Boarding pass a compulsory requirement for TA claims – orders Fin Min

TARules_BoardingPass MoF order dated 08102014 (1)

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Boarding pass not required for TA claims – DoPT order

Click here for Order G-14019_2_13-Cash-07102014

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CHq/ JCA letter to CBDT against the advisory issued on Parmar Case





A-2/95, ManishinathBhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027


Tel: 98682 77455 & 89021 98888 Fax: 011 2510 5324

Joint Convenors

KP  Rajagopal    &   Bhaskar Bhattacharya


No. N-1/M-12/2014 

                                                               Dated:  29th Sept. 2014


The Chairman,

Central Board of Direct Taxes,

North Block,

New Delhi 110 001.


Sub:-   Implementation of the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of NR Parmar [CA No. 7514-7515 and others] -Request for amendments to the advisory Regarding-

Ref:`    Letter in F.No. HRD/CM/220/14/2013-14/4275 dated 29.09.2014-


This has reference to the above letter issued from the Directorate of HRD on the subject.   We have been requesting the Authorities in formal meeting and through letters to issue clear cut guidelines for uniform implementation of the DOPT instructions in the matter of interse-seniority of direct recruits and promotes, after the judgement of the Supreme Court in the above case.   Our request was based on the fact that the case before the Supreme Court itself was the product of various lines of interpretation adopted by the different CCAs, partisan attitude of the authorities and the neglect of monitoring the seniorituy list of Officers/officials periodically.  On the directions of the Member (P&V),we have also fully cooperated in the two meetings held on 03.12.2013 and 11.12.2013 in finalising the “Advisory”.

On going through the above letter and the “advisory”, we are shaken and taken aback.  Not only the  “advisory” now circulated is arbitrary altered and curtailed but  the contents of the letter are also incorrect  and contrary to the facts.

In paragraph 3 of the above letter it is mentioned that “Minutes of the meetings held on 3rd December,2013 and 11th December 2013 in the course of consultation process have been circulated to all the participants.  No dissent note have been received from the participants against the minutes of the meetings.  We would like to bring to your kind notice that after going through the minutes of the meeting held on 3.12.2013, the discrepancy in item No. 17 of the minutes with regard to the applicability of the ratio of the Supreme Court order” was raised by the JCA as first item in the subsequent meeting held on 11.12.2013.  In that meeting it was agreed to amend the minutes and accordingly a corrigendum to the minutes was issued vide F No. HRD/CM/220//14/2013-14/4150 dated 16.12.2013 amending the paragraph as under:

            “The participants agreed that the judgement of the Supreme Court, though it is rendered in the case of Inspector of Income Tax, applies equally to all cadres where there are elements of both Direct Recruitment and Promotion for the purpose of Recruitment into the cadre”.

The position be so, in the present advisory ”it is mentioned against Col. 3 that the DoPT has advised that the NR parmar judgement is applicable to the post of Inspectors”,  In this connection it has to be noted that the Advisory referred to the DoPT for their examination against the Col. No. 3 i.e. Is the NR Parmar decision applicable only to the post of Inspector?, the clarification is mentioned as “No, the SC decision applies to the Direct Recruit Upper Division Clerks and Tax Assistants also.

In reference to the above, the DoPT  in Note DOR/F.No. 18012/26/2003-V&L/ DOPT Dy. No. 969484/CR/14 dated 30.1.2014, conveyed no observation or  objection to the above item whereas  further clarifications were provided in para 5 (a) to (f) on other issues.

In the General  OM issued by the DoPT on 4.3.2014 in the wake of the Supreme Court Judgement in the NR Parmar case also the DoPT has not restricted its applicability to a particular cadre in the Income Tax Department. 

Further on reference from the Income Tax Department, in note DOR  F No. c.18015/37/2014-V&L/ DOPT Dy. No. 944370/OR/14 dated 01.05.2014, the Department as been advised in para 2 as under:

“In the specific context of Income Tax Department, wherein the inter-se seniority of Direct Recruits and Promotes have been under dispute on the ground of misinterpretation of the provisions of OM dated 7.2.1986, 3.7.1986 and has led to Parmar Judgement of Supreme Court, it is unambiguously confirmed that the entire issue of seniority of the offiers of Income Tax Department would have to be revisited in compliance of the judgement of the Supreme Court.”

From the above it is clear that the in the Department, the misinterpretation of the provisions of OM dated 7.2.1986 and 3.7.86 was not restricted to the cadre of Inspectors alone, the same interpretation was adopted for fixing inter se seniority of Direct Recruits and Promotees in all cadres.  The Departments arbitrary selection of only one cadre for implementation of a general principle, in the name of a Supreme Court Judgement in effect is forcing every person in other cadre to approach courts.  We, the officers and employees have already suffered losses of carrer progression and financial benefits due to various stands and instructions issued by the Board in the instant issue forcing the employees to seek legal redressal.  As an organisation representing more than 95% personnel in the department, we cannot brook any more due to such stands being taken by the Department.

Therefore, changing the draft response to item No. 3 in the name of a non-existing advise from DOPT. viz. Is the NR parmar decision applicable only to the post of Inspector, from what was agreed and arrived with consensus by all stake holders is arbitrary and totally unacceptable to  us.   Therefore, we request you to immediately issue corrigendum to the present advisory to the effect that the response to point No. 3 is “No, the provisions of the OM dated 7.2.86 and 3.7.86 are applicable in all cadres where the elements of Direct Recruitment  and promotion exists”.   We are also constrained to inform your goodself, that our members will not be in a position to extend cooperation in the matter to the administration in implementing the directions contained in the above letter to CCAs until necessary amendments are carried out and conveyed to the Cadre Controlling Authorities.

Thanking you,

                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                Sd/                                    Sd/

                                        (KP Rajagopal)  (Bhaskar Bhattacharya)

Joint Convenors

Copy to All Circle General Secretaries of ITEF and ITGOA with a request not to cooperate with the administration in the task of revisiting the seniority of only one cadre until the  above Advisory is amended as required by the JCA.

Joint Convenors.

Posted in CHQ News | 7 Comments

CBDT FAQ on N R Parmar implementation – seniority to be revised in the case of ITIs only


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LTC to J&K, NER & A&N – order of extension

Click here for the order 31011_3_2014-Estt.A-IV-26092014

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Transfer Gr. C dated 23-09-2014

Transfer 23.09.14

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Re-circulated draft seniority list of TAs with certain clarfication

TA seniority list – modified draft

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AC/ DC posting order dated 18-09-2014


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DA order 18-09-2014

DA order dated 18-09-2014

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Bonus 2014 order

bonus 2014 order

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Notice for Secretariat & Executive meeting

Secretariat-Executive-Meeting sep 2014

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Asset & Liability statement – DoPT extends date to 15 December 2015

Gazette notification

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ACIT, ITO transfer order


ITO order dated 3-9-2014

ACIT order 05-09-2014

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എല്ലാവര്‍ക്കും ഐ. റ്റി. ഇ. എഫിന്‍റെ ഓണാശംസകള്‍

എല്ലാവര്‍ക്കും ഇന്‍കം ടാക്സ്


എംപ്ലായീസ് ഫെഡറേഷന്‍റെ



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Circular No. 49/12-15 of CHq




NEW DELHI-110027

Cir. No. 49/12-15     

                                                                                                                                                                                      Dated: 01.09.2014

Dear Comrades

Meeting with Chairman by JCA Leaders.

               The JCA leaders today had a brief informal meeting with the Chairman, CBDT Shri K.V. Chowdary.   We, in a 9 point bullet presentation of our demands, requested for an urgent formal meeting with the Chairman and Officials of the CBDT.  In response, the Chairman agreed to convene the meeting at the earliest convenient date, but also informed us the steps taken by the Chairman’s office in the following matters.

  1. DPC meeting for ITO to AC promotion: We were informed that the efforts taken by the Board and JCA have yielded result and the DPC meeting will be held very soon for the regular vacancies of RY 2013-14.
  2. Efforts are on to fast track the finalisation of the jurisdiction proposals.
  3. All efforts are being taken to get the approval of the DOPT for the Recruitment Rules of various cadres.
  4. On all other pending issues also, we were informed that necessary steps are being taken to resolve them at the earliest.

The following points which are pending at various stages and already discussed, have been presented in a bullet form for urgent consideration of the Chairman.

  • Immediate steps to finalise the All India seniority list of ITO by issuing guidelines and deadline to resolve inter-se seniority issue.                                                          
  • Speedy approval of Jurisdiction proposals pending with CBDT for immediate initiation of departmental functions for FY 2014-15.  
  • Immediate steps for approval of RRs of Group B & C and filling up of posts of RY 2014-15 and discussion on the ‘amendment of IRS Recruitment Rule’.
  • Steps to get the approval of the long pending following schemes from IFU/DoE.              (6 Air Conditioners per Ranges; Laptop to AO/PS and new ITOs; Laptop to Inspectors; Replacement of old laptops; Mobile handsets to all etc.)
  • Constitution of a committee to consider amendments to the Transfer & Posting Policy for Group “A” officers considering unique problems of promotee officers.                                                                                  
  • Discussion on the effective date of DCIT promotion for 2009/2010 Batch DcsIT and retrospective effect of promotion from 1st January for 2006/2007 Batch DCsIT. Also, discuss the issue of regularization of Ad-hoc JCsIT for 2001 Batch retrospectively.                                                                                          
  • Resolution of issue of Promotion orders in Directorates (Delhi charge) and Diversion of 1633 posts out of West Bengal Charge.                            
  • Proposal for increasing local travel reimbursement to Inspectors and Notice Servers pending with Directorate of Infrastructure for more than one year
  • Advance increments to Sr. Tax Assistant & Stgrs on passing Deptl. Examination.      

Confederation Programme.        As decided in the National secretariat meeting of the Confederation held at New Delhi on 11.08.2014, taking note of the negative attitude of the Government on issues of Interim Relief and Merger of DA,  has decided to embark upon agitation and called upon all the affiliates to carry out the programme chalked out in coordination with the State Units of Confederation.  The Confederation HQ Circular dated 17.08.2014 is enclosed which is self explanatory and contain the Charter of Demands also.  All the ITEF Circles are requested to carry out the programmes on 11th September, 2014 and 19th September, 2014 at all places as decided by the Confederation State Units.  Wherever it is not possible to hold such programmes jointly, ITEF units/branches may be required to organise the programme independently in front of IT Offices.

Revision of Bonus Ceiling:  On the demand of the revision/removal or ceiling for payment of Bonus in the Bonus Act, in tune with the demand of the Central Trade Unions and staff side of the Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees, the Secretary Staff Side has written to the Prime Minister of India to consider the removal/revision of the ceiling of the upper limit of Bonus payment.  The copy of the letter of the Secretary Staff Side is enclosed.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General.                                                     

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AO, ITI promotion and posting dated 27-08-2014



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ACIT/ DCIT transfer order dated 25-08-2014


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Vacancy register of LDCs published

Dear comrades,

Due to persistent efforts from ITEF, the vacancy register of LDCs from 1986 onwards has been published by the administration for circulation. The Branch Secretaries are requested to bring this to the attention of all the members who are or were LDCs. Any objection to the fixation of seniority in the LDC cadre may be contested immediately so that the committee formed for re-fixation of seniority can look into these too.

In the case of TA’s too, efforts are being made to get the vacancy register published.

covering letter

Vacancy Register of LDC grade




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Happy Independence Day!!!

The ITEF, Kerala Circle extends greetings to all its members on the 68th Independence Day. Together let us work hard to redeem the pledge of our forefathers who held the torch of independence aloft – “to bring freedom and opportunity to the common man, to the peasants and workers of India; to fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease; to build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social, economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and fullness of life to every man and woman”.


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Format for submitting assets & liability statement


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