Circular No. 28 dated 30-07-2013 of CHq.


     Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027.  email:

Cir.No.28/12-15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dated: 30.07.2013

Dear Comrades,

                                            Secretariat Meeting and decisions.

            The Secretariat of the Federation met at Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi on 27th July, 2013.  All the Secretariat Members and Advisory Committee Members, except Com. Babu Thomas, Asstt. Secretary attended the meeting.  Com. Babu Thomas informed the reasons for his absence.  The main agenda viz. the approach towards the implementation of the Cadre Restructuring of the Department was taken up by Com. President Ashok B Salunkhe.  The Secretary General detailed the development after two sittings of the Committee formed for this purpose in the last Secretariat Meeting held at Mumbai on 13.6.2013.  The Secretariat was also informed that the Committee has included one more yardstick for the allocation of posts taking into consideration the difficulties and functional problems faced by the circles with moffusil offices, apart from the factors decided by the last Secretariat meeting viz. workload, stagnation & Revenue Collection.  The two proposals on different ratio calculated by the Committee was presented to the Secretariat and Secretariat approved one of them to be presented to the Central Working Committee for its approval.  It was also decided to present the decisions of the Secretariat on other issues connected with the Implementation of the Cadre restructuring to the Central Working Committee.  The details of such issues are given elsewhere under the caption CWC meeting and decisions.

            Under any other items two issues were taken up viz. functioning of Confederation and JCA (ITEF & ITGOA).  On the former item it was, after detailed deliberations, decided to fully cooperate and participate in the functioning and programmes of the Confederation at all level.  On the issue of functioning of the JCA, the Secretariat decided to request the ITGOA in the scheduled meeting of JCA on 29.07.2013, not to embark upon any action programme which may jeopardise the implementation of the Cadre Restructuring and all issues and grievances connected with the Restructuring are to be raised in the implementation committees and other official forum before taking them to external agencies or for agitation.

  Extra Ordinary Central Working Committee Meeting & decisions.

The CWC meeting was held at New Delhi on 29th July, 2013.  The same was hosted by ITEF, Delhi Circle at Hotel Mapple Emerald, Rajokri, New Delhi.  In spite of the very short period available with them, the Delhi Circle took utmost care, efforts and made excellent arrangements for the meeting and stay of the CWC Members.  All the Circles were represented in the CWC meeting.  The meeting started by observing silence to pay reverence to the victims of the Uttarakhand flood tragedy and all others who departed during the  interregnum  period between this CWC and last one held at Puri.

             The President in his introductory remarks lamented the attitude of the authorities in their initial efforts to keep away the representatives of JCA from the implementation Committees and detailed the efforts taken to bring out acceptance of our demand by the authorities.  He also condemned the action of the authorities in not including our representatives in the Core Committee.  He appealed to the house to arrive at a unanimous decision on the principle of calculation and suggestions of the Secretariat on other related issues with regard to the Implementation of Cadre Restructuring.

            Com Secretary General while presenting the decisions of the Secretariat on various issues connected with the Restructuring, commented upon the work of the sub-committee appointed by the Secretariat.  The calculation sheet based on the suggestions of the sub-committee was also circulated for discussion in the meeting.  The Secretary General also presented the following suggestions of the Secretariat on other issues connected with the implementation for the approval of the Working Committee

  1. With regard to the Recruitment Rules, to broadly accpect the provisions of the Model Recruitment Rules, without tampering  with the  existing benefit and facilities. In the case of promotions to the grade pay of Rs 4200 from 2400, the secretariat decision to demand the continuation of three-year residency period (the present provision) against the ten-year residency period decided by the Government.  In the alternative, to insist for five-year period as has been allowed in the cases of  CCS/CSSS cadres.
  2. To seek merger of the excess Staff Car Drivers at appropriate levels in the mainstream cadres with relaxation of conditions, if necessary.
  3. To accept the claim of all pending Compassionate Ground applicants while filling up the posts.
  4. To consider the regularisation of Casual/Daily paid employees by relaxing the conditions and as laid down in the Supreme Court deicision in the case of Uma Devi vs. Union of India.
  5. To demand as a onetime measure, empowering the Cadre Controlling Authorities to recruit personnel to TA/NS/MTS cadres at local level either through Employment Exchanges or through public notices, to speed up filling up of posts.
  6. To demand creation of separate cadre controlling authority for Chattisgarh State.
  7. To remove the discrepancy of allocation of posts for Investigation and Central Circles between the Lucknow and Kanpur Charges.
  8. To demand placing of personnel of New Directorates and Directorates created after 2000 with the CCIT (CCA) Delhi and merger of distinct categories of employees in the DG (Inv) New Delhi with the proposed CCA of DG (Admn).
  9. To take steps to retrieve the posts due to erroneous reporting of sanctioned strength by CBDT.
  10. To demand immediate resolution of issues arising out of the Supreme Court verdict in the Union vs. NR Parmar case.
  11. To have only two distinct jurisdiction in assessment areas viz. Corporate and Non-Corporate (to have mixed jurisdiction of salary and business cases in non-corporate circles).

The Secretary General placed the panel of members approved by the Secretariat to be nominated to various Committees constituted by the CBDT for Implementation of Cadre Restructuring.

 Name of the Committee.                 Name of the Secretariat Member.

1    Core Committee                           <>        KP Rajagopal, Secy General.

2.  Jurisdiction & Deployment       <>      Ashok Kr. Kanojia, Addl. Secretary

3. Restructuring of Directorates    <>      P.K. Vasudeva, Vice President

4.   Recruitment & Training of

      Group B & C Cadres.                  <>      K.R. Jadeja, Vice President.

5.  DPC for All cadres.                      <>     Raveendran B Nair, Joint Secretary.

6. Rect. Rules of Gr. B & C cadres  <>    Yashwant Purohit, Joint Secretary.

7. Infrastructure Requirement.      <>    Rupak Sarkar, Finance, Secretary.

8.  Rect. Rules for IRS cadres.       <>     D.P. Acharya, Asstt. Secretary.

            The discussion that followed the above presentation and address by Com. KKN Kutty, Advisory Committee Member, witnessed the participation of all the Circles.  The draft calculation based on the above parameters was subjected to thorough discussion by the members.  The members also pointed out various errors and discrepancies in the figures and facts taken for the purposes.  The major focus was on the basis of allocation. The other suggestions of the Secretariat was accepted with trivial modifications.  Taking into consideration the views expressed by various Circles with regard to the ratio of allocation on the basis of the above yardstick, the Secretariat again met in the sidelines of the CWC meeting and discussed thread-bare the points emanated from the deliberations in the CWC Meeting.

            In the reconvened CWC session, the Secretary General presented the decision of the Secretariat which slightly altered the formula of allocation.  The same was approved by the House.  On behalf of the Secretariat the Secretary General also stated that the figures in respect of work load, Revenue Collection etc were taken on the basis of the Official Figures obtained from the Central Board of Direct Taxes and the discrepancies pointed out in the figures of stagnation, it was assured that the same will again been subjected to verification and in consultation with such circles  which pointed out the same and necessary correction will be carried out.  The sub-committee will again meet and draft the reallocation on the basis of the ratio approved by the CWC Meeting and the same will be circulated.  The house was also assured that necessary steps will be taken to study and do the needful in the matter of missing posts as reported by Kerala Circle, separate manpower allocation for the CPCs at Bangalore and Delhi which are now under the control of DGIT (Systems).

            With proposal of vote of Thanks by Com. Yashwant Purohit, Joint Secretary to all the CWC members and with salutation in standing ovation to the Delhi Circle Comrades, who had made excellent arrangements for the CWC meeting, the curtain was drawn.

JCA matters:

The Working Committee reviewed the functioning of the JCA in various circles.  Five circles have reported non-functioning or estranged relation in the JCA.  The fall out of the campaign being carried out by the ITGOA on their grievances arising out of the  Cadre Restructuring matter was discussed at large and the apprehension of the house that the same may endanger its very implementation.  It was therefore, decided that the matter has to be brought to the notice of the ITGOA in the scheduled JCA meeting on 29.07.2013.  The house also directed the CHQ to take up all the grievances arising out of the Notification at appropriate forum, including Implementation Committees and Quarterly Review Meetings before embarking upon any agitation and to ensure smooth implementation of the Restructuring proposal.

The extended JCA meeting with the participation of the Circle/Unit General Secretaries and Presidents was held at Hotel Mapple Emerld, New Delhi on 29th July, 2013 at 10.30AM.  The meeting was jointly presided over by Com. Ashok B Salunkhe (President ITEF) and Com. Sita Rama Rao (President ITGOA).  While initiating the discussion Com. Ashok B Salunkhe, touched upon the sentiments of the members of ITEF on the unilateral actions of ITGOA and also the problems of united movements in various circles .  Com Sita Rama Rao touched upon the issues confronting the ITGOA especially on the staggering of the filling up of posts of Assistant Commissioners posts sanctioned by the Government.  He narrated in detail the negative impact of the decision both in the carrier prospects of members of ITGOA and the aspiring members of ITEF.  He averred that the intention of the ITGOA in all the actions was only to highlight the agony of the members and bring the same to the notice of the authorities.  Com. KP Rajagopal,(Secretary General, ITEF), while expressing the sentiments and apprehension expressed by the CWC said that a negative impact has already been created in as much as the authorities some of whom were responsible for approving the proposal is also seeking details of adverse impact projected by ITGOA.  The apprehension of ITEF, that due to the public propaganda, the very implementation of the approved proposal is not delayed at the intervention of any authority.  He also conveyed the decision of the ITEF that the issues of dispute/grievances are to be first taken up in the available forum and then only to the external agencies for redressal.  In the meanwhile nothing should be done which may delay its implementation.  Com. Rajesh Menon (Secretary General ITGOA) expressed the grievances of the members of ITGOA and the precarious position in which they are placed today and their future career.  In the meeting it was decided to draw a common charter of Demand first and take up the same at the appropriate level jointly.

It was also decided that the Joint Convenors will hold discussion with the leaders of both the organisations wherever there is functional problem and settle the  issues to bring about total understanding and strengthening the joint movement.

Confederation Matters:

            The National Secretariat of Confederation met at New Delhi on 22.07.2013.  The ITEF has decided to participate in all the programmes chalked out by the Confederation and the programmes chalked out by the JCA of Confederation, All India Railwaymen Federation and All India Defence Employees Federation.  It was also decided that as per the programme of JCA for an indefinite strike on the demands of VII-CPC, Merger of DA etc. the ITEF Separately and jointly with the Confederation will undertake massive campaign programme during the month of September, 2013.  The Confederation Circulars detailing the programmes and Charter of demands are being published in our website as also in the August issue of Aayakar.  General Secretaries of all circles are requested to carry out the programme jointly or separately in coordination with the State Units of the Confederation.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General

2 Responses to Circular No. 28 dated 30-07-2013 of CHq.

  1. K.N.Purushothaman says:

    Some just & genuine suggestion for placing staff in the new cadre on restructure
    Executive Assistants: Office Superrintendents (not passed Inspectors Exam) and existing STAs, those who could not be promoted as inspectors must be placed in the new cadre first, to the maximum extent possible – EA (ministerial). Stenos with G.P-4200/- according to their date of joining may be placed en-block below the cadres as above, and the TAs after this, up to the allocated vacancies.
    Stenos with G.P-2400 may be considered for the post of EAs (stenos) with minimum 5 years service.
    Inspector of Income Tax: First, all the qualified O.Ss must be promoted and then all the qualified STAs. After this, EA (ministerial) with 3 years service. If possible, as in majority of the other Departments, EA (stenos) may not be considered for the post of ITI. Otherwise, let them attend the duties of the post of an EA (ministerial ) for a minimum 6 years. ( same for DEOs as well).
    Administrative Officer: This post must be only for EAs (ministerial)
    PS & Sr.P.S: Only for stenos.

  2. K.N.Purushothaman says:

    1) Put it in black and white, unlike 2001 cadre review, the criteria for placing the staff with G.P-4200 to form Executive Assistants – the final suggestion by association, before it take shape.

    2) How the promotion to the post of Inspector and A.O be regulated from Executive Assistants. Let all the members of staff know how this is going to be done ‘without tampering the existing benefit and facilities’ ( The existing benefit and facilities are for stenos and DEOs alone at the cost of mainstream employees)

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