Letter to CHq informing the difficulty of Kerala Circle in carrying out the call for agitation against post allocation proposal.


Dear comrades,

Kindly see the letter to CHq, informing them that it would be impossible to agitate in Kerala against a post allocation proposal that the common members perceives as having done justice to this charge.

letter to chq

Therefore, all the members are informed that the call for agitation w.e.f. 21-01-2014 against the post allocation proposals of various Committees constituted by the CBDT is not being implemented in Kerala Circle as the allocation has done justice to this charge correcting long remaining anomalies.



21 Responses to Letter to CHq informing the difficulty of Kerala Circle in carrying out the call for agitation against post allocation proposal.

  1. sta from tn says:

    every restructuring happens the ministerial staff has to suffer. it is learn that Steno Grade -I is to be at par with OS irrespective of the date of seniority in 4200 G.P. If it happens one can find that STA who has not become OS and are Sr in 4200 G.P to steno -grade-II will be jr ITI to that steno II as stenos are getting Gr I faster than STA getting OS.

  2. Ravi Kishan says:

    Why ITEF Central HQ is silent about 3% promotional increment to OS on or after 01.01.2006?

    Is it because Steno, Gr-I, who do not have higher responsibility, hence Board is asked not issue the necessary order?

    Please clarify.

  3. admin says:

    Dear comrades,
    No further comments on this subject matter will be approved, as all that has to be said by every one concerned has been said. The Federation leadership is very much aware of the anomaly and has done everything within their power to rectify the situation. It is hoped that the efforts of the Federation will soon bear fruit.


  4. K.N.Purushothaman says:

    Dear STA, it is not the question of just Rs.400/-. You see parmar case.. The difference between ITI and ITO is just Rs.200/- only ! Pl. don’t see just monetary matters alone. A 3 year OG steno must not be promoted as ITI (from 2400 to 4600). An OG Steno is under the supervisory control of OS as per rules. But this supervisor’s CR would be written by this OG steno in future. Let us better die before these people write our C.Rs. This is my feeling……………………………… The most venomous entities in the ITEF are not Stenos or DEOs but some BENEVOLENT mainstream cadre COMRADES!. I am ashamed of them. Tell me what they have done for the last 30 years to the ministerial cadres ???????? so many shock treatments only !

  5. x.com. babu says:

    Comrade, KNP, Kochi, WELL SAID. Everyone should reveal their TRUE ID and also whose side they are taking by defending an issue. If the person is commenting on any subject with his/her personal agenda then it will always carry a biased view, moreover some people dosen’t know the full facts and figures and they jump into the discussion and divert the real issue. Because, most the times the comments are read by hundreds of comrades and non-comrades of other departments and public at large, as this is in a public domain.
    SEE, for all to realise the mistake in the comment, of THE STA that “”why this spitting of venom, and contemplation of legal solution when the transformation from STA to ITI will bring us only a paltry sum of Rs. 400/- (from 4200 to 4600). Legal solution is good if there is a benefit of 40000/- instead of 400 rupees.””
    First, the sum of Rs.400/- is not the correct figure (yes 4600-4200=400), but that is half truth. This is the difference of Grade Pay only, the total amount is much bigger, more the STA is a clerical post were as the ITI is an executive post in the department, having more responsibilities and social status in the society. OR else why should people aspire to become an Inspector or an Officer in the Department. Let all employees be called I.T.Executive and given salary in different grades and offficers & commissioners be called I.T.Officers and given salary as per their grades. So my dear STA even these all counts and the Rs.400 will entitlement the person with the additional amount of Rs.2000/- minimum by way of reimmburesemnt of 30 litres of petrol which may be hiked to 50 litres. Please calculate the other amount linked to DA, HRA, Tranpost allowance etc etc. If possible work out and send your comments to ascertain the correct picture.
    My Dear com. OS, it seems you are in direct confrontation with the person (KNP, Kochi), else why do you have to defend the persons whom KNP has mentioned. He is bold enough to give his comments and criticize the leaders, wereas you have not revealed your name or designation. What should I think about you? Are you a leader (office bearer ) defending the ITEF leadership, or a STENO commenting on fake name, or a genuine ministerial comrade giving the views on various comments on this site? I myself feel that you are taking the sides without realishing that you are actually having a baised view. See for yourself, in your various comments’, that says:
    “”1. It is neither their fault nor our fault, but that of the policy makers.
    2. If the critics had applied for direct UDC exams, direct ITI exams and IRS exams, they would have been in a higher position now. Why didnt we do so ?
    3. After all we have got 3/4th share of the cake and stenos have been given only 1/4th share and that is reasonable. It is also nice that the policy makers have now decided to merge all cadres into one, Exe. Assistant, so that there is no room for any discrimination.
    4. Sir, whose fault it is that the RR has not been amended. We, the majority cadre, should have taken it up from time to time.
    5. Leaders in Kerala circle or elsewhere have no inherent powers in themselves to change the RRs. They can only fight with our support and not with our unbridled criticism of their actions.
    6. If i am biased in my approach to this issue, I should side with you, KNP. If I am unbiased in my approach to the issue in question, then I should disagree with you. Thanks for airing your views. Let’s stop for the good of all.”'”
    Com. OS, see your comments No.1, 4 & 5, here you seems to take the side of leadership, by putting the blame on the ministerial cadre including yourself and policy makers and indirectly defending the leadership & CHQ saying they have no inherent powers. The issue of steno v/s ministerial is not new. If today they could merge then why not earlier? Even today the steno are not placed below TAs but kept at par and merged on the basis of date of birth. Earlier DEOs were merged to SR.TAs and placed above UDCs? From where did the inherent power come from _ ITS people like you who try to defend their every actions even uncalled for. For your KIND information, the CHQ Leaders like our politicians(who unite to raise their salary and perks in parliament whithout any walkout) knows to amend the ITEF constitution and ensure that even after retirement they stay at the helm of the affairs as advisory committee members. Earlier stenos were almost 25% of the staff strength, UDC,LDC, TA & STENO, so at that point of time 3/4th to ministerial and 1/4th to steno was reasonable but today TA,STA and 1/2 steno the maximum with any ITO/ACIT in a ward/circle so the ratio had to be changed long back, but the STENOs did have a major say even though in minority in our department, may be becuase most of our leaders are/were stenos prior to be Inspectors or had a soft corner to their better half in the departments. And your last comment to stop for good, is truly great. You start a conversation, put views for public which are baised and distorted and then without giving the person an opportunity say to stop.
    I also think this should stop, but let the leaders with their ID say whats their views and say the Right one Right and Wrong one Wrong, else only the land of law will have to be invoked to protect the rights of the downtrodden by the leaders. I fully agree with your comments, “” If the CHQ leaders are not giving ear to our leaders ( previous leaders never took our matters ), the Kerala Unit must seek legal solutions through court of law to fight against this anarchy.””
    thanks and sorry to intervene in the issue. Keep posting, there are many who reads and write/speak to me, I write on behalf of many comrades having the same views.

  6. STA says:

    why this spitting of venom, and contemplation of legal solution when the transformation from STA to ITI will bring us only a paltry sum of Rs. 400/- (from 4200 to 4600). Legal solution is good if there is a benefit of 40000/- instead of 400 rupees.

  7. K.N.Purushothaman says:


    Sir, I fully agree with you, only on one point. The ministerial cadres are handicapped, tight-lipped and and and ….
    2. The elected leaders must act unbiased – they must stand for legitimate right of the employees as per law. If the CHQ leaders are not giving ear to our leaders ( previous leaders never took our matters ), the Kerala Unit must seek legal solutions through court of law to fight against this anarchy.
    3. Pl. see posting under Executive meeting.
    Why not expose your ID when posting your views?! I request the blogger not to publish a posting without ID.

    K.N.Purushothaman, Kochi.

  8. OS says:

    Thank you KNP for the posting. Sir, whose fault it is that the RR has not been amended. We, the majority cadre, should have taken it up from time to time. We all were sleeping all these years and now when we find that some people (that too, 10 to 15 persons ) are getting promotion sooner than expected, we have woken up to the reality and go about criticizing them, questioning their eligibility to mainstream posts. What i mean to say is that such criticism is unwanted as it is neither their fault nor ours. Of course, I am not siding with any cadre.

    Secondly, who elects the leaders ? We only elect the leaders. After electing the leaders, we blame them for non-performance. That is not fair. Leaders in Kerala circle or elsewhere have no inherent powers in themselves to change the RRs. They can only fight with our support and not with our unbridled criticism of their actions.

    Thirdly, i feel that we have no right to say somebody should be denied promotion and others alone should be considered. If a group D employee with basic qualification of 6th or 7th standard at entry level can later on be considered for higher posts upto ITO level (on his passing matriculation straightway without 8th & 9th std.), why not a person directly recruited by SSC be not considered for such posts ?

    If i am biased in my approach to this issue, I should side with you, KNP. If I am unbiased in my approach to the issue in question, then I should disagree with you. Thanks for airing your views. Let’s stop for the good of all.

  9. K.N.Purushothaman, Kochi. says:

    I totally disagree with the notion of Mr. OS. Every layman knows that the people are with different IQs. The question here is regarding the promotion channels of the cadres. In majority of the Departments, Stenos have no aperture to the promotion channel of mainstream cadres or they have to go through the ministerial cadres to get higher post. The commentator should at least understand that our RR for ITI should have been amended minimum 5 times by now as per DoPT instructions or at least in 2001. Nobody here is abusing, berating, belittling or envying a particular cadre. But it is just opposite: The leaders were/are belittling and annoying and demoralizing the mainstream cadres all these years. As per your own vision, the merger of TA and Steno ( with different IQ level) to form EA is a bad justice! One must read between the lines – neither the policy makers nor the ITEF wanted to abide by the instructions. Is it not be-fooling the members?

  10. OS says:

    Some persons have been harping on a particular issue since long. There are no takers now. I feel it is a disgrace to our ministerial cadre in particular and to the Department in general to keep on criticizing another cadre. The number of steno has gone down drastically, as a result of which some officials are getting promotion without suffering much stagnation. It is neither their fault nor our fault, but that of the policy makers. If the critics had applied for direct UDC exams, direct ITI exams and IRS exams, they would have been in a higher position now. Why didnt we do so ? Because our IQ level was as low as that of an LDC , we did not apply for such exams or having applied for, we did not get it. So i feel there is no use abusing , berating, belittling, envying others. Let us wait for our turn. After all we have got 3/4th share of the cake and stenos have been given only 1/4th share and that is reasonable. It is also nice that the policy makers have now decided to merge all cadres into one, Exe. Assistant, so that there is no room for any discrimination.

  11. TN says:

    Let CHQ leaders realise now that TODAY’S IT DEPT. IS NOT THE SAME IN THE YEAR 2001. The fantastic circulars of CHQ have no takers. They can not fool the employees any more. Presently most of the employees are graduates and they know how to solve their own issues at appropriate level. Today kerala has shown the correct path to other circles. Hope other circles will follow the correct path shown by kerala. GONGRATS.

  12. K.N.Purushothaman says:

    K.N.Purushothaman, Kochi.

    Heartfelt thanks to the AP counterparts for supporting my stand. None of my friends here dared to drop a comment in my favor. Even though the Keralites are known to be responsive, I never felt it in this Department. Since 2001, I am fighting against the animation of aperture for a few technical cadres at the cost of functional cadres. The promotion of steno (GP2400) with 3 years service to Inspector (GP4600) over those ministerial cadres of 18 years service is a bitter pill for me to swallow. Anyway I am not ready to go round in the circles, would try to find a way out.

  13. x.com. babu says:

    why do people have to hid themselves and be anonymous, in the kerala charge ? Either you have no faith in your local leadership or are afraid of the leaders who may be taking vindictive action if they expose themselves. BUT after the strong and BOLD decision taken by the CIRCLE SECRETRIATE, the members should be more open and feel free to express their views so that the leaders, THE PRESIDENT, G.S. and other office bearers can get strength from the members who have stood behind their decision and appreciate the RIGHT DECISIONs. SO FEEL FREE TO COMMENT and GIVE YOUR VIEWS regarding the 48 hrs strike call. ITS true that there is no NEED to go for the strike call alone. IS Income Tax DEPARTMENT the only department who are going to get the benefits, are ARE the CG Confederation taking the employees of IT Department for granted. YES we are fools to follow the fake leaders, In every call there is a hidden agenda of the central leaders. FIND the FAKE, and expose them to your employees.

  14. Anonymous says:

    We from ITEF AP salute for your bold stand. Congrats.

  15. xyz says:

    The qualification for recruitment of Steno is 12th standard and that of Tax Assistant is Graduation. The grading between the posts are different, Steno is below Tax Assistant. No doubt about it or these posts need no comparison. As such promotion of Steno along with TA after 3 years as Executive Assistant is irrational demoralization of TAs. If the Department needs Steno post, let them be stenos with their own promotion channel or let them be promoted as EAs, only after 10 years service in the cadre of Steno. The Staff Selection Commission did not equate these posts, why the department? All Tax Assistant must unite and fight against this injustice without delay. All these years, we were being made fools, let it not continue…
    K.N.Purushothaman, Kochi.

  16. ANONYMOUS says:

    Kerala circle should also refrain from the proposed strike on 12th & 13th of February, 2014. It may be borne in mind that most of the employees are totally against the 48-hour strike call given by the confederation. While employees in other departments go to office, only those in income tax go on striking work. This is is not fair. If a strike call is given by the confederation, entire central government employees should participate in it.

  17. x.com. babu says:

    A real LAL SALAM to all the comrades of Kerala unit of ITEF, particularly those members who were present in the meeting which took the decision of not going on dharna and in a way not following the call of CHQ and the central leadership blindly. The very BOLD decision taken by the General Secretary is all due to the selfless sincere support of staff and faith in their local leadership. The SONS of the SOIL from were Trade Unionist are born but at times getting tainted in the colours of the central CHQ self-centred so called leaders. CONTRARY to the call the CHQ should side step the Bigger Charges who always gets their share and SHARE OTHERS SHARE ALSO and try to do justice to all instead of appeasing the bigger charges or BIG GUNS in the ITEF in the name of U N I T Y. CONGRATS ITEF KERALA – for your BETALED YET BOLD & BEAUTIFUL DECISION of NOT GOING ON DHARNA in the name of UNITY.

  18. Anonymous says:

    UDCs of 1997 in kolkata are also OS at present. situation is similer everywhere brothers..

  19. VPV says:

    Congrats to the ITEF Circle Secretariate, Kerala for embarking on such bold stands.

  20. JK says:

    This is what we, the members of ITEF expect from the General Secretary….

  21. krishnakumar says:

    The Cadre restructuring, every member of ITEF is waiting, is being delayed because of the decisions/objections taken by bigger charges. The stand taken by Kerala Unit of ITEF is correct, and the central leadership should take necessary steps to implement the restructuring at the earliest.

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