Deemed date for ITIs promoted on review DPC – order no 49

Deemed date ITI promo

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ITI posting – correction order dated 24-7-2015

ITI correction order 24-7-2015

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Re-classification of cities for HRA – effect dated is 01-04-2015

classification of cities21-07-2015

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Newly promoted ITIs permitted to join present station pending review of transfer

ITI permission to join at present station

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Circular No. 6/15-18 of CHq


Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027.

Cir. No. 6/15-18                                                                                              Dated: 14th July, 2015.

Dear Comrades,

The ITEF Secretariat met at Manishinath Bhawan on 13.07.2015.  The Meeting chaired by Com. Ashok Kr. Kanojia was attended by all Secretariat Members except four Comrades.  The  meeting reviewed the progress of the pending issues taken up with the Authorities.  Since many of the issues were discussed in the last PGRC meeting held on 10.6.2015 the minutes of which are awaited, it was decided to take up all other issues in the Quarterly Review Meeting scheduled to be held on 21.7.2015.  Com. Secretary General informed that the laptop to Inspectors has got the final approval and the modalities and procedure for its purchase and distribution are being worked out by the Board.

The Secretariat further discussed the following issues-

It was decided to take up the matter of placement Committee for the group C staff since in various charges, either the same are not being functioning or transfers are being made without adhering to the same.  Therefore, it was decided to demand its repeal and instead to formulate the transfer policy for group-C employees in line with the model transfer policy and in consultation with the ITEF Circle leadership.

In the matter of skill test for the erstwhile group D employees to empanelment for the promotion to the post of Tax Assistant, it was decided to seek one time relaxation for promotion to the post of Tax Assistant  after providing them necessary training.

The Secretariat decided to demand, as decided in the 29th All India Conference, for periodical and effective training to all the employees according to the requirement of the functioning of the Department and update them with the latest changes/amendments.

The Secretariat decided to demand speedy regularisation of the casual labours who have completed 10 years of service for which steps have already been taken by the Department and proposal pending with the Department of Personnel.

The Central Working Committee Meeting of the Federation will be held at Gaziabad on 13th and 14th August, 2015.  The ITEF, Western UP Circle is hosting the Working Committee Meeting.  The Secretariat decided to appeal all circles to collect Advertisement tariffs for the Souvenir being brought out on this occasion.

For properly maintenance of the Manishi Nath Bhawan, the Secretariat decided to create Building Maintenance Fund with collection of Rs.100/- from the members placed in PB-2 and of Rs. 50/- from the members placed in PB-! And the decision of the Secretariat will be placed before the CWC for approval.

To run the organisation smoothly, the Secretariat decided to appeal before all Circles to remit the dues of Renewal Fees and Aayakar before the CWC. The details of the dues are attached herewith.

As decided in the Conference, the Secretariat constituted a sub-committee to formulate our suggestions and to be placed before the Working Committee for changes in the duty list especially after the changes in the nomenclature and functional changes after the Cadre Restructuring.  The Following Members will constitute the Committee.

  1. Coms. Vinod                                             2. Com. Ombir Singh
  2. Com.  D P Acharya                                  4. Com. J.P. Singh.

The Secretariat also decided to protest the videography introduced in the Examination from this year in spite of assurances given by the Member (P&V) to the representatives to the contrary and its immediate stoppage from the next year onward.

The National Executive Committee of the Confederation met at Manishinath Bhawan on 12.07.2015 under the chairmanship of Com. KKN Kutty, President.  The Confederation decided, as in the past to endorse the call given by the Central Trade Unions including INTUC and BMS for one day strike on 2nd  Sept. 2015 against the anti working class, anti people policies being pursued by the present Government.  In the brief discussion Com. KKN Kutty, addressed the Secretariat members and explained the necessity of going for this one day strike as a prelude to the Indefinite strike by All Central Govt. employees, including Railways and Defence Federations, Confederation from 23rdNovember, 2015.  The Secretariat also endorse the call for one day Strike on 2ndSeptember, 2015 and decided to make all out efforts to make the strike a resounding one as was done in earlier strikes and to take all necessary steps to mobilise the members and enlighten them with the requirement of making it a success.  The Secretariat will chalk out campaign programme in support of the strike and inform to all Circle Secretaries accordingly. The Confederation Circular depicting the decisions in detail is enclosed.  Circle General Secretaries are requested to take necessary steps to mobilise the members for the strike actions.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

Rupak Sarkar

Secretary General

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ITI orders dated 16-07-2015

ITI order no. 40 dated 16-07-2015


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Revised seniority position in the case of ITO & ITI and intimation regarding disposal of grievances.

Intimation disposing grievances

ITO promotions – Finalized position


Seniority List of ITOs in Kerala Charge

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ITO order dated 10-07-2015

ITO order

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Cadre authorities to frame Transfer Policies for all cadres : DoPT OM


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SG 1 & STA promotion orders dated 2-07-2015

Steno order


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Changes to AO posting – Orders

Order No.23/2015-16

Order No. 24/2015-16

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Child Care Leave – requirement of minimum period of 15 days’ leave removed

CCL_15 days’ requirement removed

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Medical reimbursement – time limit for submission of final bill extended to six months

CGHS order dated 27 May 2015

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Executive instruction 2015-16 & Order directing carry over of vacant ITI posts

Instuctions-for-DPcs 15-16

carry over order

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Circular No 5 of CHq dated 16-06-2015



Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027.

Circular No. 5                                                                        Dated: 16.06.2015.

Dear Comrades,

The 4th meeting of Personnel Grievance Redressal Committee (PGRC) at apex level was held on 10.6.2015 under the Chairmanship of Member (P&V) CBDT. The gist of discussions held in the meeting is appended below;

(i) Regarding the promotion from ITO to ACIT for the R.Y 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16, it was informed by the Chairman of the meeting that process for finalisation of vacancies for the aforesaid R.Y.s are being carried out and likely to take some more time. It was assured that the vacancy calculation will be completed at the earliest.

(ii) For filling up of posts of Inspectors lying vacant for want of eligible candidates, necessary instruction will be issued to all the Pr.CCITs and instruction for filling up of the posts by promotion for R.Y 2015-16 uniformly by all the charges will be issued shortly.

(iii) For Re-allocation of posts of Inspectors to deficient charges (where stagnation is acute) as proposed by ITEF, it was informed that the exercise of re allocation of the post of inspector will be taken up at the appropriate time.

(iii)  Regarding notification of Recruitment Rules of Gr. B & C employees, it was informed to the representatives of JCA that the Recruitment Rules for the Group C employees will be notified within a period of one month (i.e. MTS & TA). As regards recruitment rules for Group B Gazetted and Non-Gazetted cadres, the draft RR was sent to DOPT for approval. The Recruitment Rules of Departmental Canteen staffs are ready and will be notified within a period of three weeks time.

(iv)  The CBDT in principle acknowledged the problem of huge vacancies in some of the charges due to all India Recruitment in Group-C Cadre. They are in principle in favour of Zonal/Regional Recruitment but since it involves policy matters for recruitment process of Government of India hence it required to be dealt separately for which necessary action will be undertaken.

(v) The official side informed that the laptops for Inspectors were approved in full board meeting. The matter was remitted to the technical team for purchase of laptops and accordingly orders will be issued shortly. For mobile hand set to all the employees it was informed that a policy will be framed and a proposal will be submitted to the concerned authorities for approval.

(vi)  For enhancement of Local Travel Expenses to Inspectors and Notice Servers necessary proposal was sent to the IFU for approval. The approval is still awaited.

(vii) Regarding improvement of infrastructure in the Department the it was informed that the general instruction in this regard has already been issued to all the Pr.CCITs. It was also informed that the problem of particular charge may be brought to the notice of Board for intervention.

(viii) It was informed to the Chairman of the meeting that at present there was no uniformity as regards holding of placements committee for transfer and posting of Group-B & C employees. It was further highlighted that the Board has issued various instructions in this regard in the past and accordingly requested to issue a fresh uniform guideline in this respect. It was assured that after causing discussion with the Chairperson the same will be acted upon.

(ix) Regarding the erstwhile Group-D employees aged more than 50 years may be  considered for promotion to the higher grade by relaxing the Computer Skill Test, the official side informed that since the issue is being raised for the first time hence the same is required some time for examination. The matter will be examined and referred to the Chairperson for decision.

(x) For merger of Staff Car Drivers with the main stream cadres as one time relaxation, it was informed that the DOPT has rejected the proposal. It was highlighted in the meeting that this proposal has already been considered and recommended to include SCD as feeder cadre for promotion to the cadre of T.A/N.S by the Recruitment Rules Committee. At present the majority of the staff car drivers are sitting idle without staff car. After brief discussion it was decided that a fresh note will be submitted again in this respect.

(xi) It was informed that the issue of providing DATA Card to all Inspectors & Gazetted Officers is being taken up with the BSNL after cadre restructuring of the Department alongwith enhancement of mobile SIM card/Land line etc.

The issue of providing  RSA Token alongwith User Id, Passwords to all employees including TROs enabling them access to the Departmental Network according to their job profiles, it was informed that the same was considered in the newly introduced ITBA (Income Tax Bussiness Application) application. Accordingly, RSA tokens will be issued in the phased manner to all the officials.

For improvement of Bandwidth speed for Deptt. network at all Offices specially in Mofussil offices the official side has informed that the steps has already being taken to improve the Bandwidth speed for Data Network of the Department in the March, 2015. However in case of any specific problems the same may brought to the notice of the DIT(System), New Delhi through the respective CIT(CO & Admn.) for necessary upgradation.

(xii)  To simplify the Syllabus of the Departmental Exam and the candidates who are left with only one paper in the Departmental examination to get qualified will be considered sympathetically and the grace marks will be given to the extent required to qualify the paper.  As regards the grace marks it was informed that already 7(seven) marks are available to all the candidates.

(xiii) For regular training to all employees at various levels, it was assured that necessary instructions will be issued to all the Pr. CCIT in this regard.

(xiv) For payment to Casual Labours in pursuance of judgement of the Honab’le Principal CAT’s judgement for almost last two and half years and the Honab’le Principal CAT’s judgement it was informed that the matter will be discussed with the concerned authorities and decision will be taken accordingly.

(xv) Regarding ensuing skill test of relaxed standard Stenographers, the proposal of the staff side for proper training and sufficient time before skill test will be examined and a direction will be communicated shortly.

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Transfer and posting PS dated 10-06-2015

Transfer order PS

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Transfer and posting order of AOs dated 9-06-2015

Transfer order AO 9-6-2015

Redeployment of AOs 9-6-2015

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Application for Passport by Goverment Employees : NOC not required. prior intimation to be given – MEA OM

OM VI-401-01-05-2014

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Cities reclassified: Kannur, Kollam & Thrissur to get 20% HRA. Kochi to attract higher Transport Allowance.

Revision of the classification/upgradation certain cities/towns on the basis of Census-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval to the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure for reclassification/upgradation of certain cities/towns on the basis of Census-2011, for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees.

On the basis of the final population figures of Census-2011, two cities have qualified for being upgraded from ‘Y’ class to ‘X’ class and 21 cities have qualified for being upgraded from ‘Z’ to ‘Y’ class for the purpose of HRA. Six cities have qualified for being upgraded from “Other Places” to specified higher class for the purpose of Transport Allowance.

The revised classification of cities shall take effect from 01.04.2014. The impact on the exchequer on account of upgradation of 29 cities, would be approx. Rs.128 crore for the year 2014-15.


HRA and Transport Allowance are admissible to Central Government employees depending upon employees’ Basic Pay (including NPA where applicable)/Grade Pay and the classification of the city/town where they are posted. The existing classification of cities/towns in different classes viz. ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ for the purpose of HRA and 13 specified cities classified earlier as ‘A-1’/ ‘A’ and “Other Places” for the purpose of Transport Allowance, is as per the criterion recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission. The existing qualifying limits of population for classification for HRA purpose is 50 lakhs & above for ‘X’, 5 – 50 lakhs for ‘Y’ and below 5 lakhs for ‘Z’ class city. Transport allowance is payable at ‘higher rates’ in 13 specified cities classified earlier as ‘A-1’ / ‘A’ (that is those cities having population of 20 lakhs & above) and at ‘lower rates’ in all other places.

The classification of cities/towns for this purpose is revised on the basis of their population as reflected in the decennial census report. The existing classification of various cities/towns is based on 2001 Census figures. The criterion of population for this purpose has been followed as recommended by the Central Pay Commissions.

Cities/towns to be upgraded on the basis of census-2011 for grant of House Rent Allowance

Cities to be upgraded/re-classified as “X”


Pune (UA)


Cities to be upgraded/re-classified as “Y”

Nellore (UA)

Gurgaon (UA)

Bokaro Steel City (UA)

Gulbarga (UA)

Thrissur (UA)

Malappuram (UA)


Kollam (UA)

Ujjain (M. Coprn.)

Vasai-Virar City (M. Corpn.)

Malegaon (UA)

Nanded-Waghala (M.Corp.)

Sangli (UA)

Raurkela (UA)

Ajmer (UA)

Erode (UA)

Noida (CT)

Firozabad (NPP)

Jhansi (UA)

Siliguri (UA)

Durgapur (UA)


Cities/towns to be upgraded on the basis of census-2011 for grant of Transport Allowance

Cities to be added for higher rates of Transport Allowance (i.e. which have population of more than 20 lakh to qualify for earlier classification as “A-1”/ “A” as stipulated in O.M. No. 21(2)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29.8.2008):

Patna (UA)

Kochi (UA)

Indore (UA)

Coimbatore (UA)

Ghaziabad (UA)

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Notice for Secretariat/Executive meeting on 04-06-2015

Secretariat-Executive meeting

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