Association representatives to be co-opted to sub-committees

Dear comrades,

The CBDT has directed the Chairmen of Sub-Committees formed for implementation of Cadre Restructuring to co-opt members of the recognized associations.

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Yours fraternally


3 Responses to Association representatives to be co-opted to sub-committees

  1. Ashok says:

    Give one time promotion like last cadre restructuring in the grade of Inspcetor

  2. SUNIL C J says:


    Shri. J.C. Sehgal,
    Deputy Director of Income-tax(HRD),
    Member Secretary,
    Subcommittee No.6 on (Implementation of Cadre Restructruring)
    (Sub Committee on RRs of Group B & C Cadres)
    Directorate of Income Tax(HRD),
    ICADR Building, Plot No.6,
    Vasant Kunj Institutional Area Phase-II,
    New Delhi.

    (Submitted through proper channel)
    (Advance Copy submitted directly)

    Respected Sir,

    Sub: Implementation of cadre restructuring income tax department –Reg.

    Ref: F.No.HRD/CM/102/3/2009/10/(Pt)/1098, dated 02.07.2013.

    As per the letter referred above the implementation committee shall obtain inputs from members of concerned cadres.

    Some requests for change in recruitment rules:

    1.Give all the additional vacancies inside the department as a one time relaxation:

    In 2001 all the additional vacancies had been given inside the department itself as a one time measure. The career and promotion prospects of group C employees in the clerical cadre is very less. The basic qualification for Tax Assistants are graduation and 8000 key impression. Most of them who are joining in the department are post graduates, double graduate and engineering graduates. To become inspectors they have to wait 15 to 20 years. One reason for restructuring of the department was poor career and promotion prospects which may lead to demoralization of employees in group C cadres as they have to wait 15 to 20 years to get the promotion of inspectors. Stagnation among eligible candidates (departmental exam passed candidates) must be minimized. Give all the additional vacancies especially in the cadres of inspectors inside the department staff as a one time relaxation as if 2001 career restructuring.

    2.Avoid all the staying period in each cadres

    The additional posts should be filled in the department by relaxing all the minimum staying period in each cadres(grade pay). The passing of departmental examination for promotion should not be relaxed. Because if relaxing departmental exam may make quality deterioration. The additional posts must be filled in the department itself. If ITO exam passed people are not in ITI cadres, They may be selected from lower cadres. If ITI exam passed employees are not there in executive assistants, from tax assistants may be considered. For other cadres also if departmental exam passed employees are not available in a particular cadre employees from the next lower cadre may be considered. According to the instructions of ministry of finance in O.M. No.7(7)-E(co-ord/93 dated 03.05.1993 these posts would be deemed to have been abolished if they continued to remain unfilled from a period of one year. Hence all vacancies of each cadre may be filled from the departmental exployees by relaxing the staying period in each grade pay as a one time measure.

    3. Give all the promotion on year of passing departmental exam basis

    Through the departmental examination the talented and hardworking employees can be selected inside the department. Now for ITI promotion only 50% is selected on the basis of year/ date of passing departmental examination. All the ITI promotion must be in year of passing departmental exam basis. All the promotion from T.A to Sr.T.A may also be filled on the basis of year/date of passing departmental examination. The promotion from ITI to ITO also can be conducted on the basis of year of passing departmental examination.

    Advantage of this system
    1.Not have to wait departmental exam results every year for conducting DPC. The next year result can be placed at the bottom of the existing list.

    2. The seniority list will not be changed every year.

    3. The complication in promotion and cases for promotion can be minimized as there is only one consideration for promotion, the year of passing.

    4. Every year it is not needed to conduct departmental examination.

    5. It will also open a way for the talented youths in the department better career prospects and promotion avenues. It would also help in preventing not talented employees in higher cadres.

    The departmental exam must be more tough. Now only 50% only required for passing ITO examination. Formerly it was 60%. In my opinion the percentage may be increased from 50% to 60%. Only two to three chances only been given for employees to appear for the exam. For promotion from ITO to ACIT also a very tough exam may be conducted. In present exam scheme giving 10 times chances for passing one by one paper must be stopped. So many employees are every year taking leave and trying for exam and making department paralyzed may be minimized. Only one or two chances only been given for passing these exams. The syllabus of exam must be in such a way that preparing these exams should help them in their daily work also. Only those who are hard working in the department should acquire knowledge and should pass these exams.

    4.Merge the cadre of stenographer with Ministerial Staff:

    The recruitment of tax assistants are on the basis of graduation and 8000 key depression in computer. As these ministerial staffs can be utilized for drafting letters and typing in computers. Old world of Stenographers has gone as there is not typewriters in the department today. They have to type again and again on those days. But now most of the old copies of letters are available in the computer itself. Drafting became just fill in the blanks. Only a few people are learning stenography today . For ministerial staff duty allocation can be given. They can be make bound for their duties. Most of the stenos are simply sitting in the department. Officers think rather than giving dictation for stenos and waiting for getting letters typed, better to prepare the letter in the computer by themselves. The most righteous decision of restructuring is merging of grades of Senior Tax Assistant, office superintendent, Stenographer Grade-1 and DEO . Because one can be easily utilised for others work also. The department was running quite nicely even though only 185 stenographers are there in the department. Most of the stenographers are reluctant to do any other work. If officers are free then only some of them give dictaion for stenos . All other time they are simply sitting. Just like ministerial staff they can give duty list and can be used for all types of works such as AST etc. All the quota for promotion from stenos to ITI must be stopped. In Kerala and Gujarath stenos are getting promotion from 2400 grade pay to inspectors within three years but T.As have to wait 20 years due to these quota system.

    5. Consider the seniority of old state of interstate transferred employees for promotion.

    For employees to get inter state transfer ,they have to surrender all their promotion and have to go to their parent cadre and to become the junior most during interstate transfer. While considering the staying period in each grade pay their service in old state also please be considered. Several high court and the cases of Renu Mallik etc. emphasise that their service in earlier stations would be considered while considering the promotion to the higher cadres.

    6. Stop the direct recruitment for inspectors

    The vacancies of the post of income tax inspectors may only be filled through promotion. In the department there are direct recruitement for MTS, TA,Inspectors. In Sr.T.A also to fill all the vacancies direct recruitment required. If inspectors direct recruitment stopped so many advantages are there.
    Advantage of this system:

    1. The career prosperity and promotion avenues of group C employees in the department is very bad . Because there is recruitment for the cadres of MTS, TA, and ITI. It is also going to start recruitment for Sr.T.A. The less promotion aspects of ministerial cadre affects their morality etc.

    2. In some states the ITI get promotion to ITO within four years. Some states they get promotion to ITO in 10 to 12 years. Even though they are recruited of the same year, while reaching ACIT there are a lot of imbalance in different states. Stopping ITI recruitement will help for solving this imbalance.

    3. There is no working experience for ITI on AST. Only Sr.T.A /T.A and ITOs are providing RSA token and can do work on AST. While becoming an ITO from ITI they have not any AST knowledge. This may make serious effects in the department.

    4. Lack of clerical , statistical and drafting knowledge of a direct ITI while becoming ITO also makes serious problems. Not having adequate experience in assessment also make them idle in the department. So most of the directed recruited inspectors are simply sitting in the department.

    5. Some of them are getting very fast promotion due to imbalance in different states. Some of them are even becoming Commissioner of income tax. Direct IRS people are coming in the department after that much training and hardworking. They are coming after clearing civil service examination. These IRS people have to work under promotees from direct inspector cadres may make serious ego clashes in the department .
    6. If inspector post become Group B and direct recruitment making 67% may make serious effects of stagnation among the existing ministerial staff.
    7. While implementing the direction in the case of Naresh Parmar make seroious problem while fixing the seniority of Inspectors of direct recruited and promotees. This problems can be minimized if stopping direct recruitement.
    8. The direct recruitment vacancies of inspectors are lying vacant in each states more than one year. According to the instructions of ministry of finance in O.M. No.7(7)-E(co-ord/93 dated 03.05.1993 these posts would be deemed to have been abolished if they continued to remain unfilled from a period of one year. Hence these vacancies are abolishing in the department since 2001. If recruitment in Group C is only in the cadres of MTS and TA only vacancy abolishing happening in these lower cadres will not effect much the department.

    If all the above problems can be stopped if stopping direct recruitment for Inspectorss in the department.

    I hope your honor will consider the above proposals while finalizing the recruitment rules while making recruitment rules for Group B and Group C cadres.

    Yours faithfully,


    Copy to: 1. The Chairman, Core Committee
    (Implementaion Cell of Cadre Restructuring), CBDT, New Delhi.

  3. Purushothaman says:

    The ITEF was always lead by some Steno leaders, even though the strength of the union (about 85%) were ministerial cadres. They always made the authorities as well as the mainstream cadres tight-lipped to pave their way ahead with their own agenda. The Board and DoPT never wanted to include technical cadres in the feeder grades for promotion as Inspectors. Still they managed till now grabbing the post of Inspectors with 1985 Recruitment Rules ?! Even without a move from the mainstream cadres, the Board amended the ratio of ministerial cadres and stenos (3:1 to 4:1) excluding Steno-Gr-III from the feeder cadres in 2003. Again the Steno leaders, illegally, got it amended to continue the 1985 RR.
    This reveals the dormant condition of the mainstream cadres and leaders. Creeping into the cadre restructuring committee, they are trying to FOOL the ministerial cadres ! Now all cadres bearing GP 4200 are being merged to form ‘Executive Assistant’. We must understand that the post of AO will also be stolen from us along with Inspector post. But there must be only mainstream cadres in the feeder cadre for promotion as Inspectors and Administrative Officers. If this demand cannot be implemented, better keep off from the association – don’t get be-fooled anymore! Don’t be under mental slavery of some steno leaders anymore!

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