Action taken report on PGRC decisions intimated by the administration.

Dear comrades,

Kindly see the continuation of action taken report over the decisions of the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee furnished by the administration today. The actions over the decisions of the Committee was expedited by the call of the Federation for agitation. The main issue that was pending implementation has been compassionate appointment. Even though there are 10 cases pending, the administration has issued orders in just one. It is stated that another case will be considered on 01-05-2013. The demand of the Federation is for decision in all ten case immediately.

To download action taken report dated 30-04-2013 Click Here

Yours fraternally


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Agitation against non-issuance of Compassionate Appointment order – Malayam Circular

Dear comrades,

Posted here under is the malayalam circular explaining the reasons for the ITEF, Kerala Circle announcing agitation against the authorities for delaying the compassionate appointment orders. All  Branch Secretaries are requested to print the circular and circulate it among the members.

Download MalayalamCircular-dt.-24.4.2013

Yours fraternally


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Agitational programme from 1st May, 2013 on local issues

Dear Comrades,

Be prepared for an immediate show down.

       Compassionate appointments of dependents of the deceased employees are hanging fire for no apparent reason for the last one and half years despite the  commitment, put in black and white in the Personnel Grievance Redressal Committee meeting held on 8.2.2013 that  appointment orders in all the eligible cases would  be issued before 31.3.2013.  The ITEF is forced to believe that the CCIT(CCA), Kochi is reluctant to take a favourble decision on the matter and the orders are being withheld for no apparent or explicable reasons when sufficient vacancies are available in the cadres of TA and MTS  and names of 10 eligible candidates were cleared by screening committees for compassionate appointments. This apart, the other decisions taken in the committee were not implemented despite the clear directions issued by the CBDT.  The ITEF feel that the administration is no longer interested in settling the pending issues through dialogue in the forum constituted for the purpose.

In the wake of the fact that no solution is forthcoming with regard to the matters decided in the Personal Grievance Redressal Committee the ITEF find no other alternative than to embark on agitational path.  The Authorities are requested to take a favourable decision immediately on the following issues.:

1]       Immediate issue of orders in all pending compassionate cases.

2]       Implementation of the decisions made in the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee in a time bound manner.

3]       Convene the meetings of the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee as per the direction of the CBDT.

If the above genuine issues are not resolved immediately, the Secretariat has decided to embark upon agitation, including the following :

 1.      Boycotting all programmes of CCIT(CCA), Kochi from 01.5.2013

2.      Staging demonstations during CCIT(CCA)’ visit in field stations from

01.5.2013 onwards.

3.  Lunch hour demonstration in all offices on 02-05-2013.

4.  Wearing of black badges on 06-05-2013.

5.  One hour walkout on 08-05-2013 from 11.00 A.M to 12 Noon.

6.  Dharna in front of CR Buildings, Kochi from 09-05-2013  onwards.

7.  Half day walkout in the afternoon on 14-05-2013

 The agitation shall be intensified from 15.4.2013 if the above demands are not met by that date.

A Circular in Malayalam language is attached herewith.  The Branch Secretaries are requested to take copies of the same and circulate among the members, enlighten them  and make the agitation a great success.

                                                   K Babu Thomas            &                   K S Sajeev

                                                 President, ITEF, Kerala          General Secretary, ITEF, Kerala.

Agitational programame — Circular dt. 24.4.2013

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CEA clarification dated 23-04-2013

Dear comrades,

Posted here under is the latest clarification on Children Education Allowance issued on 23-04-2013.

Click here to download

Fraternally yours

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DA order dated 25-04-2013

Dear comrades,

The Government issued DA order raising the DA from 72% to 80% w.e.f 01.01.2013





Yours fraternally


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Action taken report on decisions of 1st Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee

Dear comrades,

Posted hereunder is the action taken report on decisions made in 1st Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee.

action taken report

Yours fraternally


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Corrigendum dated 23-04-2013 to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades,

Posted hereunder in the corrigendum dated 23.04.2013 to AGT order 2013


Yours fraternally


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Dear Comrades,

The Secretariate that met on 22-04-2013 discussed at length the reluctance of the authorities in issuing the orders of compassionate appointment. The orders in cases of dependents of 10 of our comrades who were unfortunate to depart our world prematurely are awaited for over a year. The persistent effort from the Federation including the matter being brought before the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee couldn’t yield the desired result. This is despite there being adequate vacancies earmarked for the purpose and the clearance from the screening committee constituted for the purpose. In the event, the Federation is left with no other option than to resort to agitation.


1]       Immediate issue of orders in all pending compassionate cases.

2]       Implementation of the decisions made in the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee in a time bound manner.

3]       Convene the meetings of the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee as per the direction of the CBDT.


1.      Boycotting all official programmes of CCIT(CCA), Kochi from 01.05.2013

2.      Staging demonstrations during CCIT(CCA)’ visit in field stations from

          01.05.2013 onwards.

3.  Lunch hour demonstration in all offices on 02.05.2013.

4.  Wearing of black badges on 06.05.2013.

5.  One hour walkout on 08.05.2013 from 11.00 A.M.

6.  Dharna in front of CR Buildings, Kochi on 09-05-2013.

7.  Half day walkout in the afternoon on 14-05-2013

All the members are requested to make the agitation a telling one. The Branch Secretaries are requested to educate  all the members about the seriousness of the matter and undertake extensive campaign to make the agitation a grant success.

To download notice of agitation served on CCIT[CCA] CLICK HERE

Fraternally yours


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Gazette Notification Regarding retention of quarter on retirement or terminal leave


Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi                                                                                                                              10th April 2013
G.S.R. ……In pursuance of provisions of Rule 45 of the Fundamental Rules, the President hereby makes the following Rules further to amend the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules 1963, namely :-

1.  Short Title & Commencement :
(1)  These Rules may be called the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Amendment Rules 2013.
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
2. In the Allotment of Government Residence (General Pool in Delhi), Rules, 1963
(a) In Supplementary Rule 317-B-11, in the table below sub-rule (2), against the item (ii) relating to retirement or terminal leave, for the figure and words “2 months on normal licence fee and another 2 months on double the normal licence fee” occurring under the column relating to permissible period for retention of the residence, the figure and words “2 months on normal licence fee” shall be substituted.
(b) In Supplementary Rule 317-B-22, the existing provision in para 3 i.e. 
“Provided further that in the event of retirement or terminal leave, the allottee shall be eligible to remain the Government accommodation for a further period of two months on payment of four times of the normal licence fee and subsequent two months on payment of six times of the normal licence fee for special reasons involving medical/educational grounds, subject to appropriate certification by the authorities concerned”
shall be substituted by “Provided further that in the event of retirement or terminal leave, the allottee shall be eligible to retain the government accommodation for a further period of one month on payment of six times of the normal licence fee for special reasons involving medical/educational grounds, without certificate”.
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
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Corrigendum to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades,

Corrigendum issued to AGT 2013 order is posted hereunder


yours fraternally



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Honorarium to MTS – Order & FAQ on Honorarium

Dear comrades,

For DOPT order on honorarium to MTS Click Here

For FAQ on Honorarium Click Here

Fraternally yours


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AGT 2013-14 orders issued

Dear comrades,

Posted hereunder are the AGT 2013-14 orders












Yours fraternally



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Cabinet approves 8% DA

Dear comrades,

The union cabinet today approved 8% hike in DA of Central Govt. employees and pensioners. Orders are expected soon.

Yours fraternally


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Notice for Secretariat Meeting

Dear Comrades,

A Secretariat meeting of the ITEF, Kerala Circle is to be held on 22-04-2013 at 10.30 AM at CR Buidings Kochi. All Secretariat members are requested to compulsorily attend.

For notice of the meeting CLICK HERE

Fraternally yours


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CHQ circular on outsourcing


     Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027.  email:

Circular No. 22/2012-15                                                                            Dated: 17th April, 2013


Dear Comrades,


        Report of the Committee on Outsourcing and decisions thereon-

The CWC meeting held at Puri on Ist  and 2nd  February, 2013 discussed in length the menace of various types of outsourcing of the work of TA/Sr.TA/Stgr., in the department.  As already intimated, the CWC constituted a five member committee to study the various types of outsourcing in the Department by engaging outsiders.  The Committee members have done a commendable job by undertaking tour to various charges and submitted its report to the Secretariat based on their extensive study.  The Committee’s study revealed an alarming situation in many charges.  In the name of data entry work and stenographic assistance, the committee found that various types of engagement of outsiders are resorted to in many charges even without undertaking a study of the requirement of such man power to carry out the functions.  The Committee’s report revealed different types of engagement of outsiders, such as engagement by individual Officers/officials, engagement by the Range/Charge heads and engagement through private service providers etc in vogue.

The Committee’s report was discussed in length in the Secretariat Meeting held on 23rd March, 2013 at Bangalore.  The Secretariat, considering the seriousness of the menace authorised the Central Headquarters to take the final decision, in consultation with the members of the Committee to stop the outsourcing of above office works.   Accordingly, the President, Secretary General and Com. KKN Kutty, Advisory Committee Member met along with the Committee Members Coms. K.R.Jadeja, Rupak Sarkar, Vinod and J.P. Singh, and discussed the matter further on 10th April, 2013 at Chennai.  After taking into consideration all aspect, including the depleting work load of Data Entry and Processing due to e-filing, meagre number of scrutiny assessments with AOs, and non-existence of  works such as  Data entry/processing/scrutiny during the months of April, May and June (since the filing of returns starts only in the month of June), the Central Headquarters has decided to enforce the following measures to stop the outsourcing in a phased manner.

A.1. To stop all outsiders engaged by individual officers/officials, through service providers and in any other form- forthwith (as there is no return receipt/data entry/processing/or scrutiny work during the first quarter of the Financial Year).  Also to take the officers into confidence by assuring them to carry out all the Departmental functions by ourselves to avoid personal conflict or disputes.

2         To unleash massive campaign programme to educate members about the consequences of the outsourcing by engaging outsiders.

3       To sensitise the members through campaign programmes and to put all efforts to complete the present work load by ourselves including housekeeping work.  (As the number of returns to be filed/processed is likely to come down drastically due to e-filing).

4       The so called Secretarial works of Officers are to be carried out by the available Stenographers and Tax Assistants, as creation of large number of TAs posts with the Computer knowledge was essentially for this purpose viz. helping the Officers in their day to day work on computers.

5       To  take stock of the probable workload after the last date of filing of returns; to find out the requirement/shortage of manpower; to ascertain whether the said work load is manageable or not with the available manpower in the Charge; to evolve suggestion/methodology to overcome the man power shortage to manage the present work load and finally to have an understanding at Circle level with the Administration to overcome such situation, if necessary, engaging persons from Employment Exchange/ Ex-Servicemen Societies for clearly specified/limited period.

The CHQ also considered the following suggestions of the Committee and decided to take up the matter with the Central Board of Direct Taxes.


1.            To consider inter-charge transfer only when the workload can be managed with the remaining manpower.

2. To impart training to all Direct recruitees upon their induction itself to equip them with the work and functions of the Department.

3 To fill up all vacancies in the Department through regional recruitment to avoid mass requests for inter charge transfers and imbalanced working strength in different charges.

4. To stop contractorisation in CPC for its functions other than Technical & Maintenance of the unit, by posting sufficient No. of TAs, Inspectors and other staff in CPC.

5   To provide RSA token and Desktops with AST to all staff/Inspectors posted in Assessment   units.

6       Proper distribution and posting of available staff in all offices especially priority fields.

7       To assign return processing work to Inspectors on a certain income limit basis.

8       To avoid seeking unnecessary statistics by the authorities and all the information available in the systems should be taken from the higher authorities offices itself.

All the Circles, regions, branch leadership are requested to immediately carry out the above decisions A (1 to 5).  The Circle General Secretaries are requested to send a report of the progress of implementation of the decisions by 15th May, 2013 to the Central Headquarters.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General


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Confederation calls for strong protest against delay in announcing DA

A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027
 Tel: 011-2510 5324:  Mobile: 98110 48303

No. Conf/27 /2013                                                                                             Dated 17th April 2013



Since the implementation of the recommendations of the 4th central pay commission in 1986, the Dearness Allowance (DA) is paid in two six-monthly installments – in March and September of every year. The practice followed since then is that the order granting DA to government employees is issued in March and September itself.

This time the practice in force since 1986 is violated. Our enquiries with concerned Ministries informed us that the file is already moved for Cabinet approval. But it is nearly a month now. The cabinet has found no time to take a decision on this.

This naturally is quiet disturbing, especially in the time of galloping price line. The employees have, in the past, fought bitterly for grant of DA and the 3rd CPC gave a definite formula for DA in the aftermath of the one day strike on 19th September 1968. We cannot allow the hard won DA to be tampered with.

Confederation has written to Prime Minister conveying the disquiet amongst the amongst the employees over the inordinate delay in the grant of additional installment of DA due from 1st January 2013 and urging the Prime Minister to take immediate steps to assuage the feelings of the employees. Copy of the letter is given along with this Circular.

The Secretariat of Confederation therefore calls upon every affiliate as well as State Committee of Confederation to organise lunch hour demonstration in the work place on 23rd April 2013, Tuesday and send the following telegram to the Prime Minister of India.


Each affiliate and State Committee of Confederation may send a detailed report on implementation of the programme in their organisation/state to the Confederation CHQ.

With greetings

Yours fraternally
(KKN Kutty)
Secretary General
A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027
 Tel: 011-2510 5324:  Mobile: 98110 48303

 17th April 2013

Dr Manmohan Singh,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
South Block,
New Delhi – 110001


Subject: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Govt Employees and Officers – Reg.

I am to invite your kind attention to the delay in the grant of additional installment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and officers and the consternation it is causing amongst the employees.

It would be apt to point out here that since the implementation of the 4th CPC recommendations with effect from 1st January 1986, the Dearness Allowance is paid to Central Government employees in two six monthly installments – along with the salary for March and September every year. The 5th and 6th CPCs also recommended the same principle for payment of additional installments of DA and since then the order granting additional installment of Dearness Allowance is being issued well in advance honouring the recommendations.

The Central Government Employees were expecting the announcement of grant of additional installment of Dearness Allowance (8 % with effect from 1st January 2013) and Office Memorandum on that in the month of March 2013 itself. The delay of more than a month has led to disquiet amongst the employees.

I shall be thankful if the fears of the central government of employees are allayed by immediately releasing the additional instalment of Dearness Allowance with effect from 1st January 2013 without any further delay.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully
(KKN Kutty)
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GPF interest rate for 2013-14 @ 8.7%

Government of India 
Ministry of Finance 
(Department of Economic affairs)


New Delhi, the 8th April, 2013




It is announced for general information that during the year 2013-2014, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.7% (Eight point seven per cent) per annum. This rates will be in force during the financial year beginning on 1.4.2013.

The funds concerned are :-
1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The Indian Ordnance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.

2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.

(Peeyush Kumar)
Director (Budget)


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Circular No. 20 from CHQ


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027.

Cir. No. 20/itef/12-15                                                                               Dated: 03.04.2013.

Dear Comrades,

United action against indiscreet attitude of Govt. towards our Demands-

You are aware and have been part of a serious struggle that we have waged during the last one year starting from a massive March to Parliament in July 2012, one day token strike on 12.12.2012 and two days strike on 20th and 21st February, 2013, by the Central Government Employees under Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers. The struggle was necessitated due to the insensate attitude of the Government towards their demands, among other things setting up of VII Central Pay Commission and withdrawal of PFRDA Bill.  Instead of responding to the just demands of its employees sympathetically, the Government while answering a question in parliament in the Budget session stated that setting up of the 7th Central Pay Commission for effecting wage revision of central Government employees is not presently under its consideration. We are familiar with these types of statements and stand taken by the Governments of the day when such demand was raised in 1993 and 2003 for setting up of V and VI CPCs.  But the Government had to give in before our struggles on all the occasions.   If the aforesaid action programmes were carried out under the auspices of the Confederation,  the struggle will now be on a wider platform, jointly by the Railway Employees, Defence Employees and Central Govt. employees.  The three organisations have now joined together in demanding the setting up of the VII-CPC and withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill and called upon all affiliated organisations and employees to hold a Protest Demonstration in front of all Offices/places on 29thApril, 2013.  All the Circles may direct their Branches to carry out the programme either jointly with the affiliates of the Railway and Defence Association or under the banner of Confederation on that date.  Copy of the Confederation and the Joint Statement issued by the All India Railwayman’s Federation, Confederation and All India Defence Employees Federation is attached hereunder.

Cadre Restructuring proposal and present status.

The Cadre Restructuring proposal of the IT Department was submitted to the Cabinet in the second week of March after getting the same back from the Group of Secretaries.  It is learnt that the Cabinet had referred the proposal to a Group of Ministers for their final screening and the report of the GOM is likely to be submitted to the cabinet by the second week of April, 2013.

Addl. Marks for Wrong Answers in ITO Exam and ITI Exam- 2012.

Please refer to our Cir. No. 16/12-15/Dated: 22nd February, 2012 wherein we have informed you the outcome of the discussion in the quarterly Review meeting with the Chairperson on the above matter.  Based on the finding of the Expert Committee that the claim of the ITEF regarding wrong answer in ITO Exam Paper I was correct, the Board has now approved additional 1 mark each to those 5 questions.  This additional mark will be available to all the candidates who attempted those questions.  It hais also been approved by the Board to award additional mark in the Paper IV of the ITI Examination 2012 where the  answer key was wrongly setup.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General.

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Letter to CCIT seeking review of ITI promotions

Dear Comrades,

In view of the clarification of the Board with respect to the feeder cadres of the ITI, a request have been made to CCIT to review the ITI promotions made from 2001.

For letter issued to CCIT CLICK HERE

For CBDT clarification CLICK HERE

Fraternally yours


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Clarification on N A Parmar case implementation issued by CHQ


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027.  email:

Telefax. 2510 5324; 2593 7462

Circular No. 19                                                                                                   Dated: 02.04.2013.

Dear Comrade

Supreme Court order in UOI Vs. N.R.Parmar case- Clarifications-

The Central Headquarters have been receiving Stereotyped representations of individual members from various parts of the country mainly from Directly Recruited Inspectors accusing the ITEF being biased against Direct Recruits and requesting for immediate implementation of the above Supreme Court Order. It all started from 28thMarch, 2013 after the CBDT issued instructions to the Cadre Controlling Authorities to promote personnel from ITI to ITOs based on the panel drawn by the DPCs held in 2012.  From 28th March, to till date (2.04.2013) 33 stereotyped representations have been received.  During the last two days lengthy and accusing SMSs are also being sent to the CHQ (both to the President and Secretary General) and more than 141 such messages have been received during the last 24 hours.  From the contents of the stereotyped representations and text messages, it is apparent that the members have resorted to such type of protest on a misconceived notion or misinformation being spread by somebody or the stand of ITEF on this matter communicated in Circular No. 14 dated 7.2.2013 after the Central Working Committee Meeting held at Puri, has not been understood in acuity.  It is felt that to remove the discontentment of such members; we must be little more explicit on our stand. Therefore, the content of the above circular in this regard is reproduced and further clarification is given below.

Agenda Item No. 2 (a)

“Upshot of the Supreme Court judgement in the matter of inter-se Seniority between Direct Recruits and Promotees:  The Secretary General informed the house the stand of the Federation taken in the above Sect. Meeting that the Federation is neither against nor in favour of the said judgement as the Government (DOPT and DOL) has to take a final decision on the matter.  The Federation is to get the decision of the Government correctly implemented by the Department and deliver justice to all the members without prejudice to the interest of any member. Further it is also the stand of the Federation that till a final decision is taken by the Government on the Supreme Court Decision, no DPC meeting or promotion should be withheld.  The Federation will take up the issue with the authorities to conduct all DPC Meeting and effect timely promotions”.

Further, the following points are also made here in this context.

  1. There is no basis for the charge that the Federation is biased against Direct Recruits- as all its members are Directly Recruited to the Department in one post or other viz. Gr. D (MTS),LDC,NS,TA,ITI etc.
  2. The Department (CBDT) is not the final authority to decide the implementation of any order of a High Court or the Hon’ble Supreme Court, as all such verdicts on service matters have to be referred to the DOPT before implementation and the final decision with regard to acceptance or otherwise, is taken by the Government in consultation with the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Personnel.  At the most the Department can implement, being the Verdict of the Supreme Court, only in the case of the appellant/respondent.
  3. In case the Government in its wisdom decides to implement the same, it is a wrong notion, that the ratio of the judgement will be applicable only in the case of Inspectors.  Being Supreme Court order, the same will be applicable across all cadres in all the Departments.
  4. The DOPT in its interim opinion in the case of promotion to the cadre of ACIT, has conveyed that if the ratio of the Judgement is accepted and implemented, the seniority lists of all cadres have to be revised from the year 1986 which may take years together.  Till then neither functions of the Government nor promotions can be stopped and therefore, regular DPCs can be conducted subject to revision on the basis of the final decision of the Government on the said Judgement.
  5. In the light of the above and receiving reports from various circles that either DPCs are not being held or promotions are withheld on the ground of the said Supreme Court Order, even though no such direction was issued by the CBDT, the ITEF took up the matter.  The ITEF is not aware or interested to know whether directly recruited or Promote Inspectors are getting promotions.  Its only interest is to get timely promotion to its members without delaying it for years together.

The Circle General Secretaries are requested to reach out to all such members in particular  to remove their confusion by explaining them the above position either by holding general meeting or circulating the contents of this circular, if possible in regional dialect also.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General

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