Lunch hour demonstration on 12th May to be held in all offices in Kerala to protest non conduct of DPC for TA to STA promotions & other national level issues.



Dear comrades,

The JCA of ITEF & ITGOA, Kerala has decided to hold lunch hour demonstration in front of all offices in Kerala Region on 12th May 2015 to achieve the following demands:

1. Effect promotion to the cadre of Assistant commissioners against the left over vacancies of 2013‐14 and the entire vacancies pertaining to the Recruitment years 2014‐15 and 2015‐16 immediately.

2. Finalise and notify the Recruitment Rules of all Group B and C cadres      immediately, the absence of which has hampered the career prospects of the employees;

3. Issue instructions immediately to the field formations to effect promotion to the cadre of Inspectors to enable the Chief Commissioners of Income tax (CCA) to divert the posts lying vacant for want of eligible candidates in one category to another.

4. Convene DPC in Kerala Region immediately to effect promotions to the cadre of STAs for the RY 14-15.

All the Branch Secretaries are requested to liaise with the local ITGOA representative and ensure maximum participation in the programme.

Fraternally yours

Narayan Hari

General Secretary

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Link for Departmental Examination online application

Link for online application

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Ministerial Staff Examination to commence on 14-07-2015; Application to be submitted offline


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Lunch Hour demonstration: Date changed to 12-05-2014 – JCA circular




 Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden, New Delhi 110027

No. N-1/2015-18

Dated: 01st May, 2015


The Presidents/General Secretaries,

Of all the Units of ITGOA and ITEF.

Dear Comrades,

Central JCA in its meeting dated 28.04.2015 decided to organise a Lunch Hour demonstration on 06.05.2015 before all Pr. CCIT(CCA) to protest against the highhandedness of outside agencies in connection with the unfortunate incidence that took place at Lucknow on 31.03.2015. However, as per the request made by the JCA, UP(East) Unit, the said agitation programme is postponed for the time being.

 In the said meeting, it was also decided to protest against the delay in promotion from ITO to ACIT and other promotional issues. The meeting decided to hold Lunch Hour Demonstration on 14.05.2015, before all Pr. CCIT(CCA) offices under the banner of JCA. Later on, it has been decided by the Central JCA to hold the Lunch Hour Demonstration on 12.05.2015 instead of 14.05.2015. The Charter of Demand for the Lunch Hour Demonstration on 12.05.2015 is as under:

i) Immediate promotion from ITO to ACIT against the left-out vacancies of R.Y. 2013-14 and the entire vacancies of R.Y. 2014-15 & 2015-16;

ii) Immediate finalisation of Recruitment Rules of Gr. B & C employees;

iii) Immediate filling up of posts of Inspectors lying vacant for want of candidates in one category by promoting the eligible candidates in the other category.

All the units of JCA are requested to make the programme a grand success.

With warm regards,

Yours comradely,

                   Sd/                          Sd/

(Bhaskar Bhattacharya) (RupakSarkar)

                      Joint Convenors

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Circular No. 4/15-17 of CHq. Lunch hour demonstrations to be held on 6th & 14th May.



Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027

Circular No. 4                                                                               Dated: 29.04.2015.

Decisions of Secretariat & JCA meeting held on 28.04.2015. 

The Secretariat Meeting of ITEF CHQ was held on 28.4.2015 at ITEF Delhi Circle Room, Civic Centre, New Delhi at 4.00 P.M under the chairmanship of Com.Ashok Kr. Kanojia, President, ITEF CHQ.

Under the First Agenda Review of the programme of March to Parliament called by the JCM Staff Side” The Secretary General initiated and all the members of Secretariat participated in the discussion. After discussion it was ascertained that around 1750 members from ITEF participated in the  March to Parliament held on today i.e 28.4.2015. 

Under the Second Agenda “Review of the pending demands” the following issues were discussed.

  1. Implementation of N.R.Parmar Judgment in all cadres and to conduct DPC for the panel year 2014-15 before August 2015.
  2. To change the word ‘henceforth’ in the Advance Increment order. And whether to include O.S and Stgr Gr I.
  3. Finalisation of Recruitment Rules
  4. Instruction to conduct DPC for panel year 2015-16
  5. Conversion of steno quota to ministerial for ITI promotion
  6. Extension of relaxation for Inter-charge transfer
  7. Merger of Staff Car Driver in the Main Stream

Under Organisational issues the situation arising out of the Lucknow Incident was discussed.  We are enclosing herewith a brief note on the incident that took place in the office at Lucknow on 31.3.2015.  The house registered its strong protest against the way the Department handled the issue.  Since the incident took place in the office premises, in spite of the repeated pleading by the JCA, the Administration has not taken any serious steps to bring about a conducive atmosphere for restoring normalcy in office and to cause discussion with the authorities in the Central Bureau of Investigation.   The Officials including the leaders of the ITEF and ITGOA and their family members are living in a horrified atmosphere.  In view of the above situation, the Secretariat decided to extend full support to the members and leaders of Lucknow Charge.

After the Secretariat meeting, the JCA meeting was held at the same venue.  The JCA mainly discussed two issues viz. the Lucknow incident and inordinate delay in holding the DPC for ITOs to AC for 2014-15 and supplementary DPC for remaining vacancies of 2013-14.   On the issue of Lucknow,  JCA unanimously decided to hold the demonstration programme under the banner of the JCA against the lethargic attitude of the Administration in the matter and to stand in solidarity with the members and leaders of the JCA in Lucknow Charge. Accordingly the Secretariat appeal to all the Circles to hold Lunch Hour demonstration on 6th May, 2015 in solidarity of the leaders and members of JCA of Lucknow Charge.

On the second issue of already delayed promotions  to ITO to AC and other Group B & C cadres, diversion of posts lying vacant in Inspectors for want of eligible candidates in Stenographer cadre and finalisation of Recruitment Rules as per report of the Sub-committee etc.  The JCA decided to hold Lunch Hour Demonstration on 14th May, 2015.

The Secretariat also decided to vigorously peruse with the authorities all other pending issues and important issues drawn after discussions in the XXIX All India Conference at Guwahati.

All the Circles are required to carry out the above two programmes under the banner of JCA at all places.  The JCA circular is being sent separately.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


(Rupak Sarkar)

Secretrary General.

Brief note over the incident that happened at the premises of Income tax office, Lucknow on 31.3.2015.

The limitation for completion of assessment proceedings under the I.T. Act normally expires on 31st March, every year.  Due to this stipulation 31st March is almost 24 hour working day in Income tax Department with cent per cent attendance of officers and Staff.  31st March, 2015 was no different and Lucknow offices of the I.T. Department were functioning in full swing.

CBI seems to have planned to execute a vigilance trap were on 31.03.2015 of an Income tax Officer, who appears to have indulged in the corrupt practice of demanding money for doing favour from an assessee. Besides the officers and employees, the office was crowded with a number of assesses, their authorised representatives, Chartered Accountants and their Assistants and many others on the crucial day.  The CBI did not however, deem it necessary to inform of their plan to the Head of the Department or to any other Senior officers of the Department either after the execution of the trap or thereafter. 

Some of the employees who were not aware of the CBI plan for effecting a trap mistook their action as manhandling of one of the officers, who had the assessment charge, by the assessee or his henchmen.  Having heard of the unsavoury incident, quite a number of employees and other visitors to the office assembled in front of the chamber of the concerned officer.  The CBI Inspectors on seeing the assembly of a sizeable crowd in front of the room of the officer locked the same from inside which unfortunately gave birth to further fury and anger to the assembled crowd of people.  They attempted to push open the door under the mistaken impression that the assessee and his henchmen were manhandling the officer.  It was only when the local police reached the spot, the real picture emerged and the crowd got disbursed immediately, who were assembled in anxiety to protect one of their colleague officers.

Thereafter the CBI filed an FIR against the officers and employees of the I.T. Department alleging that they had been indulging in obstructing the CBI to carry out its legal functions.  The local police took immediate cognisance of the FIR filed by such a prestigious organisation, the CBI and began to arrest and harass the employees especially at the lower levels and the Union leaders, whose names were taken from the Name board placed in front of the Union office.  The actions pursued by the local police under the influence exerted by the Senior officers of the CBI.  It must be stated unambiguously that the commotion and chaos in the office on 31st March, 2015 was due to the mistaken identity.

In the background of the above mentioned facts, it would be clear that the incident was the product of mistaken identity.  In the circumstance, it is prayed that the appropriate direction may please be issued to CBI to bring about an amicable settlement to this issue. 


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ITO, ITI departmental exams to be held from 6th July 2015. Online application to be submitted in the month of May.


Posted in Departmental Exams | 1 Comment

ITO relieving date extended to 08th May 2015

relieving date

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AGT 2015, ITI Order


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28TH APRIL 2015


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ITO correction order dated 21-04-2015

ITO correction order

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Forms for declaring assets & liabilities under Lokpal/ Lokayukta Acts.

Dear comrades,

Attached are the forms for filing assets and liabilities under Lokpal Act. Return for the YE 31-03-2014 & 31-03-20145 has to be filed before 30-04-2015 and 31-07-2015 respectively. These returns are mandatory for all the employees.








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DA w.e.f. 01-01-2015 – order


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AGT 2015 – ITO order

ito 2015

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Circular No. 3/15-18 of CHq


Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027

Cir. No. 3/15-18                                                                       Dated: 31st March,2015.

Dear Comrades.

Oral evidence before the VII-CPC

            The VII-CPC has given a meeting to the Income Tax Employees Federation for presenting oral evidence on the demands canvassed in the JCA Memorandum on Departmental Issues.  Accordingly, to day, the 27th March, 2015 the following representatives of JCA tendered evidence before the VII-CPC at 10.30AM.

            Com. Ashok Kr. Kanojia, President, ITEF,

            Com. Rupak Sarkar, Secretary General, ITEF,

            Com. KP Rajagopal, Ex-Secretary General, ITEF,

            Com. Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Secretary General, ITGOA.

We, while thanking the VII-CPC for giving us the chance for this presentation, reiterated that on all common issues, we fully endorse the memorandum submitted and evidence tendered by the JCM Staff side.  Further we confined to the following issues specific to the Departmental personnel.

  1. Pay Scales of Income Tax Officers: We pleaded to maintain the parity of scales of Income Tax Officers and similarly placed Officers in the Audit & Accounts Department, as the parity existed till the VI-CPC has been disturbed in the recommendation and implementation of the VI-CPC report.  The similarly placed Officers in the Audit and Accounts Department are now placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs. 5400 while the Income Tax Officers are placed in the same pay band with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- for no ostensible reasons.  The Commissions response to this was appreciative and positive.
  2. Pay Scales of Inspectors: Our submission was mainly to maintain the parity of scales with the Inspectors in IB and CBI which was prevalent till 5th Pay Commission.   The same was disturbed by awarding a higher pay scale to the Inspectors in IB & CBI by V-CPC.  Though after 2004, the same was restored by the Government, the restoration was not considered by the VI-CPC.  Again the parity was restored by the Government on our persistent efforts.  Therefore, we pleaded to recommend the same pay scale for the Inspectors of Income Tax which is proposed to be awarded to the Inspectors of IB & CBI.  The Commission assured us that the present parity will not be disturbed.
  3. Tax Assistants: Our submission was that till V-CPC, UDC/TA in the Department was on the same pay scales as that of Auditors/Accounts in IA& AD and other Accounting organisations.  From 2003, much after the implementation of the V-CPC report the pay scale of the Accountants/Auditors who are recruited by same agency with same examination are provided a higher pay on their postings to the Audit and Accounting organisations while others posted in the Department of Revenue are placed at a lower pay scale.  We urged that the pay of the Tax Assistants in the IT Department may be given the same placement scale that is being proposed for Auditors/Accounts in IA&AD.  The point was well taken by the commission.
  4. Notice Servers: Being an uncommon category in the Department akin only to the Postmen in Postal Department, we urged the Commission to maintain the parity with the pay scale proposed to the Postmen in the Postal Department. The commission indicated a positive note.
  5. Staff Car Drivers: Our submission for merger of SCDs in the Department with the mainstream cadres as on the policy of the Government, a large number of drivers are vehicle less and unoccupied  was not initially agreed on technical ground that the Department or the Government should take a decision.  On our further submission, the Commission indicated to make a reference of this point too.

Once again the representatives thanked the commission and urged to consider all the submissions made by the JCM staff side on pay and allowance and service conditions. 

Advance Increment on passing ITI Examination. On our demand, though the CBDT moved the proposal  for extending  the advance increment to Sr. Tax Assistants and Stenographer Grade II (old), the Department of Expenditure did not agree.  On our persistent demand, especially in the wake of DoPT and Department of Law concurring with the decisions of the Central Administrative Tribunals decision to grant the facility to the individuals who resorted to this course, the CBDT in the meeting held on 22ndDecember, 2014 agreed to take up the issue further.  On the reference by the Board the DoPT and DOLA advised to implement the decisions of the Tribunals and Courts in similar cases only.  Our further demand placed and discussed in the QRM dated 11thFebruary, 2015 and on our query whether the DoPT and DoLA and all concerned want the entire similarly placed employees should resort to litigation and get the equitable justice, the Chairperson and Member (P&V) categorically assured that all out efforts will be taken to get the nod for generalising the benefit to all similarly placed employees.   Our further persuasion at all levels and the sincere efforts made by the Chairperson and Member (P&V) the said benefit has finally been extended to Sr. Tax Assistants and Stenographer Gr. II(Old). We sincerely thank all the members who stood with us patiently for quite long.

Departmental Examination. The CHQ leaders had a meeting with the DIT (IT) in the matter of Departmental Examination on 30.03.2015.  After discussion and taking into account various aspect, both the side came to the understanding to hold the Departmental Examinations in the first half of July,2015.  On our request for simplification of syllabus, it was also assured that necessary steps will be taken by the Directorate to simplify the questions and improve the pass-percentage.   It was also assured that our request for a lenient view on the candidates who require only one mark to get fully qualified will be sympathetically considered.

Recruitment Rules. The Directorate of HRD has  convened a meeting on 30.3.2015 to discuss various issues raised by the DoPT on the RRs submitted by the Department.  One of the observation of the DopT was to make the condition laid down in the model RR for Executive Assistant(GP Rs 4200) that the residency period of the feeder cadre (GP 2400)  has to be 10 years.  We have categorically and forcefully objected to take away the existing benefit viz. three year qualifying period.  We have also objected to the suggestion of the DoPT to make mandatory training for promotion to certain cadres.  We have placed our stand that we are also for mandatory training at all levels and more frequently, but putting it as a condition for promotion cannot be accepted.  The Directorate considered our views and assured us that these points will be stressed further without any compromise.

Implementation of NR Parmar Judgement & DoPT Instructions.  In the background of the delay in implementing the instructions of the Board on the subject and problems brought out by certain Cadre Controlling Authorities, the DG(HRD) convened a meeting with the representative of ITEF and ITGOA and Addl. Commissioner(HQ) from certaion charges on 30.3.2015.  The meeting was chaired by Shri Krishna Saini, DG(HRD).  In the meeting we have also noticed that some of the Charges like CCIT,CCA,Bangalore are still having the opinion that the revision has to take place from top to bottom i.e. from ITI to down below whereas the true revision as per the spirit of the CBDT instruction to correctly determine the seniority,has to be  the revision from the bottom.  The point was made clear to all and it has been decided to revise the seniority of the cadres where the element of both DR & PR  exists accordingly.  It was also decided that  progress of implementation and revision of seniority list of all such cadres will be monitored by the Authorities every month.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally, 

(Rupak Sarkar)

Secretary General.

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General Instruction for advance increment to STAs and SG 1 for passing ITI examination issued.

advance-increment order

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Operational vehicle – Revised allotment and CBDT Instrn.

Operational Vehicle CBDT Instrn

allotment of operational vehicle


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CHq circular no. 2/15-18



Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027

Cir. No. 2/15-18                                                              Dated: 20th March,2015.

Dear Comrades.

Secretriat Meeting.

The First meeting of the newly elected Secretriat was held at Central Headquarters on 17th March, 2015.  The meeting was chaired by President Com. Ashok Kr. Kanojia.  The following Secretariat members Coms. Babu Thomas, Jageswar Sah and Mahesh Chandra Mishra, informed their inability to attend the Meeting. Com. KP Rajagopal, ex-Secretary General was present on the invitation of the Secretariat.

The meeting reviewed the XXIX All India Conference.  The meeting placed its appreciation and thankfulness to the ITEF,NE Circle for holding the Conference in an excellent manner. The secretariat also decided to ensure the presence of representative from Mumbai Circle in the Secretriat.  The meeting decided to make an appeal to the Mumbai Circle to this effect.  The meeting decided to seek the continuous support and guidance of the outgoing President Com. A.B. Salunkhe and Com. KP Rajagopal in its day to day functioning and also other senior leaders.  The meeting unanimously nominated Com. Ujjal Hore (Bengal) and Com. Ombir Singh (Delhi) to the two assistant Secretaries vacant posts as decided in the Conference.  The Secretary General also informed the meeting that as the President is stationed in Delhi, the SG will be available in the CHQ for two-three days every week in the immediate future. 

As per the decision of the Conference, the Secretariat considered the resolutions moved by various circles and issues raised in the conference, and  finalised the resolutions on Departmental issues and Common issues.  The resolutions as finalised by the Secretariat has been submitted to the Authorities.  The same is enclosed.  The secretariat decided to pursue the pending issues on priority basis.  It was also decided to make the March to Parliament slated for April 28,2015 a grand success and appeal to all Circles to send the number of volunteers as per the quota intimated earlier.

The issue of non-regularisation of casual labours with temporary status in certain charges was discussed.  The Secretariat request all the Circle General Secretaries to report to the Chq whether any casual Labours(Temporary Status) are still to be regularised, their number and the reason for non-regularisation.   The Circles are further requested to inform the progress of implementation of instructions of the Board in the inter-se seniority matter as per the judgement of the Supreme Court in NR Parmar case.

Meeting with Chairperson,CBDT.

The entire Secretariat members had a courtesy meeting with the Chairperson, CBDT on 17.3.2015 at 4PM.  The Ex-Secretary General introduced the members to the Chairperson.  The members urged to the Chairperson to fast track the implementation of the following pending demands

>Approval of the Recruitment Rules of Gr. B & C cadres pending with DoPT,

>Laptops to Inspectors and Mobile Handsets to all, pending with Dept. Of Expdr.

>Increasing reimbursement of LTE to Inspectors and Notice Servers, pending with DoE.

>Early resolution of issues of Promotion in Directorates and Diversion of CR Posts.

>Conversion of vacant post in promotional quota of Inspectors to the other category.

The Chairperson informed that the Board is taking all efforts to get the issues approved by various authorities and assured that all other issues would be resolved at the earliest.

The CHQ leaders also had a brief meeting with the Member (Personnel &Vigilance) on 19th March, 2015.  The issues of conversion of quota and filling up of vacancies in the Inspectors Posts for want of candidates in one category from eligible candidates of  the other category was pressed.  The Member (Personnel) was kind enough to inform us that the issue will be looked into immediately.

VII-CPC-Oral  evidence.

ITEF has received a communication from the 7th CPC fixing a meeting with ITEF on 27th March, 2015 at 10.30am for presenting further our points enumerated in our memorandum submitted to it.  The leaders will present our case and provide oral evidence for the demands and submissions made by us in our memorandum.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(Rupak Sarkar)

Secretary General.


Resolutions on Departmental Issues adopted in the

XXIX All India Conference of ITEF held at Guwahati from 19-22 February 2015 

Pending issues to be expedited

Merger of Directorate with Principal CCIT(CCA) New Delhi.

  1. Withdrawal of the Order of Diversion of 1633 posts from West Bengal & Sikkim Charge.
  2. Re-allocation of posts to deficient charges (where stagnation is acute).
  3. Implementation of Schemes of Laptop to Inspectors and Mobile handset to all.
  4. Reimbursement of Local Travel Expenses to Inspectors and Notice Servers.
  5. Notification of Recruitment Rules of Gr.-C & Gr.-B Cadres.
  6. To issue the general order for Two Increments on passing of ITI Exam to STA & Stgr.-Gr.II (erstwhile).

  1. 1. .Staff Car Drivers unoccupied may be merged with the main stream Cadres., with relaxation, if needed.
  2. Direct Recruit Quota of Notice Server may be converted to Promotional Quota as one time measure.
  3. The tariff and services of Project Tarang may be reviewed and services may be brought at par with present rates.
  4.  Zonal/Regional Recruitment in Gr.-C Cadres be resorted to tide over the huge vacancies.
  5. Recruitment of MTS to be restored to the Department or through the Employment Exchange.
  6. To simplify the Syllabus of the Departmental Exam.
  7. The candidates who are left with only one paper in the Departmental examination to get qualified may be considered sympathetically and the grace marks may be given to the extent required to qualify the paper.
  8. To modify the Office Procedure Manual (Duty List) as per the post-restructuring functional requirement of the Department.
  9. RSA Token alongwith User Id, Passwords may be provided to all employees enabling them access to the Departmental Network according to their job profiles.
  10. Regular training programme to all employees at various levels may be provided.
  11. Compilation of latest judgements in favour of the department alongwith the latest changes made in the Act & Rules in the shape of a booklet be circulated among the Officers and Inspectors.  Also the latest amendments made in the software and procedures should be compiled and circulated among TA/EA staff.
  12. Infrastructure in the Department should be improved and ensured that each personnel gets ample space for office as well as residential accommodation according to the norms fixed by CPWD.
  13. Bandwidth speed for Deptt. network should be improved at all Offices.
  14. It may be ensured to exempt the Inspector, Notice Server and Staff car Drivers from Biometric attendance System keeping in view their nature of job and field duties.
  15. The Regional CCsIT of MP & Chattisgarh should be allowed to deploy their Gr.-C personnel as per their representations in the respective regions.
  16. The erstwhile Group-D employees aged more than 50 years may be considered for promotion to the higher grade by relaxing the Computer Skill Test.
  17. Regularisation of all Casual Workers as per Order of the Principal Bench of CAT, New Delhi and also as assured by the Finance Minister.
  18. To allot sufficient Funds in all Heads of Expenditure particularly in Medical Head.
  19. Periodical Statistical Reports other than prescribed ones be taken through Systems and requisitioning them from the field offices be dispensed with.
  20. Uniform policy be adopted to conduct skill test for the Stenographers recruited in relaxed standard by the Deptt. after proper training.
  21. To get the Recruitment Rules for all Cadres notified immediately.
  22. To take immediate action to get the ITI posts lying vacant for want of candidates in Steno Cadre filled with the eligible candidates in Ministerial Cadre.
  23. To take necessary steps to expedite the process of filling up of all Direct Recruitment posts to tide over staff shortage.
  24. Partially qualified TAs may be promoted as Sr. TAs as a onetime measure.
  25. Daily Wage Workers (other than with Temporary status) be paid at the minimum of Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) i.e., Rs.5200 plus a Grade Pay of Rs.1300/- and Dearness Allowances. In addition the benefit of merger of 50% of DA may also be allowed, as has been available to such persons in Postal Department.
  26. All communication/Notifications/OM/Promotional orders be placed in the Official website of the Department and log-in facility of “irsofficersonline” may be introduced for all employees.
  27. To reduce the minimum period of MTS Cadre from 5 years to 3 years for appearing in the departmental examination.
  28. Wherever Special Pay is made for Officers for specialised work, the staff of all cadres posted there may also be given Special Pay.
  29. Proper and accountable personnel may be deployed for the security of the offices and personnel in the department.
  30. All the vacant posts in the Departmental Canteen may be filled as per the DOPT`s Instruction. Steps may be taken to provide proper Canteen facility for all Staffs.
  31. Departmental personnel required for the Central Processing Centres (CPCs) be drawn from all charges either on willingness or on deputation, since no separate allocation was made in the Cadre-restructuring posts to the charges where CPCs are functioning.

Resolutions on Common issues-other than the issues already taken-up/pending with various levels.

  1. LTC provisions of eligibility in Premium Class trains without any restrictions.
  2. Fixation benefit on promotion be given to the MACP beneficiaries.
  3. Provision of additional HBA for extension/repair or renewal of existing houses.
  4. Medical advance may be granted without any restriction to all the beneficiaries for inpatient treatment.
  5. Motor Car Advance to all non-gazetted employees.
  6. To provide CGHS Hospital in all towns and to ensure cash less treatment to all.
  7. To notify  at least one private Hospital at each station for medical treatment of CGEs.
  8. To combine the unavailed joining time to the Earned Leave Account.
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Advance increment – CBDT decides to implement all court cases – General instruction to follow.

Advance increment CBDT instn

Posted in Departmental News | 7 Comments

Final seniority position after implementation of Parmar Judgement







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