Ministerial examination results 2014

ministerial staff marks list

ministerial result

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CBDT accepts Mumbai CAT’s order on advance increment

CBDT’s advance increment acceptance order

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Executive instruction for 2014-15 promotions


executive instruction 2014-15

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Outsourcing of services – instruction of Principal CCIT

Dear comrades,

Instruction of Principal CCIT regarding outsourcing of services is attached. Branch secretaries are requested to object to all contracts in contravention to the extant instructions enclosed with the direction of Pr. CCIT. It may please be noted that augmentation of Gr. C posts is not to be done through outsourcing.

Pr. CCIT’s instruction regarding outsourcing of services



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CGHS rates Thiruvananthapuram w.e.f 17-11-2014 applicable for medical reimbursement in entire Kerala Charge

CGHS Rates Thiruvananthapuram


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Answer keys to ITO 2014



Allied-Laws-ITO-2014-Answer Keys

Adv-Acct-ITO-2014-Answer keys

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Circular No. 51 of CHq dated 22-11-2014




NEW DELHI-110027

Cir. No. 51/12-15                                                              Dated: 22nd  November,2014

Dear Comrades,



               The ITEF family is bereaved on the sudden and untimely demise of our former President Com. V.S.R.Krishna (63).  He succumbed to a massive heart attack on the late hours of 10.11.2014.  As his close family members were abroad in Australia and US, the funeral took place on 14.11.2014.

               The ITEF, AP & T Circle organised a condolence function on 21.11.2014 under the auspices of JCA in a befitting manner.  In the function all the available members of family and relatives of late Com. VSR Krsihna were present.  From the ITEF Chq., the Advisory Committee Members Comrades Umesh Mehta, KKN Kutty, PV Ramachandran and Comrades Ashok B Salunkhe & KP Rajagopal (President and Secy. Genl) were present.  In the function, Comrades KKN Kutty (on behalf of CHQ),Usha Bonepalli & Subha Reddy(ITEF AP& T Circle-C), Ahmed Hussain( ITEF Circle-D) Com. Md. Farooqui (ITEF), Com. Shanthi Kumar (former President ITGOA), Com. Jayakumar (Gl. Secy. ITGOA-AP Circle) and Shri P.V. Rao (Commissioner of IT) recalled the contributions and sacrifices  of late Com. VSR Krishna in building the IT & CG Employees movement in Andhra Pradesh and also at all India level.  An obituary note was read out and the house paid tributes to the departed leader by observing silence.  

Filling up of Post of RY 2014-15.

The JCA leaders Coms. Ashok B Salunkhe, KP Rajagopal (President & Secy Genl, ITEF) Coms. Ajay Goyal, Bhaskar Bhattacharya & Aravind Trivedi (President, Secy Genl & Addl. Secy.- ITGOA) had a meeting with the Chairperson Ms. Anita Kapur and Member (P) Shri A.K. Jain on the above issue and RRs of IRS Officers.   On the basis of imputs that the DoPT may require more time to consider and approve the RRs of various cadres in the Department and the rider attached to the instant instructions on the matter, it was decided to go with the existing Recruitment Rules for all the cadres for filling up of vacancies for the Rect. Year 2014-15.  It was also decided to move separately to the Competent Authorities to get relaxation for filling up the posts in the Inspectors cadre lying vacant for want of candidates in one of the two categories by considering the candidates in the other category.   The instructions for holding DPC meetings and effecting promotions on the above lines will be issued shortly.

Provision of Air Conditioners.

We have been informed by the Board that the Dept of Expenditure has, after a long time, finally approved the proposal for 6 air conditioners per range for staff rooms.  The allocation of fund to the identified Ranges are under way and orders to this effect will be issued soon.

Laptops to ITIs & Mobile handsets to all.

We have also been informed that the IFU (Dept. Of Revenue) after returning the files quite a number of times for clarification etc. has finally approved the two proposals viz. Laptops to Inspectors and Mobile Handsets to all personnel out of the 1% incentive fund.  These proposals have been submitted to the Department of Expenditure for  Govt.’s final approval.

Deptl. Examination Results.

The Results of Departmental Examination for Income Tax Officers have been declared and published.  The declaration of results of the Departmental Examination for Inspectors is likely to be delayed till December, 2014 due to some technical problem in the answer papers of Delhi Region. 

National Convention of CG Employees.

The National Conventiuon of organisations of JCM Staff side, as intimated, will be held on 11.12.2014 from 12noon to 4PM at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Civil Lines, New Delhi.  The Secretariat of ITEF is scheduled to meet on 10.12.2014 and all the Sect. members are to attend the above convention.  Therefore, the Secretariat Members may come prepared to stay at Delhi on 10.12.2014.

Confederation TUE Camp.

The next All India Trade Union Education Camp of Confederation is scheduled to be held at Bangalore on 5th and 6th January, 2015.  Our organisation has been given a quota of 20 delegates.  Therefore all the Secretariat Members are requested to attend the camp during  the two days.  In case any Sect. Member(s) are not able to make it, the same may be intimated to the CHQ for nominating other comrades as delegates from ITEF.  The CHQ is requesting the ITEF Karnataka & Goa Circle to make arrangements for the stay etc. of the ITEF Delegates.  The Confederation Circular No. No. 51 is enclosed for further details on the subject.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General.

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Departmental examination results 2014

ITO Normal 2014

ITO PQ 2014



Annexure of ITO Exam

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Project Tarang eligible for 3G – order

2G 3G Data charging plan for Income Tax Dept – Project Tarang 13-10-14-1 (1)

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Restructuring of jurisdiction – IT offices to remain open on 15-11-2014

order us 119 dated 11-11-2014

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notification of TDS, Intl. Taxation and Transfer Pricing jurisdiction

jurisdiction pr ccit intl txn

notification Intl Txn and Tr pricing

notification TDS


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CBDT guidelines for non-adversarial tax regime

cbdt guideline for non adversarial tax regime


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CBDT changes tack again! Parmar decision to apply to UDCs and TAs as well- New FAQ issued


CBDT’s latest FAQ on Parmar Judgement implementation

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Pr. CIT/ CIT notification


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Muharram Holiday changed to 3rd November

Muharamm Holiday

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Economy measures – MoF order


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Pr. CCIT/CCIT/Pr.CIT/CIT jurisdiction notification


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Amendment to cadre restructuring post distribution

amendment to distribution of cadre restructuring posts

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Application for compassionate appointment – Counter signature not required

compassionate appointment – no counter signature

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Circular No. 50/12-15 dated 15-10-2014


A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110 0278

Tel: 011 2510 5324: email:

President: Com. Ashok B Salunkhe           Secretary General: KP Rajagopal

Cir. No. 50/12-15                                                                       Dated: 15.10.2014

Dear Comrades,

The Secretariat of the Federation had its meeting, as scheduled, on 14.10.2014 at Manishinath Bhawan, New Delhi, chaired by Com President- Ashok B Salunkhe.  The secretariat discussed the agenda items and the gist of the decisions is given below.

The Secretariat discussed the approach to the Quarterly Review Meeting with Chairman, CBDT scheduled to be held on 14.10.2014 at 4 PM and decided to focus on the issues already taken up with the Board and pending at various stages and seek resolution of the same at the earliest.  It was also decided that if the authorities fail to settle the issues in a time bound manner, to embark on agitation to bring sanction on the authorities for settlement of the issues.  The issues discussed and the outcome of the QRM are briefly mentioned in the draft minutes of the QRM, enclosed and hence not elaborated here.

The Secretariat reviewed the issue of the diversion of Cadre Restructuring Post to deficient circles in view of the reservation and apprehensions expressed by some circles.  The Secretariat was unanimous that for the sake of unity and to mitigate the feelings of the members of the deficient circles, the issue has to be resolved immediately.  The secretariat authorised the President and Secretary General to talk to the leaders of the circles who had expressed reservations at the earliest and resolve the issue and bring about unanimity before the matter is taken up with the Authorities.

All India Delegates Conference.  The Secretariat was informed by the General Secretary NE Circle that preparation is going on  for the next all India Conference at Guwahati.  The Secretariat decided to request all Circles to raise to achieve the target of advertisement tariff collection and send them to the GS,NE Circles, at the earliest.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(KP Rajagopal)

Secretary General



The quarterly Review Meeting with the representatives of Income tax Emplopyees Federation (ITEF) and Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association(ITGOA)  was held on 01.10.2014 at 4.00PM under the Chairmanship of Shri K.V. Chowdary,Chairman,CBDT in his chamber, North Block, New Delhi to discuss the issues raised by them.  A list of the Officers of CBDT and representatives of ITEF and ITGOA, who attended the meeting is placed at Annexure “A”.

Agenda item No. 1Immediate steps to finalise the All India seniority list of ITOs by issuing guideline and deadline to resolve inter-se seniority issue.

The Official side informed that the issue is linked to the implementation of DOPT Office Memorandum issued on the basis of Supreme Court Judgement in the case of Union Vs. NR Parmar.  Board has referred the matter raised by the JCA for implementing the same in all cadres, to the DoPT.  The reference from the DoPT is awaited and the deadline fixed for completion of the revision will not be insisted till then.      

Item No. 2. Speedy approval of Jurisdiction proposals pending with the CBDT for immediate initiation of departmental functions for FY 2014-15.

The staff side requested for notification of jurisdiction as on one side the promoted Officials are kept idle and on other side the existing assessment units are struggling with heavy work load. The staff side demanded posting of officers kept as OSD to assessment units with concomitant jurisdiction. The Chairman informed that the Jurisdiction proposals have been approved and some issues of technical nature have been referred to Ministry of Law for their opinion.  Since the new pattern is admixture of existing and new scheme, any adhoc method will bring only difficulties and informed to wait till the opinion of the Law Ministry is received.  

Item No. 3. Immediate steps for approval of RRs of Group B & C for filling up of posts of RY 2014-15 and discussion on the amendments of IRS Recruitment Rules.

The staff side pointed out that due to the delay in the approval of the RRs by the DoPT, DPC Meetings and promotions are held up and demanded executive instructions on the lines of the proposed RRs submitted to the DoPT as done during the years 2001-02 and 2002-03 during last cadre restructuring.  The Official side informed that the matter is being pursued with the DoPT and requested to wait for another month viz. till 15.11.2014.  The official side also assured the matter will be reviewed on 17th Nov. 2014 for considering the alternative methods.   In the case of IRS Recruitment Rules the Chairman directed the official side  and staff side to sit together and sort out the gray areas.                                                              `

Item No. 4.  Steps to get the approval of the long pending following schemes from IFU/DoE (6 air conditioners per Range: Laptop to Inspectors, Laptops to AOs/Ps, Replacement of Old Laptops, Mobile handsets to all etc).

The Official side informed that the the clearance of approval of 6 air conditioners from DoE is expected shortly.  The IFU has cleared the proposal for laptop to Inspectors and the same will be sent to the DoE for approval.  For other issues the CIT(C&S) shall pursue the matters with the Secretary (E) and JS,IFU  for expeditious clearance.

Item No. 5. Constitution of a committee to consider amendments to the Transfer & Posting Policy for Group A Officers considering unique problems of promotee Officers.

The Chairman favoured written suggestions from ITGOA in this regard to be considered by the Board for incorporation than constituting a committee for this purpose.      

Item No.6Discussion on the effective date of DCIT promotion to 2009/2010 Barch DCsIT and retrospective effect of promotion from 1st  January  for 2006/2007 Batch DCsIT.  Also discuss the issue of regularisation of adhoc JCIT for 2001 Batch retrospectively.

After hearing the representatives the Chairman desired the officials to start the process for holding DPC before 1.1.2015 for 2009 & 2010 batch Officers.  The official side informed that reference has been made to Law Ministry for giving effect of promotion to 2006 and 2007 batch officers from retrospective date.  The Chairman desired immediate initiation of process for regularisation of Adhoc JCsIT.  

Item No. 7. Resolution of issue of promotion orders in Directorate( Delhi Charge ) and diversion of 1633 posts out of West Bengal Charge.

The Official side informed that on the issue of Promotion orders of Directorates, the Chairman had one round of discussion with the DG(HRD) DG (Admn) and ITEF.  The contentious issue is with regard to the promotions of 48 persons.  A meeting will be held with JCA next week to find out a solution. With regard to the Diversion of posts out of West Bengal Charge, the Committee will be reconstituted with the JS (Admn) as the Chairman with mandate of completing the process within one month.      

Item No. 8. Proposal for increasing local travel reimbursement to Inspectors and Notice Servers.

It was informed that the Proposal put up with justification to the Board will be approved soon and the same will be submitted to IFU for its approval.     

Item No. 9.  Advance increment to Sr. Tax Assistants and Stgrs on passing Departmental Examination.

The Official side informed that proposal with further inputs is being put up to the Board for further action.        


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