ITO promotion & posting orders dated 10-06-2013

Dear comrades,

Posted here under are the ITO promotion and transfer orders issued on 10-06-2013

ITO promotion & posting

ITO Transfers

Fraternally yours


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Secretariat and Executive Committee meeting of ITEF, Kerala Circle.


All the Branch Secretaries/Presidents &

the Secretariat members including the members of JCM (RC),

ITEF, Kerala Circle.

Dear Comrades,

The Secretariat and Executive Committee meetings of ITEF, Kerala Circle shall be held on 20.6.2013 at 10.00 am at Aayakar Bhavan, Thrissur as per Notice and agenda attached. Com. K P Rajagopal, Secretary General, ITEF (CHQ) shall address the Secretariat/Executive Committee members in the meeting.  All the Branch Secretaries are requested to intimate the details of participations besides the Branch Secretaries and Presidents to Com. A G Narayan Hari, J.S. (HQ) & Acting General Secretary.  All the members are requested to go through the Circulars issued by the ITEF (CHQ) on cadre restructuring and put forth valuable suggestions.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K S Sajeev,

General Secretary,

ITEF, Kerala.

Sectt & Executive Committee meeting-on-20-06-13


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Transfers and posting of AC/DCIT and Addl.CIT 6.6.2013

Dear Comrades,

Attached herewith are the transfer orders in the cadres of Addl.CIT & DC/ACIT

GS, ITEF, Kerala.




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Circular from CHQ on PGRC

Dear comrades,

The out come of the  Personnel Grievance Redressal Committee (PGRC) meeting of CBDT  held  on 04.06.2013 as published by CHq is posted hereunder:


Fraternally yours


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Outcome of Personnel Grievance Redressal Committee meeting held on 4.6.2013

Dear Comrades,

The Circular No. 24/12-15 dated: 04.06.2013 from the ITEF (CHQ) is attached herewith for your information.

Fraternally Yours,

K S Sajeev,

GS, ITEF, Kerala.



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Cadre restructuring – MoF Notification

Dear comrades,

Please find attached the cadre restructuring notification issued by MoF.


Fraternally yours


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Cadre restructuring proposal approved by Cabinet.

Dear Comrades,

Please see the circular dated 24.5.2013 from the ITEF, CHQ on Cadre Restucting, attached herewith.


K S Sajeev, GS.

Cadre restructuring approved by Cabinet

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Cabinet Approves Restructuring


Dear Comrades,

The Union Cabinet today approved cadre restructuring in Income Tax Department. The press note issued by Press Information Bureau is reproduced here under:

Restructuring of the Income Tax Department
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for creation of 20,751 additional posts in the Income Tax Department in various cadres that is 1349 additional posts in the IRS cadre and 19,402 additional posts in the non-IRS cadres. This will help the Income Tax Department collect increased revenue and provide better tax payers services.

An additional expenditure of Rs. 449.71 crore per annum is likely to be incurred on creation of additional posts and upgradation of some existing posts. This additional expenditure would be more than compensated by the increased revenue of more than Rs. 25,000 crore per annum proposed to be generated as a result of this exercise.

Fraternally yours


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Letter to CCIT requesting for ITO promotion orders and consequential DPC

Dear comrades,

A letter has been given to CCIT requesting for early ITO promotion orders  and DPC for non gazetted posts for RY 2013-14. For copy of the letter Click Here.

In all likelihood, the ITO orders may get delayed upto 30th or 31st of this month as the CCIT will be away on CC’s Conference. The work for consequential DPC would commence immediately thereafter.

Yours fraternally


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Revised result of ITO DE 2012

ITO [PQ] 2012

ITO Normal 2012



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ITO promotion order dated 17-05-2013

Dear comrades,

Please find the promotion order of Shri C S Venu as ITO posted hereunder:

ITO Venu

Yours fraternally


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Resolutions adopted by the 24th all India Conference Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers

Dear Comrades

The following are the resolutions adopted by the 24th all  India  Conference Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers held at Kolkatta.

  1. Against the anomalies in MACP/ACP
  2. To upgrade the Pay Scale of LDC & UDC with Grade Pay of Rs2400 and 2800 respectively
  3. To enhance the Rate of Overtime Allowance
  4. To enhance the Rate of Night Duty Allowance and to remove the ceiling
  5. Against the closure of the Government Offices
  6. To Rationalise all Minerals of the Country
  7. To declare 1st May – MAY DAY – as National Holiday
  8. Demanding stringent action against Scam and corruption
  9. To Scrap the New Pension Scheme
  10. To ensure Five promotion in the Service Carrier
  11. For permanent negotiating machinery with All India Federations/Associations recognized under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 apart from JCM Forum
  12. To rectify the deficiencies in the existing DA pattern
  13. For parity in the pay of Secretariat Staff and filed office staff – ministerial and auxiliary staff
  14. To rectify the discrepancies in the Transport Allowance – IT Exemption, TA for field staff who are away from office on tour, etc
  15. To improve the CGHS Facilities – entitlement of wards in Hospital under CGHS based on Pay in PB + GP, Revision of packages, Empanelment of more Hospital in CGHS, etc
  16. To remove the restriction in compassionate Ground Appointment
  17. To Amend the Bonus Act on various clauses – Ensure 8.33% of the Gross salary as Bonus, Removal of ceiling on Bonus, etc
  18. To ratify the ILO conventions No 87,98, 151 & 154 to grant of all civilian and trade union rights including the right to strike for Government Employees
  19. Against downsizing, out sourcing and contracturisation
  20. To fill up all vacancies in all Central Government Establishments and remove ban on recruitment
  21. To implement the arbitration awards
  22. For improvement in the House Building Advances – To reduce the rate of interest, One more chance to avail HBA who already taken earlier to improve the existing accommodation, allowing to avail HBA for extension, renovation of exiting own accommodations, HBA for purchasing resale flats/houses
  23. To exempt Children education Allowance from Income Tax
  24. To restore the Rate of Interest on GPF to 12%
  25. To revise various Allowances such as Winter Allowances, Hill Compensatory Allowances, Tribal Allowances, etc. and to ensure the rate on par with the concerned state Governments.
  26. To revise the Gratuity equal to last drawn one month salary and to extend the gratuity to the employees joined after 01.1.2004
  27. Restore two increments or more  on acquiring additional qualifications
  28. To enhance – double the CEGIS coverage limit
  29. To remove the anomalies in the pay of Direct Recruitees and the promotees in the all cadre
  30. To allow Air fare to the employees of North Eastern Region for the purpose of LTC, TA, Travel on medical ground on referral
  31. To enhance all Allowances such as DA, HRA, Special Allowances by 25% from the date of attaining DA 50%
  32. To extend CCL to the single parent – i.e. in case of the mother expired
  33. To sanction special leave for cancer patent for treatment
  34. To extend medical re imbursement for fertility treatment at least for first sitting
  35. To treat Kalpakkam as a satellite town of Chennai and Tarapur as a satellite town of Mumbai for the purpose of HRA
  36. To give one more option to  switch over from CPF to GPF
  37. To remove the ceiling of Patient Care Allowances
  38. To place the Temporary Status employees joined before 2004 and regularized later into Statutory pension Scheme
  39. To modify the OM issued by Dept of Expenditure to fix the Pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities carrying the same grade pay by deleting the reference previous OM by the Department issued in the year 2000, i.e. prior to the implementation of 6th CPC
  40. For extending Pension to the employees of Brahmaputra Board, Assam
  41. To extend one increment to those employees retiring in between January and June
  42. To notify the Recruitment Rule/Promotion Norms for Canteen employees
  43. To Extend the payment of arrears  to all employees working in audit and accounting organizations from 01.01.1196 to 18.02.2003 as per the Supreme Court verdict pronounced in the case of Sebastian & Others Vs. Govt. of India
  44. To Extend the benefit given to Venkat Raman while implementing ACP by the Railway Board as per the Supreme Court to all other similar placed employees
  45. To stepping up the Pay Scale of Seniors on par with the juniors who are elevated on account of ACPs
  46. To abolish the license fee for the Departmental Quarters allotted to the employees since the HRA is recovering fully.
  47. To allow PF withdrawal for second or third time for similar purposes such as purchase of house Plot, Flat, construction of House, etc
  48. To vacate All Trade Union Victimisation

Fraternally Yours


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Congratulations all newly promoted Assistant Commissioners

The ITEF Kerala Circle congratulates all the newly promoted Assistant Commissioners which includes the following ITOs from Kerala Charge.

1] Shri. P. Sivaji

2] Shri.C B Suresh Kumar

3] Smt. P Brinda

4] Smt. Girly Albert

5] Shri. V Narayanan

6] Smt. V Sreedevi



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ITO order dated 10-05-2013

Dear comrades,

Posted hereunder is the ITO promotion and reversion orders.





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Dear Comrades,

The CCIT(CCA), Kochi called the representatives of ITEF  for a discussion in the wake of the ongoing agitation against inordinate delay in issuing orders of appointment  on compassionate grounds to the dependents of the employees died while in service.

The meeting was attended by Com. K. Babu Thomas (President), Com. K S Sajeev (Genl. Secretary), Com. Narayan Hari (Acting General Secretary) and Com. M R Sabu (Asst. Secretary  and Shri Om Prasad U Menon, Asstt. Commissioner (HQ) from official side besides the CCIT.  The discussion was fruitful.  The CCIT (CCA) informed that two cases has already been done and another one case is being approved.  The CCIT also informed the representatives that there was no conscious delay on the part of the Administration in approving the compassionate appointments and whatever delay that had occured was due to pressing administrative exigencies   The ITEF representatives informed the CCIT that the general perception is on the contrary and the employees of the department believes that the CCIT is reluctant to issue orders in this regard.  To this, the CCIT replied that had there been any reluctance on his part, he would not have issued orders in two cases as has already been done.   He also informed the Federation that the rest of the cases are under process and these cases would definitely be decided upon in this month itself.  On the assurance of the CCIT, the ITEF representatives informed that the agitational programmes announced by ITEF would be kept in abeyance during the month to facilitate a cordial and conducive atmosphere to solve the issue.

In the wake of the above discussion, the agitational programmes announced stands suspended upto 31.5.2013.

The Secretariat  congratulate all the members for diligently participating in all the agitational programmes.

With greetings,

Fraternally yours,

K S Sajeev,

General Secretary.



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Walkout on 08-05-2013 deferred

Dear comrades,

The ITEF secretariat appreciates the efforts undertaken by all its members to make the ongoing agitation for compassionate appointment a successful one. As a result, the administration has approved two cases for appointment. The CCIT[CCA] has also invited the Federation for a discussion on 08-05-2013 at 11.30 A.M. In order to facilitate a conducive atmosphere for the discussion, it was decided to defer the walkout program slated on 08-05-2013 to a later date. The outcome of the discussion and future courses of action will be informed in due course of time.

Once again saluting all the comrades for an exemplary show of unity

Yours fraternally



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Dear Comrades,

As part of the ongoing agitation over the delay in making compassionate appointments, all ITEF members are to walk out of their offices for one hour commencing 11.00AM on 08-05-2013.

Yours fraternally


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Dear comrades,

The impasse over the delay in issuing compassionate appointment orders continues even after the ITEF announced a series of agitational programmes. No meaningful dialogue has occurred between the administration and the Federation since the commencement of agitation. Till date order have been issued only in one case. Under the circumstance the ITEF would go ahead with the pre-announced agitational programmes and would explore the possibility of intensifying the agitation if need be.

As a mark of protest against the insensitive and callous attitude of the CCIT towards the dependents of the deceased colleagues, all the ITEF members are requested to wear black badges to work on 06-05-2013. This will be followed by one hour walk out on 07-05-2013 from 11.00 AM.

On 09-05-2013, a 09.00AM to 05.30PM dharna is being organized in front of the CR buildings, Kochi to drive sense into the administrators and make them see light. All the Secretariat members, Branch Presidents and Secretaries are requested to be present at CR buildings on that day at 08.30 AM sharp. The Branch Secretaries may also bring along with them any member interested in participating in the dharna. The participants should proceed to Kochi only after submitting leave applications with their respective Heads of Office.

Yours fraternally


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NPS eligible for death cum retirement gratuity

Dear comrades,

The Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena, in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today stated that Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity is paid to Central Government employees under New  Pension System (NPS) as it is paid under the old pension scheme and that the monthly annuity under the New Pension System (NPS) is only a replacement of pension on retirement and family pension of death after retirement.

Click here to download PIB press note

Yours fraternally


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Dear Comrades,

As announced earlier, lunch hour demonstrations will be held in all offices in Kerala Region protesting against the delay in issuing compassionate appointment orders to the dependents of our beloved departed comrades. All are requested to participate and make the demonstrations a grand success.

Yours fraternally,


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