CBDT instruction for filling up CR post for RY 2013-14

Dear comrades,

Uploaded herewith is the CBDT instruction for filling up cadre restructuring posts for RY 2013-14.

instruction for 2013-14 DPC



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Records based on which seniority was revised

Dear comrades,
Uploaded along with are the records based on which draft revised seniority positions have been determined. The file may be unzipped to extract the documents. Please note that the last date for filing objections is 10-06-2014.
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Draft of revised seniority list of Kerala Charge based on Parmar judgement

Dear comrades,

The draft of revised seniority list based on the SC judgement in the case of Parmar is uploaded hereunder. Objections, if any, to the new seniority position may be filed on or before 10-06-2014.


Draft ITO seniority

Draft ITI seniority ( part 1)

Draft ITI seniority (part 2)

Draft STA seniority

Draft TA seniority



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JCA letter to CBDT on Parmar Case implementation

Letter to Chairman dt.20.5.2014 on NR Parmar



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7th CPC Questionnaire – Reply given by JCM National Council (Staff Side)

Clik here for 7th CPC Questionnaire reply

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Engagement of workers through contractors – order of Chief Labour Commissioner

Order of Chief Labour Commissioner w.r.t engagement of workers through contractors

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JCA cirular dated 05-05-2014





A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027

Email: itefcentral@gmail.comsecgenitgoachq@gmail.com

Joint Convenors

K.P. Rajagopal  &  Bhaskar Bhattacharya

                                   <98682 77455 & 89021 98888>


Cir. No. 2/M-12/14-15                                                                               Dated: 5th May, 2014.


Dear comrades,

Sub:-   Central JCA Meeting on 04.05.2014-

               The National JCA met at Manishinath Bhawan as scheduled on 4th May 2014. The JCA meeting was held after a long gap i.e. after 28th July, 2013 meeting held at New Delhi.  The meeting deliberated in detail the present situation on the issues of the JCA pending for long especially in the light of the nugatory and insensitive attitude of the CBDT authorities towards the just and legitimate demands of the personnel of the Department.  The meeting, on the other side took note of the positive attitude and assurances laid out from the side of the Secretary (Revenue) in the meeting held on 28th April, 2014.

All the members were in unison that the situation of apathy on the part of the CBDT cannot brook anymore and it is time to embark on serious agitation under the united platform of JCA.  It is also noted that the intervention of the Secretary (Revenue) and his assurances need to be taken note of and some more time should be given to the RS to respond and decided to seek one more meeting with the Secretary (Revenue) at the earliest.  It was also decided to write a letter to the Secretary (Revenue) highlighting some of the issues already taken up with him through our Memorandum with a request for his immediate interference to avoid industrial disturbances in the Department. Accordingly we sought a meeting with the Secretary (Revenue) at the earliest vide our letter dated 05.04.2014.

i) Promotions to various cadres pending for more than a year and issuance of uniform instruction for implementing Supreme Court Order on inter-se-seniority.

ii)  Filling up of posts of ACIT created in CR 2013 at one go and creation of commensurate posts in the cadre of AO/PS

iii) Fixation benefit on promotion and advance increment on passing Examination.

iv)   Amendment to IRS Recruitment Rules & framing of Transfer Policy.

v)  Reduction of existing strength on allocation of CR Posts.

vi)   Approval of schemes sanctioned from 1% incentive scheme.


The next meeting of the JCA will be held on 02.06.2014 at New Delhi. Necessary notice for the meeting alongwith agenda items will be issued shortly. The meeting further decided to draw the Charter of Demands and campaign amongst the members before embarking on any agitation.

VII-CPC related matters:  The meeting decided to submit a joint memorandum to the VII-Central Pay Commission on the issues of the personnel of the Department.  A committee with three members each from ITEF & ITGOA has been formed with the following members to prepare the draft memorandum.

Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Com. Ashok B Salunkhe and Com. K.P. Rajagopal from ITEF Com. Amitava Dey, Com. Arvind Trivedi and Com. J.B. Singh from ITGOA.

It was also decided to circulate the draft memorandum amongst the circles/units for their suggestions and views.  After consideration of the same final report will be prepared and submitted to the VII-CPC within the stipulated time.


With greeting

Yours fraternally,

                                                             (KP Rajagopal)  (Bhaskar Bhattacharya)

                                                                                      Joint Convenors

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Revised ceiling for drug eluting stents

MoFHW Order

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Dear comrades,

A hundred years after the first international May Day protests in 1890 in Chicago and the fight to obtain a working day of 8 hours, the capitalists and the governments again are forcing workers and their families to fight for decent working and living conditions. The accumulation of wealth in a few hands, the growth of corporate sector and the fall in the purchasing capacity of the workers and employees are the indication of the growing unrest and degradation of the society. Education and medical facilities are unreachable to common man. A place to dwell in is still a distant dream to so many employees and workers.

At this juncture, the Central Government employees should discharge their duty with full awareness and understanding. To regain the health facilities, to ensure the periodical wage revision for every five years, to get the DA merger, to regain the lost pension right etc. we have no other alternative but to tread the path of struggle in the coming days on the face of adversarial political and economical policies.

With all the unity, awareness and conscientiousness, let’s together resist and stop these anti-employee and anti-people policies. Let’s take pledge on this May Day to strive hard for better life and brighter tomorrow for all and to demand our rightful share as a stakeholder in the process of development, defeating the nefarious designs of the protagonists of neo-liberal economic policies.

With May Day greetings,

A. G. Narayan Hari,

General Secretary.

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Departmental Examination answer key 2012 & 2013

Dear comrades,

As desired by many members, the answer keys for departmental examinations held in 2012 & 2013 are uploaded herewith. The uploaded file may be unzipped to extract the answer keys.




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Notice for Secretariat & Executive meeting on 02-05-2014

Secretariat & Executive Meeting.


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Certain allowances to be enhanced by 25% – DoPT OM

Click here for OM dated 28-04-2014


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7th CPC issues questionnaire seeking considered views of stakeholders

Click here for 7cpc_questionnaire

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Deaf & dumb employees too to be paid Transport Allowance at double the normal rate

Click here for the order dated 19-02-2014

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Departmental examination – instruction dated 17-04-2014

Dear comrades,

Candidates with unresolved complaints and disputes can now fill the applications online.

Click here for instruction dated 17-04-2014



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Women employees entitled for continuous CCL for 730 days – SC

Dear comrades,

Of late, it is seen that certain authorities competent to sanction EL & CCL have been, rather unsuccessfully, on flimsy and subjective grounds, trying to deny leave legitimately due to the employees . This is despite the instruction of the DoPT to encourage the government servants to take leave periodically contained in OM No. 14028/3/2000-Estt(L) dated 22-03-2001. In the said OM it is clearly stated that the extant instructions to the effect that leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right are not intended to be used as in effect to abridge the leave entitlements of the staff.  Click here for DoPT OM

The Supreme Court on 15-04-2014 held that a woman employee of central government can get uninterrupted leave for two years for child care, which also includes needs like examination and sickness.

The Apex Court opined thus:

“In fact, Government of India from its Ministry of Home Affairs and Department of Personnel and Training all the time encourage the government employees to take leave regularly, preferably annually by its Circular issued by the Government of India M.H.A.O.M. No. 6/51/60-Ests. (A), dated 25th January, 1961, reiterated vide Government of India letter dated 22/27th March, 2001. As per those circulars where all applications for leave cannot, in the interest of public service, be granted at the same time, the leave sanctioning authority may draw up phased programme for the grant of leave to the applicants by turn with due regard to the principles enunciated under the aforesaid circulars.”

SC order on CCL



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CHq circular no. 43/12-15 dated 14-04-2014




NEW DELHI-110027



Cir. No. 43/12-15                                                                                           Dated: 14th April, 2014.

Dear Comrades,

Confederation Convention and Programme of Actions.

            The Confederation National Convention was held at Nagpur on 4th April, 2014, as scheduled. The events of the convention and the full test of the Resolution adopted in the Convention is contained in the Confederation Circular No. 15 dated 5th April, 2015 which is enclosed.  Some of the highlights of the resolution and action programme to be carried out by all affiliates are given under with a request to all the ITEF Circles to carry out the decisions.

1.       The State Committees of the Confederation and its affiliated Federations will take steps to translate the resolution in the respective local languages immediately and ensure that the same is circulated amongst the members. 

2.       Meetings will be organised in all offices to explain the contents of the resolution adopted by the National Convention.

3.       The National Secretariat members who are assigned the responsibility (as per the details in the annexure) will interact with the State Secretaries and ensure that the campaign programme of reaching out to all members is carried out in all States.

4.       The State Committees will solicit and enlist the services of the Pensioners organisations to carry out the campaign amongst the mass of the people.

Cadre Restructuring and Other Departmental Issues.

            As  informed to all of you in our message posted in the Website alongwith copy of the letter of JCA addressed to the Chairman, CBDT, for the first time the leaders staged the protest before the authorities in the PGRC meeting after exposing  the attitude of the CBDT towards the issues raised by the JCA and continued falsification & treachery of the assurances and promises made by them.   After going through the same you all will agree that this type of attitude towards the sole representing body of more than 95% personnel of the Department cannot be allowed to persist.  Therefore, we have decided to meet in the National JCA on 4th May, 2014 at New Delhi.  The National JCA will take stock of the situation and also review the  actions taken by the authorities to address the issues raised by us in the said meeting.  The JCA  then  shall decide the future course of actions, including the agitation to be carried out to bring sufficient sanction on the Authorities to settle our issues.

With greetings,

                                                                                                                     Yours fraternally,

                                                                                                                     (KP Rajagopal)

                                                                                                            Secretary General

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JCA letter dated 09-04-2013 to CBDT




A-2/95, ManishinathBhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027

Email: itefcentral@gamail.com: Tel: 98682 77455 & 89021 98888


Joint Convenors

K.P. Rajagopal  &  Bhaskar Bhattacharya


No. M-12/N-1/12-15/                                                                                                     Dated: 9th April, 2014.


Shri R.K. Tewari,


Central Board of Direct Taxes,

North Block,

New Delhi-110 001.


Sub:     Protest against the attitude of the of the Authorities towards the demands of     Promotee Officers and Employees- Regrding

In the meeting of the Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee held today, the 09.03.2014 co-chaired by the Member (P&V) and Member (R), the representatives of ITEF and ITGOA had to stage a walk out.  This extreme step had to be taken by us to bring forth the anger, anguish and frustration of our members towards brazen, chicanery in some cases and insensitive and nugatory attitude on certain others taken by the Board.

The report of the Cadre Restructuring was jointly made by all organisations.  There had been unanimity of opinion in all respect and in all matters except in the case of manpower computed in Directorates (Table 7.1 was a later interpolation by the DIT (HRD).  The report had the approval and signature of all Federations.  The Board was visibly reluctant to have the same approach at the implementation stage when the proposal received the assent of the Cabinet.  When the sub-committees were constituted, the representatives of ITEF and ITGOA did not find a place though on insistence, members of the Federations were co-opted/invited, their views/suggestions were totally disregarded.  The Committee’s report received alround criticism from a wide spectrum of emvers of staff and Officers.  When the Federations brought this to the notice of the Chairperson and Member (P&V), we were assured that

i)                 The Board will independently look at the allocation issue and would not go by the recommendations of the Committees.

ii)               Only the additional posts created in the CR proposal alone will be taken for allocation. The existing strength of each region will not be disturbed.

iii)             Table 5.4 will be the basis of allocation of posts to the Directorates and newly created posts will be under the control of the Pr. CCIT, Delhi.

iv)              No reduction of the existing sanctioned strength, and

v)               The final proposal of the Board will be subjected to discussion with the Federation before the same is submitted to the higher authorities viz. Revenue Secretary and Finance Minister for their approval.

None of the above assurances were honoured.  The final notification was issued on 31.03.2014, which was a bolt from the blue.  If we presume that the notification was kept pending issuance upto 31.03.2014, only to avert a probable instantaneous agitation from the Officers and Staff, we cannot be faulted.  We do believe that the whole exercise have been done with the sole purpose of meeting out the interest of IRS Officers, their posting preferences and he likes.

 Only for promotions to the Cadre of Assistant Commissioners, out of 20751 posts created on account of Cadre Restructuring, the approval of the cabinet had been sought to phase it out in five years.  If this is not to safeguard the interest of directly recruited IRS Officers, what purpose it serves is beyond our comprehension.

 The Board must note the fact that there had been no promotion to the cadre of Assistant Commissioners even for the RY 2013-14 which became due more than a year back and the vacancy for promotion in ACIT cadre stands to be around 550 today, as calculated in Notification dated                      31-05-2013, for RYs 2013-14 & 2014-15 considering both regular and CRC vacancies and thus making the ITOs in the Department to wait for more than 13 years for the next promotion whereas the residency period stipulated in the RR is only three years.

         Ever since the Supreme Court judgement in the case of Union Vs. NR Parmar, the Federations had been demanding issuance of certain instructions to the field formations to be adopted uniformly in revising the seniority.   The case before the Supreme Court itself was the product of partisan attitude of the authorities and the neglect of monitoring the seniority list of officers/officials periodically.  Despite several assurances, the matter has not been addressed till date making it impossible for the Cadre Controlling Authorities to effect the promotions.

The IRS recruitment rules were drafted and submitted to the Board without addressing the objections of ITGOA. The rules have been finalised by the Board and sent to the Finance Minister for his approval. We demanded for further discussion before its finalisation, especially in the light of the DoPT OM dated 04.03.2014, which is not granted.

         We do not propose to present a catalogue of issues, discussed on several occasions in the last three years but did not have settlement till date.  Suffice to say that even the orders issued by CBEC, the other wing of Department of Revenue in the matter of fixation of pay on promotion as OS/Stgr.  is not available for the employees in the Department.   Long pending and legitimate demand for entitlement of Advance Increment Scheme to Sr. Tax Assistant and Stenographer Gr. II on passing Departmental Examination for higher posts is pending for years in the CBDT.  Further the CBDT has been taking different stance on this matter on the orders of the Central Administrative Tribunals thereby making every individual to seek legal remedy.

        The Board has agreed to grant NFSG to the left out officers of 2001 batch from 01.01.2014 but the delay in implementing it causes denial of the effect to some of the officers while in service.

            We were assured that matching number of posts in the cadre of AO/PS commensurate to the posts of Pr. CCIT/Pr.CIT would be created immediately. Though some posts are created in the cadre of AO, that too not in matching number, no scheme of creation of higher posts in the cadre of PS is conceived.

The Authorities were assuring us to expedite the implementation of the schemes approved from the incentive fund for increasing the infrastructural facilities in the Department some of which are approved in the year 2012.  The pendency of the following schemes is indicative of the lackadaisical way the Board is taking up the issues for getting approval from the concerned authorities.

a)     Six Air Conditioners per Range for staff rooms approved in the year 2012

b)     Laptops to Inspectors approved in  the month of April, 2013

c)      Replacement of laptops to Officers

d)     Mobile handsets to All personnel approved in the month of April 2013

e)     Increase in the reimbursement of local travel expenses to IITs and Notice Servers.

The Changed attitude of the Board is reflected in the revised norms finalised for allotment of Guest Houses.  The Entitlement hitherto available to the employees have been removed and reduced to only dormitory, as in nowhere air-cooled rooms are available whereas the expansion and modernisation of Guest Houses were possible only from the grant of incentive funds sanctioned by the Government for general infrastructure development in appreciation of the efforts put by the entire personnel of the Department for its overall performances.

Under these circumstances and in spite of the protest registered by us today in the above meeting, we hope that as head of the family your goodself and the Member (P&V) shall make a sincere efforts to cause a meaningful and serious discussion on the legitimate and long pending issues raised by us and shall instruct the concerned to put earnest efforts to implement the decisions taken.  We also bring to your notice that for lack of serious efforts to settle our issues, if the discontentment of the officers and staff brew to a situation of breakdown of industrial peace in the Department, the whole responsibility shall lie on the Head of the Department.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

(KP Rajagopal)  (Bhaskar Battacharya)

Joint Convenors

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RESOLUTION adopted at the National Convention of Central Government employees on 4th April, 2014 at Nagpur.

1.       The National Secretariat of the Confederation places on record its appreciation over the massive and magnificent participation of the largest number of our members in the 48 hour strike on 12th and 13th Feb. 2014.  It was a great manifestation of the confidence the members had reposed in the organization and their determination to win the demands through struggles.  The reports, the Confederation CHQ received both from the affiliates and the State Committee indicate the massive participation of the employees in the strike action throughout the county.  In some of the affiliates, the participation had been cent percent.  This must embolden the Confederation to pursue the issue with determination and organize further action programmes to ensure that the demands are got settled.

2.       The Secretariat has noted that the Government had pretended to ignore the massive action of the employees.  There had been no response from them so far.  In the wake of the strike action, it announced the composition of the 7th CPC disregarding the united demand raised by the Staff side of the JCM National Council for the inclusion of a labour representative.  The Government also chose not to convene the meeting the staff side to discuss the draft terms of reference submitted.  It did not make any announcement on the question of merger of DA, Interim Relief, and inclusion of GDA within the ambit of the Commission and rejected the demand for making the recommendation of the Commission effective from 1.1.2014.

3.       On every issue, which is included in the 15 point Charter of demands, the Govt. continued with its nugatory attitude.   In the last session of the Parliament, they ensured that the PFRDA bill becomes an Act despite the strongest objection and resistance of the employees by eliciting and receiving the support and patronage of the dominant opposition party, the BJP.  Even on an issue like compassionate appointments, no positive response emerged.   The period witnessed increased outsourcing of governmental functions.  Almost a third of the workforce is presently casual and contract workers with abysmally poor wages taking advantage of the acute unemployment situation in the country.  There had been no settlement of any issue raised by the Staff Side in the National Council JCM.  The JCM scheme has been made ineffective as not a single meeting of the Council was held in the last three years and even the decision taken at the National Anomaly Committee was thwarted through political intervention.

4.       The plight of the three lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department is highly deplorable.  They constitute almost half of the Postal work force. But for them, the functioning of the Postal system will come to a grinding halt.  Their service conditions are presently worse off than even a causal/daily rated worker. Despite the Supreme Court’s decisions that they are holders of Civil Post and consequently are entitled to the benefits and privileges of a civil servant, there had been no improvement in their service conditions worth mentioning.  In spite of repeated presentation of their case both inside and outside the Parliament by people from all walks of life irrespective of party affiliation, the Government had been silent to the pleading for bringing them within the ambit of the Pay Commissions.  Confederation is duty bound and determined to change the situation and to bring them within the purview of the 7th CPC.

5.       During its five year tenure the UPA II was in power, it intensified the neo-liberal reforms;  phased out all welfare measures; accentuated the unemployment situation; divested the PSUs; allowed unbridled entry of Foreign capital to subjugate the Indian people; ruined the indigenous industry; destroyed the livelihood of the farmers and agricultural labourers; allowed the prices of all essential food items to soar; privatised education and health care services; ensured that each of its decision was to favour the rich; granted huge tax concessions to the corporate; indulged in large scale corruption; squandered away the national wealth; siphoned off the poor man’s earning into the hands of a few rich in the country; sided with the entrepreneurs in all labour disputes;  took each and every political decision to sub-serve the interest of the imperialist powers especially the USA.  The pursuance of the neo liberal policies at the behest of the advanced capitalist countries drove the majority of Indian population to be below the poverty levels. In the comity of nations, India became the poorest and the last ranking in all fields. Indian youth were driven to be beggars at the doors of transnational corporations and developed countries.

6.       Those who were responsible in driving our country men to unprecedented deprivation have to now seek mandate, for their tenure is to end shortly.  No different is the approach of the major opposition party, BJP.  There is nothing to choose from these two political dispensations.  They were hand in glove together to demolish the sovereignty of the country; pauperisation of the people and supported every legislation to intensify the neo liberal exploitation of the common man.  They supported to the hilt the corporate houses.  But for the support extended by the BJP, the PFRDA bill would never have been made into a law.  The Act now provides for the extension of the new contributory pension scheme to those who were recruited prior to 1.1.2004 and the existing pensioners.  Despite the refusal of the Government to accept their suggestion to guarantee minimum pension, the BJP unashamedly supported the Bill, for they were the proponents of the neo liberal economic policies.  They supported this Government to increase the FDI and FII in all sectors of economy and announced that they would intensify the reform process if elected to power.  The conglomeration of Corporates in the country has now appointed the leader of that party to be the next CEO to run the country.  They have no use for the discredited UPA howsoever subservient it could be.  They know in a democratic system demagogy can play a vital role.  They are certain that BJP and its allies if elected to power will be much more pliant and compliant.

7.       The Corporate controlled media has created an illusion to the effect that there exists a consensus across the political spectrum in the country that the neo liberal policies will spur economic growth and the only point to be clinched in the forthcoming election is as to which political combination, whether the UPA led by Rahul Gandhi or the NDA of Narendra Modi is more efficient in pursuing the IMF dictated economic policies vigorously.  Economic growth is not akin to development. In the initial years of the introduction of the LPG, no doubt, the economy grew phenomenally, but the large majority of Indian people suffered. It permanently halted the bringing up of an egalitarian society.  It only enlarged the scope for maximisation of profit of the corporate giants; opened up larger and bigger avenues for corruption at the top of administration, whereby the ruling party and its leaders could amass wealth.  The scams unearthed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India during the last five years of UPA II Rule speak volumes of the cancerous growth of corruption in our country.  The 2G spectrum involving Rs. 1.76 lakh crores,  the Coalgate of the dimension of Rs. 1.86 lakh crores, the corruption involved in the commonwealth games, the Rs. 40,000 cr deal in the Delhi Airport Privatisation scheme, The KG Basin related Gas price deal with Reliance, topping with Rs 48 lakh crores are a few that surfaced during this period.

8.       As part of the economic policy, concerted and continuous efforts were made to the job killing process in all sectors, through contractorisation, casualisation, outsourcing, privatisation etc. Contract workers now constitute 80% of the total work force in the private sector.  After the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations about 35% of the workforce in the Governmental sector is either contract or casual workers.  They are paid quarter of or even less the wages of the regular workers.

9.       This election is not only to decide who should govern this country but more so to determine for whom the governance is. UPA having been totally discredited in the eyes of the common man has no chance whatsoever.  NDA must not have a chance once again for it is bound to pursue the neo liberal policies more vigorously than even the UPA. That is the one and only reason why the Indian corporate houses and the corporate controlled media solidly back the BJP and the BJP led NDA. The Political combination outside the NDA and UPA has a predominant presence in the 15th Lok Sabha. They are capable of being the largest segment in the 16th Lok Sabha too.

10.   It is in this background that the workers must assess the political situation.  In the forthcoming electoral battle, every worker must discharge his salutary responsibility.  Since the present state of affairs is the product of the neo- liberal policies and since both the UPA and the NDA are the proponents of those policies, one must have clear vision and exercise the franchise effectively to ensure that a pro-worker, pro-people combination of parties is in governance.  In the forthcoming election to the 16th Lok Sabha, the Central Government employees must become a vehicle for change in the interest of the common people; rise above the divisive ideologies and misleading propaganda; identify their friends especially in the Left parties; and ensure the success of those who stood with them and fought for the cause of the workers and common people.

11.   The Secretariat came to the inescapable conclusion that the settlement of the demands in the charter will only be possible through intensification of the struggles.  It recognised the need for larger unity. It will strive for bringing about such a united platform for joint action.  The inevitability of an indefinite strike action has to be emphasised.  The Confederation and its affiliates must prepare its members for such an eventual and unavoidable action, if the proposed 7th CPC is to really revise the wages.  It is needed to ensure the withdrawal of the pernicious contributory pension scheme.  It only will ensure that there are no casual or contract system of employment in Government service.   The Government employees must be bestowed with democratic rights and above all must enjoy the facility for collective bargaining and right to strike.  The Gramin Dak Sevak system is a colonial legacy and no civilised country must endure such brutal exploitation.  All is possible through united and sustained action.  The Confederation has proved beyond any iota of doubt that it has built up an organisation capable of carrying out such an action.

12.   To ensure that the Indian people have food security, the farmers are not driven to commit suicide, the workers do have decent job environment and emoluments, the prices of essential commodities do not soar, there is universal public distribution of essential food articles; India has an independent foreign policy, this great Nation is not enslaved by western imperial powers once again, all communities and people of different faiths are allowed to live in peace and harmony; no communal violence erupts; all able bodied people have jobs and livelihood, there must be a Government which exist for the sake of the poor inhabitants of this country.  Central Government employees must take an active role in the ensuing General election and strive with their best to bring about such a Government.

13.   This convention calls upon every worker of the Confederation to fan out and reach out to the rank and file of its membership, explain the stupendous task ahead; to work in consonance with the understanding depicted in this resolution and ensure that they become instruments for a great political change in our country.

14.   The Convention authorises the National Secretariat to review the political situation emerging after the election and take appropriate decision to mobilise the rank and file of the workers for an eventual industrial action to seek settlement of the 15 point charter of demands.

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Details of post allocation

Dear comrades,

The details of post allocation as per the scheme of distribution of posts is attached herewith.

final allocation



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