Dear comrades,
Ministerial exam results for 2013 published.
Dear comrades,
Visit the following links for exam results
ITO partly qualified old pattern
Fraternally, GS
Dear comrades,
As per the call of the CHq, ITEF, a lunch hour demonstration will be held in front of the offices of the Chief CIT at Kochi and Trivandrum to protest the lack of seriousness of the authorities in settling the legitimate issues of the employees. All the member comrades are requested to participate. For details, refer to circular 36 of CHq.
Fraternally yours
GS, Hari
Dear comrades,
Attached herewith is the possible allocation of posts worked out on the basis of recommendation furnished by the sub-committee constituted for the purposed. It may be noted that the final numbers may slightly vary as this is subject to further discussion at the Board level. Also, there is a possibility of Office at Kalpetta being approved as it is reliably known that the sub-committee has recommended the same. However, no allocation has been granted for International Transaction Range. It may also be noted that the 52 ITI posts which Kerala charge lost by way of abolishment have been made good. Errors in calculating the post is also not ruled out.
Fraternally yours
Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027. email:
Cir. No. 36/12-15 Dated: 13th December, 2013.
Dear Comrades,
Secretariat Meeting on 12.12.2013 and decisions:
The Secretariat of the Federation met at Civic Centre (Pratyaksha Kar Bhawan) New Delhi on 12.12.2013.
The first agenda taken up for discussion was the report of the Sub-Committee No. 1 on Cadre Restructuring of the Department. The Sub- Committee was mandated to suggest the allocation and jurisdiction of the additionally created posts sanctioned by the Union Cabinet on 23.5.2013. The synopsis on the basis of a cursory study of the Sub-committee’s report which contained 215 pages was discussed in detail. It was found that the basis adopted for allocation of the posts by the sub-committee was not on a realistic basis and far from practicality. Further the Committee has not accepted any of the parameters suggested by the ITEF. The allocation made and submitted by ITEF on the basis of the formula adopted in the Working Committee Meeting was totally rejected by the Sub-Committee. Therefore the Secretariat decided to have a thorough study of the report of the sub-committee vis-a-vis the proposal of the ITEF and take up the matter with the CBDT to register our objections and settlement.
Attitude of the CBDT towards our issues. The much awaited Quarterly Review meeting was convened by the Chairperson on 22.11.2013 and as has been informed in Circular No. 33, the meeting did not take place as we were told that the Chairperson is having some other meetings. Only three issues were then discussed with the Member (P & V). Withdrawal of instructions dated 15.10.2015 and issuance of uniform guidelines for implementation of the Supreme Court Judgement; Staying the order of stop payment to casual labours in the light of the Principal Bench CA Tribunal’s order among other things. And the next QRM was, in consultation with the Chairperson fixed for 09.12.2013. On both the above issues promises were laid out by the Member (P&V) to do the needful at the earliest. Due to the inaction on the part of the authorities as assured, utter confusion is prevailing in the Department as various CCAs have initiated implementation of the Supreme Court order without clarity and on their own interpretations. In the case of the poor casual labours they have been driven to litigations and those labours working on the strength of the stay granted by the CATs are denied their wages.
Even on the reconvened QRM on 9.12.2013 these two issues were again subjected to discussion as no action whatsoever was taken by the Authorities as promised. Other than this only one issue which was out of the agenda item was discussed viz. the proposal of the Board to send requisition for Direct Recruitment of the personnel to SSC from out of the additionally sanctioned posts. The ITEF objected to this as the authorities to determine the Direct Recruitment Quota in the Group B and C cadres are the CCAs. This can be done only after allocation of posts among the CCA charges and all efforts should be made to get one time relaxation for Regional recruitment of Cadres of MTS, TA, NS etc. to fast track the induction of man power. On this issue also it was agreed by the Official side that the proposal will be kept in abeyance and all other options will be explored as suggested by the ITEF. No other item of agenda could be discussed, as the Chairperson, once again informed us about an urgent meeting with the Finance Minister and left the meeting without discussing other items. The issues listed in the agenda were of paramount importance to us. Many of the demands were accepted by the then Chairperson in the QRM meeting held on 22.2.2013 and earlier. But not a single one has been got approved from the competent authorities or implemented by the concerned Officials. The quarterly Review meeting was convened after a long gap from Feb. 2013 and on our relentless demand. The delay in convening the meeting to discuss and resolve the pressing problems of the employees , the attitude of the chairperson in not attending and leaving the meetings without full discussion and not implementing the assurances laid out, clearly indicate the triviality in which the issues of the employees are considered by the authorities.
Due to the above situation created by the lethargic attitude of the authorities, the employees are suffering on various counts viz. denial of benefit on promotion to OS/Stgr. Cadres and recovery resorted by the Accounts Department; agony and sufferings of the Casual Labours, Total stoppage of promotion due to various CAT/Court orders, etc. Taking into consideration the overall situation, the Secretariat was of the opinion that unless sufficient sanction is created through agitation, the authorities may not consider the resolution of issues concerning the employees seriously and implement and execute the already agreed and settled issues. Therefore, the Secretariat calls upon all Circles to lodge our protest against the attitude of the authorities by holding Lunch Hour Demonstration on 18th December, 2013 at all CCIT Centres and submit a memorandum to the Chief Commissioners seeking their intervention in the matter and request the Authorities at CBDT level to seriously hold discussion with the representatives of our Federation and settle the issues at the earliest. The Secretariat also authorised the CHQ that if no improvement is noticed, to decide upon further serious agitation programmes. Accordingly, we request all Circles to carry out the programme at all CCIT centres as the first phase of our agitation and submit the memorandum (draft of which is separately sent) to the CCITs on mass deputation. The Items on which immediate settlement is required and slated for discussions in the called-off QRM are listed below.
Confederation Programme of Action on 15 point Charter of Demand. The Secretariat decided to call upon all circles to implement the programme chalked out by the Confederation on the 15 point Charter of Demands as communicated in Circular No. 35 in coordination with the State COCs or ITEF separately.
March to Parliament on 12.12.2013. The March to Parliament for which call was given by the All India Trade Unions and Confederation was a big success with massive participation of workers from all over the country. A big contingent of Confederation volunteers from Delhi and neighbouring areas participated and graced the event. The ITEF presence was showcased with about 300 volunteers from Delhi, UP (East and West) North-West Region, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, led by the Secretariat members.
Implementation of Supreme Court order: Two meeting between the DGIT (HRD) and other officials from the officials side and representatives of ITEF and ITGOA had taken place on 3rd December, 2013 and 9th December, 2013 to find out the modalities and instructions to be issued to CCAs for implementation of the order of the Supreme Court in respect of fixing inter-se seniority in a uniform manner. In the meetings broad understanding was reached on various points including mandatory implementation of the same in all cadres where Direct Recruitment exists and also to set up task force in all charges to fast-track the process. The meeting also decided to issue the required instructions at the earliest to the CCAs.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KP Rajagopal
Secretary General.
Items in the agenda |
Present Position |
Allocation of additional (created in the Cadre Restructuring) Posts of Group B& C cadres and holding of DPCs.
Immediate Implementation after settling the issues arising out of the report of the Com. No. 1 on allocation of posts and other Sub-Committees. |
Financial Benefit on promotion to Office Superintendants and Stenographers. | Letters to DGIT (HRD) requesting to get approval from the competent authorities and issue necessary orders.Letters dated 11.011.2013 & 05.09.2013 No progress seen till date.
Advance Increment to Sr. Tax Assistants & Stenographers on passing Departmental Examination. | Letters to DG(HRD) on 28.3.2013 with further justification. Further request made vide letter dated 19th August, 2013.No proposal seems to have been made to the DOE
Re-arranging the duty list of MTS. | To implement the assurances given in the PGRC Mtg. held on 04.06.2013,
Provision of Six Air Conditioners per ranges. | Sanctioned by the Board in 2012- and submitted the proposal after approval of the RS & IFU to Dept. of Exp.No further progress known
Finalisation of Recruitment Rules and Filling up of Vacancies in Departmental Canteens. | Taken up with DGIT (HRD) through letters dated 20.12.2012, 05.6.2013 and 29.8.2013.In the QRM dated 22.2.2013 “the Chairperson directed the DGIT (HRD) to finalaise and submit the same for approval of the concerned authorities within two weeks” Further directions were issued in the PGRC mtg held on 4.06.2013: “The official side agreed to issue instructions to all CCAs at the earliest. No Action seems to have been taken till todate.
Provisions of mobile Hand Sets to All personnel in the Department. | After the last QRM dtd. 22.2.2013, the board approved the proposal in the month of March 2013.No further progress known
Proposal for Laptops to Inspectors approved by the Board. | After the last QRM dtd. 22.2.2013, the board approved the proposal in the month of March 2013.No further progress known
Enhancement of Local Travel Expenses to Inspectors and Notice Servers equivalent to the cost of 50/30 liters of petrol. | After the last QRM dtd. 22.2.2013, the board approved the proposal in the month of March 2013. As required by the IFU further justifications were also given by ITEF.No further progress known |
Stoppage of payment to Daily Paid/casual labours who are engaged and working in the Department continuously for years. | For no reason the Payment to Casual labours was stopped vide Boards instructions dated 13.5.2013. This Fed. took up the matter and demanded withdrawals of the instruction by letter dated 15.6.13. The poor employees have been dragged to various courts and CATs- Stay obtained-CAT Orders not being honoured- No payments are made. The Member (P) Assured in the mtg. dated 22.11.2013 to consider the Stay granted by the Principal Bench of CAT. But the V&L, instead, asked all CCAs to take action on the basis of CAT Jabalpur Bench order.
Amendment to the provision of Permanent Grievance Redressal Machinery. | As desired by the Member (P) Brief note submitted on 14.6.2013- Since Full Board decision is required, a decision may be taken at the earliest and proper functioning of the Forum be restored.
Complete stoppage of promotions to Group B & C Posts on stay of various Tribunals/Courts due to delay in finalization of decision on the Supreme Court Order in the case of Union & Ors. Vs. N.R.Parmar & Ors. | To issue unambiguous instructions to CCAs as to how to implement the SC order with regard to inter-se seniority as has been requested by us in our letter dated 21.10.2013 and restrain various sections of CBDT from issuing different instructions/views and issuance of clear instruction to implement the same in a uniform manner. |
Dear comrades,
Questions have been posed from many quarters as to the decision to conduct the DPC as per old RR . Some other members have sought reasons for having delayed the DPC till December. Since there are some diametrically opposite opinions and confusion over this matter, it is felt that a clarification is in order.
The DPC was delayed as the administration in Kerala had taken a stand that the promotions can be made only after amendment to recruitment rules as the merged cadre of Executive Assistant had come into existence as per the cadre restructuring notification of MoF issued in May 2013. The ITEF, in fact, had requested the CCIT to conduct the DPC in the month of May itself, a copy of which can be downloaded from this site. Our Secretary General too had expressed his doubts as to whether the DPCs could be conducted as per the old recruitment rules, when this issue was posed at the time of his attendance at our Executive Meeting held at Thrissur in June 2013. At that period of time we were very much hopeful for an earlier orders of implementation of cadre restructuring and amended Recruitment Rules. Moreover, the number of vacancies till the month of October were meagre. This issue was discussed at length and breadth in the Delegates’ Conference held at Thrissur in November. The Secretary General who attended that meeting informed that the promotions as per old RR were being conducted in many charges as there was no order from CBDT banning the DPCs. Considering this, the Conference unanimously decided to request the CCIT to conduct DPCs and issue the orders in the month of December itself. The Secretariate members of the ITEF met the CCIT and demanded for DPC. To start with, the CCIT opposed our demand. But, with our persistence, we were able to impress upon the CCIT the loss being suffered by the Gr. C employees. Finally, sensing the mood of the ITEF to even embark upon agitation, the CCIT instructed the Addl. CIT[Hq] to look into the possibility of conducting the DPC.
As per reliable information, the CCIT has approved to conduct DPC for the RY 2013-14 in such a manner that all the vacancies are filled in the month of December itself. It is further learnt the DPC will be conducted in the third week of the month of December and that the orders will be issued most probably by 20th of December.
Fraternally yours
Dear comrades,
The skill test for MTS, NS and LDC who have passed matriculation is to be held at Computer Centre, CR Buildings, Ernakulam on 20-12-2013. As per the decision taken in the Permanent Redressal Grievance Committee, no residency period is stipulated for appearing in the test. Only those who have completed five years will be considered for promotion. All willing officials should give their names to their respective Head of Office. The names should be initimated to the O/o CCIT [CCA] on or before 15-12-2013. All Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure this.
For notification Click Here
Fraternally yours
Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027. email:
Cir. No. 35/12-15 Dated: 4thDecember, 2013
Dear Comrades,
Confederation Secretariat Meeting and decisions.
The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers met at New Delhi on 28.11.2013 and reviewed the situation arising out of the Government’s announcement of Seventh Central Pay Commission and the subsequent developments thereon. As has been reported earlier, the JCM staff side finalised and submitted the terms of reference to the VII-Pay Commission which includes our suggestions for- Date of Effect from 1.1.2014; Merger of Dearness Allowance; Grant of Interim relief; Inclusion of Postal GDS under the ambit of CPC; Statutory Pesion for all; Settlement of anomalies of VI-CPC etc.
Considering the past experience of the staff side in the matter of “terms of reference” to the earlier CPCs, that the Government making the “consultation with the staff side” a mockery in the matter and went on finalising the terms of reference” as suited to its design, the Confederation has every reason to believe that the scenario may not change this time also until sufficient pressure is built up. Further the nonchalant attitude of the Government towards the settlement of other demands contained in the 15 point Charter of Demands on which the Government Employees under the auspices of Confederation of CG Employees and Workers were on agitation was seriously taken note by the Secretariat. In this situation the National Secretariat felt that no alternative is left with the employees other than reverting to the agitation and the following programmes of agitation including strike action were chalked out. The Confederation Circular No. 10 dated 29.11.2013, detailing the situation and agitation programmes is enclosed herewith.
The National Executive of Confederation will meet at New Delhi on 10.01.2014 to decide the dates of Strike.
All the Circle General Secretaries of ITEF are requested to carry out the programme in its required vigour and strength in coordination with the State Committees of Confederation or independently. Lunch Hour Demonstration be held on 09.1.2014 when the leaders will be sitting on Dharna at New Delhi. A report on the implementation of the Programmes may be sent to the ITEF, CHQ.
Implementation of Supreme Court order on Inter-se Seniority:
On our persistent demand and discussions with the Chairperson and Member (P&V), for withdrawal of the Instructions issued by the CBDT on 15th October, 2013 and issuance of clear instructions to CCAs regarding the manner of implementation to bring about uniformity in the matter in all Charges, a meeting of ITEF and ITGOA representatives were convened by the DGIT (HRD) and other Officials on 3rd December, 2013. In the meeting broad consensus were reached on many of the points to implement the Judgement. In order to convey a clear cut and uniform instructions to the CCAs, the meeting felt that some more details are to be obtained from various agencies of the Government/sections of CBDT etc. and decided to meet again on 11thDecember, 2013 to finalaise the issue. We are hopeful that the matter will be resolved in the said meeting and proper instructions issued thereafter to CCAs to implement the judgement in a uniform manner in all Charges and in all Cadres.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(KP Rajagopal)
Secretary General
1. Accept the terms of reference of 7th CPC, submitted by the staff side, National Council JCM.
(a) To examine the existing structure of pay, allowances and other benefits/facilities, retirement benefits like Pension, Gratuity, other terminal benefits of various categories of Central Government Employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) of Postal Department.
(b) To work out the comprehensive revised pay packet for the categories of Central Government employees including GDS as on 1.1.2014.
(c) The Commission shall determine the pay structure, benefits, facilities, retirement benefits etc. taking into account the need to provide minimum wage with reference to the recommendation of the 15th Indian Labour Conference (1957) and the subsequent judicial pronouncement of the honorable Supreme Court there-on, as on 1.1.2014.
(d) To determine the Interim Relief needed to be sanctioned immediately to the Central Government employees including GDS.
(e) To determine the percentage of Dearness allowance/Dearness Relief immediately to be merged with Pay and pension including GDS.
(f) To settle the anomalies raised in various fora of JCM.
(g) To work out the improvements needed to the existing retirement benefits, like pension, death cum retirement gratuity, family pension and other terminal or recurring benefits maintaining parity amongst past, present and future pensioners and family pensioners including those who entered service on or after 1.1.2004.
(h) To recommend methods for providing cashless/hassle-free Medicare facilities to the employees and Pensioners including Postal pensioners.
2. Ensure every five year revision of wages of Central Government Employees in future.
3. (a) Regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department and grant of Civil Servant status, statutory pension and all other benefits at par with regular employees.
(b) Regularisation and revision of wages of casual and contract workers.
4. Compassionate appointment – removal of restrictions imposed by Government.
5. JCM and Anomaly Committee Functioning.
6. Fill up all vacant posts and creation of new posts wherever justified.
7. Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation and privatization of Government functions.
8. Stop the move to introduce performance related Pay (PRP) system, Extend PLB Bonus for all, removing bonus ceiling.
9. Revise OTA and Night Duty Allowance rates and clothing rates.
10. Implement arbitration awards.
11. Five promotions to all.
12. Rescind the PFRDA Act. Ensure statutory Pension for all.
13. Stop price rise. Revive and extend public distribution system for all.
14. Stop trade Union victimization.
15. Ensure Right to strike.
Dear comrades,
The promotion and posting orders of ITOs issued on 04-12-2013 is posted hereunder.
yours GS
Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027. email:
Cir. No. 34/12-15 Dated: 28.11.2013
Dear Comrades,
The Central Trade Unions have called for a March to Parliament on 12.12.2013 in pursuance of the Charter of Demands on which the entire workers have organised a two days strike on 2oth & 21st February, 2013. The Confederation of CG Employees and Workers, being an important part of the joint movement of Workers in the country, has called for massive participation of the employees in the March. The ITEF, therefore, calls upon the Circle leaders to ensure participation in large numbers. Due to the expected chill weather during the month of December, it has been decided to mobilise more members from the Delhi and nearby circles like NWR, UP West and East, Rajasthan and MP & CG. Other Circles are requested to send volunteers to participate in the progamme. The details of the volunteers’ viz. Number, arrival, departure etc may be intimated to the Chq by 8th December, 2013. All the Secretariat members are requested to compulsorily participate in the programme.
Implementation of Cadre Restrucutring & Secretariat Meeting
As has been informed by the Member (P&V),CBDT in the meeting held on 22.11.2013, the report of the Sub-Committee No. 1 dealing with the subject of Jurisdiction and allocation of posts is expected to be in our hand in the first week of December, 2013. A meeting of the Secretariat of the ITEF will be held on 12.12.2013 at 2.30PM to discuss and formulate our approach for discussion with the CBDT. Notice for the same is enclosed.
Working Women Convention
The National Convention of the Working Women of Confederation of Central Govt, Employees and Workers were held at New Delhi on 25th and 26th November 2013, as scheduled. The convention was held at Pratyaksha Kar Bhawan ((Income Tax Building), Civic Centre, New Delhi. Delhi COC had made good arrangement for the event. The remarkable Role of the ITEF Delhi Circle in organising the convention in an impressive manner was appreciated by one and all. ITEF could make a notable presence with participation of 19 delegates from Bengal (2); UP East (1); UP West (2); Delhi (8); Andhra Pradesh (2); Karnataka (2) and Kerala (2). The Convention was inaugurated by Prof. Utsa Pathnaik and Com. Amarjeet Kaur, Secretary, AITUC was the Chief Guest. Com. SK Vyas( Advisor) and Com. KKN Kutty (President) addressed the convention. On behalf of ITEF, Com. KP Rajagopal, Secretary General, extended greeting.
Com. Geetha Goshal (ITEF) the Present Chairperson and Com. C.P. Shobana (Convenor) were given a fitting farewell. A new team of Office Bearers were elected in the Convention. Com. Usha Bonepally (Circle President, ITEF, AP Circle) and Com. Seethalakshmi (NFPE) were elected as Chairperson and Convenor respectively for the next three years. The Following Comrades from ITEF were elected to the All India Committee.
Com. Reha Gupta (Bengal), Com.P. Anju (Kerala), Com. Beena Sharma (Delhi), Mandira Ganguly (Karnataka) and Com. Neetu Gautham (UP- Lucknow).
With Greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KP Rajagopal
Secretary General.
Dear comrades,
Pursuant to the decision taken in the Xth Delegate Conference held at Thrissur and the subsequent discussion the Secretariat Members had with the CCIT[CCA], Kochi on 22-11-2013, a letter has been given to the CCIT[CCA] requesting for convening the DPC before 15-12-2013. The Secretariat meeting on 22-11-2013 decided to closely watch the actions being taken by the administration in this regard and to embark on agitational path if any laxity in conducting the DPC becomes visible.
For copy of the letter given to CCIT Click Here
Fraternally yours
Dear Comrades,
Please find posted the Circular No. 33 of CHq issued on 22-11-2013.
Fraternally yours
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Pension &Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
NewDelhi- 10003
Dated the 15th October,2013
Office Memorandum
Subject : Clarification regarding rule position for payment of gratuity to the employees covered under New Pension Scheme
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Defence OM.No12(15)/2013-D(Civ.II) dated 12.7.2013 & 26.9.2013 on the subject noted above and to say that the provision of CCS(Pension) rules are not applicable to government servants appointed on or after 1.1.2004. This department is in the process of framing rules on New Pension scheme. The NPS Rules would include the provisions regarding grant of gratuity to the NPS employees. In the meanwhile, pending finalization of NPS Rules, the matter regarding payment of gratuity to NPS beneficiaries has been referred to M/o Finance Response of M/o Finance is awaited.
Dear comrades,
A notice has been given for a Secretariat Meeting on 21-11-2013 at 10.30 AM. All the newly elected as well as the outgoing Secretariat members are requested to attend. For the notice Click Here.
Fraternally yours
Dear Comrades,
The Xth Delegate Circle Conference held at Thrissur on 6th and 7th of November 2013 elected the following comrades as Office Bearers:
President | ||
Com. K. Babu Thomas | 8547000089 | |
Vice-Presidents | ||
Com. S. Bhasi | 8547000845 | |
Com. P. K. Raffi | 8547000035 | |
Com. Jaison Koshy | 8547000896 | |
General Secretary | ||
Com. A. G. Narayan Hari | 8547000555 | |
Joint Secretaries | ||
Com. R. Dinesh | 8547000615 | |
Com. K. K. Dinesh | 8547000117 | |
Com. K. Suresh | 8547000590 | |
Assistant Secretaries | ||
Com. O. J. Michael | 8547000679 | |
Com. S. Pradeepkumar | 8547000922 | |
Com. N. Thampi | 9496270847 | |
Com. M. R. Sabu | 8547000165 | |
Treasurer | ||
Com. K. I. Rasheed | 8547001026 | |
Auditor | ||
Com. M. Sivankutty | 8547000264 |
Detailed minutes of the meeting will be soon published. It is expected that all the members will extend their utmost cooperation to the newly elected executive to strengthen the organization and take is forward from here.
Fraternally yours
Patron S.K.Vyas 09868244035 | President K.K.N.Kutty 0981148303 | Secretary General M.Krishnan 09447068125 |
North Avenue Post Office Bldg., New Delhi -100 001.
Dear Comrades,
VII-CPC – Terms of reference-
The members of the National Secretariat of the Confederation available at New Delhi met on 23rd Oct. 2013 and again on 24th October, 2013 to discuss and formulate our views on the 7th CPC terms of Reference. On the basis of the discussions, we prepared a draft terms of reference and submitted it for consideration of the Staff Side. The important points we placed in our draft for the consideration of the staff side were:-
(a) The Commission to examine the present structure of pay and allowances and suggest changes.
(b) To give effect to its recommendations from 1.1.2011 i.e. wage revision must be after every five years.
(c) D.A (50%) to be merged with pay with effect from 1.1.2011.
(d) To determine Interim relief taking into account the erosion in the value of wages over the years,
(e) To include GDS within the ambit of the 7th Central Pay Commission.
(f) To revise the retirement benefits and accord pension maintaining parity in quantum in respect of past, present and future pensioners.
(g) To extend the statutory defined benefit pension to those who have entered service after 1.1.2004.
(h) To settle the anomalies raised in various fora of JCM on a priority basis and within a specified time frame.
(i) To provide cashless/hazzle free Medicare to employees and pensioners.
The Government of India had convened a meeting of the Staff side representatives on 24.10.2013 to discuss the terms of reference. The meeting took place at 3.00PM on 24th under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Personnel. Besides the points mentioned above, the staff raised many other matters connected with the setting up of the CPC. viz. the inclusion of labour Representative as a Member of the Commission; the anomalous situation brought about by the Grade pay based MACP Scheme; the requirement of a mechanism to settle the 6th CPC related anomalies; the need to allow the proposals of Cadre Review to be examined by the Government independently without referring it to CPC; to have members in the Commission who have gained expertise to impart to the Commission the nuances and functional requirements of various Departments; to relook at the new Pay Structure brought in by the 6th CPC in the light of the experience between 2008 to 2013 etc. In conclusion the staff side requested the Government to provide it with a draft terms of reference taking into account the views placed by them. It was also proposed by the Staff Side that on exchange of the draft terms of reference prepared by the Staff Side and the Official Side, a meeting with the Secretary, Personnel and Secretary, Expenditure could be arranged to iron out the differences, if any.
The Staff Side met again on 25th at its office and deliberated upon various views presented by different organisations and finalised the draft terms of reference. We shall publish the said draft terms of reference as and when the same is submitted to the Government.
It is obvious that despite the unanimous position taken by all the organisations, the Government may not necessarily agree with many of the basic issues, viz. Date of effect, merger of DA, Interim Relief, Coverage of GDS etc. We appeal to our affiliates/ State COCs to continue the campaign amongst the employees to generate necessary sanctions.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.
Finalized by the Staff Side at the meeting of 25.10.2013.
A.To examine the existing structure of pay, allowances and other benefits/facilities, retirement benefits like Pension, Gratuity, other terminal benefits etc. to the following categories of employees.
1 Central Government employees – industrial and non industrial;
2 Personnel belonging to All India services;
3 Personnel belonging to the Defence Forces;
4 Personnel called as Grameen Dak Sewaks belonging to the Postal Department;
5 Personnel of Union Territories;
6 Officers and employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department;
7 Officers and employees of the Supreme Court;
8 Members of Regulatory bodies (excluding RBI) set up under Act of Parliament.
B. To work out the comprehensive revised pay packet for the categories of Central Government employees mentioned in (A) above as on 1.1.2014.
C.The Commission will determine the pay structure, benefits facilities, retirement benefits etc. taking into account the need to provide minimum wage with reference to the recommendation of the 15th Indian Labour Conference (1957) and the subsequent judicial pronouncement of the honorable Supreme Court there-on, as on 1.1.2014.
E.To determine the Interim Relief needed to be sanctioned immediately to the Central Government employees and Pensioners mentioned in (A) above;
F.To determine the percentage of Dearness allowance/Dearness Relief immediately to be merged with Pay and pension
G. To settle the anomalies raised in various fora of JCM.
H. To work out the improvements needed to the existing retirement benefits, like pension, death cum retirement gratuity, family pension and other terminal or recurring benefits maintaining parity amongst past, present and future pensioners and family pensioners including those who entered service on or after 1.1.2004.
I.To recommend methods for providing cashless/hassle-free Medicare facilities to the employees and Pensioners including Postal pensioners.
Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027. email:
Cir. No. 32/12-15/ Dated: 26.10.2013
Dear Comrades,
Central Working Committee Meeting at JAIPUR ON 19-20 Oct. 2013 and decisions.
The Central Working Committee Meeting was held at Jaipur (Rajasthan) as scheduled on 19th and 20th October, 2013 at Hotel Priode Amber, Sanganeer. The ITEF Rajasthan Circles have made elaborate and excellent arrangements for the Working Committee Meeting and stay of the WC Members and guests. The unbelievable hospitality in true Rajasthan tradition and the team work of the committed comrades of Rajasthan Circles will surely be remembered for all time to come.
The Working Committee had an Inaugural session on 19th October, 2013. The Inaugural Session commenced with the Flag Hoisting by Com. President, Ashok B Salunkhe. Com. S.P. Sharma, General Secretary, ITEF, Rajasthan Circle-C, welcomed the Chief Guest, Shri Atulesh Jindal, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA), Jaipur, CHQ leaders and CWC Members and invitees. In his presidential address Com. Ashok B Salunkhe spoke about the delay in settlement of our demands and convening the Quarterly Review Meeting by the authorities. In his inaugural address the Chief Guest, touched upon the settlement of grievances at his level. The Chief Guest lamented the increasing tendency of seeking judicial intervention by the personnel of the Department. The President of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, Com. KKN Kutty, spoke about the common demands of the Central Govt. Employees especially in the wake of the announcement of the Government to set-up the VII-CPC. The Secretary General in his address touched upon the historical movement of the Rajasthan Circle. The Zonal Secretary, CHQ and President of Rajasthan Circle Com. Rajendra Meena proposed vote of thanks.
In the Inaugural function the following veteran comrades of Rajasthan Circles were honoured. Coms. P.V. Varghese, Suresh Ajmera, Govind Verma, S.L. Jangid, M.C. Rastogi, R.L. Sharma, S.K.Garg, Sohanlal, Jai Narain, Pradeep Sharma, R.S. Shekawat,Ranbir Singh, Panchu Singh, Badri Narain, Ram swaroop Nagar, Inder Singh, Gopal Singh Jadoo and Com. Rameswar Pd. Choudhary.
Decisions on agenda items:
Item No. 1. Confirmation of minutes of the CWC meeting held at Puri on 1 & 2 Feb. 2013 and Extra Ordinary CWC held at New Delhi on 27th July, 2013 at New Delhi.
The draft minutes of the above two CWC meeting circulated was confirmed by the house. The action taken report presented to the house was also approved by the house.
Item No. 2. Discussion on implementation and our approach towards cadre restructuring. Com. KKN Kutty, Chairman of the sub-committee appointed by the Secretariat, presented the draft allocation worksheet and calculation sheet on the basis of the formula decided by the CWC meeting held at New Delhi on 27th July, 2013. In his report presented to the CWC on behalf of the Committee, the efforts taken by the committee during the last four months in collecting, collating the data obtained by the Secretariat from the circles as also from the various Directorates of the CBDT; determining the probable entitlement of additional posts sanctioned by the Government on the basis of the formula adopted by the CWC are, vividly mentioned. He also, on behalf of the Committee appealed to the house the Report and the allocation chart should be, after approval of the House, communicated to the authorities at the earliest. Com. President, while initiating the discussion on the draft report stated that the issues of yardstick and the deficiencies in the draft calculations were discussed twice in the Extra Ordinary CWC Meeting and the extended Secretariat Meeting and therefore, appealed to the house that only very serious omission/discrepancy should be discussed.
The following Comrades pointed out certain omissions and discrepancies in the draft worksheet. Com. Nirmala, GS Karnataka (Separate S/S for CPC, Bangalore), Com. D.P. Acharya, GS, Orissa (differences in the post allocated to comparable Circles) Com. Ombir Singh, GS, Delhi ( for allocation for DsG (Exemption, Intl. Taxation, Criminal Investigation etc) Com. Narayana Hari, Addl. Secy, Kerala ( Reduction in posts from the last draft allocation); Com. SP Sharma, GS, Rajasthan (deficiency in CCIT Posts) Com. Ajay Tiwari, GS, Kanpur ( Delay in submission, Posts for MSTU Agra), Com. Yashwant Purohit (Indication of Newly Created Posts).
The Secretary General explained the basis of Allocation, separate allocation for Directorates and other newly created sections etc. He also assured the genuine omissions pointed out by the house will be incorporated in the final communication to the Board. The house on the appeal of the President, approved the proposal.
The house was informed about the functioning of the Official Sub- Committees by the Representatives of ITEF nominated to the Committees.
Item No. 3: Discussion on Departmental & Organisational Issues. The President and Secretary General briefed the house about the lackadaisical attitude of the authorities in settling of our issues pending before the Board and issues agreed upon and pending with various authorities of Govt. of India. The Representative of all the Circles participated in the discussion and raised many Departmental and common issues. They lamented on the present situation and demanded action programme. Accordingly it was decided to wait for another fortnight for the response of the CBDT on our demand for immediate talks, and to launch agitational programme in case of no positive outcome. The house authorised ITEF Representatives in the negotiating body (QRM) will decide upon the course of action. It was also decided to seek immediate clear cut, unambiguous instructions to Cadre Controlling Authorities with regard to the Supreme Court Order on inter-se seniority and implement it in all cadres wherever the element of Direct Recruitment exist.
On the organisational issues the Secretary General informed the house the decision of the Confederation to conduct Trade Union Class ( 15 and 16th November, 2013 at Mumbai) and Working Women Convention (25th & 26th November, 2013 at New Delhi). It was also informed that the ITEF is to ensure participation of minimum 20 members for both the TU Class and WW Convention. The Circle General Secretaries are requested to ensure the participation of two lady comrades from each circle to the Working Women Convention to be held at Delhi on 25th and 26th Nov. 2013. Their stay will be arranged by the CHQ in coordination with ITEF Delhi Circle. The Delegates fee fixed by the Confederation for the participants is Rs 600/ per delegates.
Item No. 4: Indefinite strike programme and preparation for the same: It was reported to the House that since the Government has announced the setting up of VII-CPC, (partially accepting one demand out of 15 points Charter of Demand), the programme of indefinite strike action stands deferred. Further programme of action on other 14 points of demands and date of effect of the VII-CPC, will be decided by the Confederation in its next Secretariat Meeting.
Item No.5: Adoption of Receipt & Payment for the years ending 31.3.2012 and 30.3.2013. The Secretary General informed the house that for the absence of the Office Secretary for last one month due to Domestic problem, the Receipt & Payment for the period ending 31.3.2013 could not be presented to the house. The same will be placed in the Next CWC. The R & P Accounts for the year ending 31.3.2012 was adopted by the House.
Item No 6: Any other Matter with permission of the Chair. In the discussion also all the Comrades participated and in the sum-up the Secretary General explained the present status of various issues and assured the house that other issues raised by the members will be collated and taken up at appropriate level.
Com. Yeshwant Purohit, Joint Secretary proposed vote of Thanks and with the appeal of Com. President for maintaining our unity at all cost, the CWC meeting was adjourned.
With greetings
yours fraternally
Secretary General
All the members of ITEF, Kerala Circle.
Dear Comrades,
The programme notice and invitation to the X Circle Delegates’ Conference of ITEF, Kerala Circle is attached for the information of the members.
K S Sajeev Sd/-
General Secretary, ITEF, Kerala.