) and other officials had with the representatives of JCA on 16thand 17th January, 2014 on the implementation of Cadre Restructuring and allocation of post. The focus of discussion in that meeting was to find out a solution and settlement of the differences arising out of the two reports made by the Committee constituted by the Board (Sub-Committee No. 1 and Core Committee) and the proposal of the Income Tax Employees Federation on allocation of posts.  As intimated in the above circular, the meeting was concluded on the basis of an assurance that the Board will come out with its stand as regards the basis of allocation of posts and other matters and revert to the leaders of JCA for discussion before finalisation.  In yet another meeting the representatives of ITEF had with the Chairperson, Member (P&V) & other officials on 20th February, 2014, the assurance of discussion with us as soon as the CBDT finalise its proposal was reiterated.  On 21st February, 2014 also, the Member (P&V), while addressing the Inaugural Session of the ITGOA Biennial General Meeting at Chennai, assured the entire delegates and leaders of both the organisation that the basis of allocation of posts is being worked out and will be subjected to discussion with the JCA before finalisation.  In its letter dated 24th February, 2014, the ITGOA, again requested the Chairperson to cause discussion with the Representative of JCA before finalisation.

            The above action on the part of the CBDT authorities is clear infringement of understanding and violation of principles of bilateral agreements.  This attitude of the CBDT in totally ignoring the recognised organisation which represent the majority of the personnel in the Department and duplicity of words deserve strongest condemnation.  The Leaders of the JCA met in New Delhi today and took stock of the situation arising out of the callous attitude of the CBDT in dealing with the aspirations of the Personnel, decided to lodge our protest in the form of a Demonstration and also to bring our protest to the knowledge of the authorities by sending a savingram. Therefore, we request the Circle/Unit leadership to stage this protest Demonstration during the lunch recess on 12th March, 2014 at all CCIT and CIT Stations and adopt and send the Savingram to the Chairman, CBDT in the enclosed format.

            With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal) (Bhaskar Bhattacharya)

Joint Convenors.

To All Circle/Unit Geneal Secrearies.







                                           _______________________(Name of place)




This General Meeting of the members of JCA______________ (Name of station) held on today the 12th March, 2014 took note of the manner in which the CBDT presented the final proposal of allocation of Posts of Cadre Restructuring to the Hon’ble Finance Minister, without causing discussion with the major stake holder i.e. Representatives of JCA. This action contrary to the assurances given by the authorities on several occasion, is breach of Trust and infringement of bilateral understanding.

            This General Meeting strongly condemn the betrayal and violation of agreement by the CBDT Authorities.

Date: 12th March, 2014.


Joint Convenors

———————- Unit

Forwarded to the Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes, North Block, New Delhi-110 001.

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