Promotion orders dated 5-10-2015

ITI order

ITI order p2

ITO order

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Proposed indefinite strike from 23 November deferred – NJCA circular

NJCA Circular

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Ongoing agitation – JCA circular dated 29-9-2015









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Aadhar can be used only for PDS,distribution of kerosene and cooking gas and criminal investigation -SC interim order

Aadhar Supreme Court Order (1)

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DA order dated 23-9-2015


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JCA circular on ongoing agitation


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Day-long Dharna in front of Pr.CCIT and other CCIT/CIT offices on 15-09-2015.

Dear comrades,

As per the call of the JCA, one day dharna has to be organised in front of all CCIT/Pr. CCIT offices on 15-09-2015. The Branch secretaries of those stations, where CCITs/ PR. CITs  offices are situated, are requested to make arrangements for the Dharna in consulation with the ITGOA counterpart. Also, the office bearers of the following branches along with a few of our members are requested to attend the Dharna at the stations mentioned against their stations

Kollam                                                      :                        Thiruvananthapuram

Alappuzha, Thiruvalla                          :                        Kottayam

Aluva, Mattanchery                               :                        Ernakulam

Palaghat, Guruvayoor                           :                        Thrissur

Tirur, Kannur                                         :                        Calicut


General Secretary

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JCA agitation to commence on 9-9-2015.


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Make the 2nd September 2015 All India Strike a historic success.

Dear Comrades,

                We have placed on our website the synopsis of the discussion the leaders of the Central Trade Unions had with the Group of Ministers on the 12 point charter of demands. The Central Trade Unions evaluated the Government’s response to the strike call and have come to the conclusion that in the absence of any tangible result, the strike action must take place.  The only issue on which there had been a concrete proposal from the Government was on the question of raising the bonus ceiling.  In fact such an assurance has been given by the earlier Government also.  Due to the pressure exerted by the employing class, the said assurance could not be translated into reality.  To have the assurance to be put into practice, the Bonus Act has to be amended and that is possible only in the next session of the parliament.  In other words, if one is to believe the assurance held out by the Government on the question of raising the ceiling for bonus computation, it can only have prospective effect i.e. for the next year 2016.  We firmly believe that the corporate would not allow the present government to give effect to this assurance.  The acrimonious ceiling on bonus while allowing unlimited extraction of profit for the companies is to be fought out through bitter struggles.

                There had been no word from the Government on the question of rolling back its proposals on the labour reforms. The proposed labour reforms will hurt the working class most.  The regularization of contract workers, payment of minimum wage, ensuring statutory Pension benefit, the registration or recognition of trade unions within a stipulated time limit to enable the workers to have the right to collective bargaining, the non implementation of the agreements reached at the various tripartite Labour conferences were some of the significant issues on which the working class sought settlement. Introduction of 100% FDI in Railways, 49% in Defence, corporatisation & privatisation of government entities, end for contract/casual temporary employment also met with stoic silence or rejection.  The Group of Ministers has successfully eluded the issues. The BMS unions have declared that they would withdraw from the strike action.  Their decision being political based is understandable, but is difficult to appreciate. We can only hope against hope that they would realize the reality of the situation in the days to come and become part of the joint struggles very soon.

                The 7th CPC has sought further time to submit its report.  They are now likely to submit their report by 31st December, 2015.  Given the way the commission had acted on this vital issue, we are not certain of it.  It is on the specious plea that they would be submitting their report within the stipulated time, they had rejected our demand for interim relief.  They ought to have submitted an interim report to the Government before seeking further time on the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on merger of DA and Interim relief.  Even if the report is submitted say by 31st December, 2015,  which we feel is unlikely, the Government is bound to take another six months to take a view on the Commission’s recommendations.   It is incumbent upon the National JCA to meet immediately and take appropriate decision in the light of the unexpected step taken by the Commission in seeking further time to submit its report.  They must go ahead with the decision to go on strike from 23rd November, 2015 demanding the Commission to submit urgently an interim report on merger of DA and Interim relief.

                There had been no positive steps taken by the government to revive the functioning of the JCM at National or Departmental levels.  There appears to be no intention on their part to cause discussion on our charter of demands.   In this background we must revitalize and rejuvenate the functioning of our   Organizations at all levels.  We have received excellent reports of the strike preparation from all over the country.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


Secretary General

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JCA calls for agitation. Black badge day on 31-8-2015. Non cooperation to commence from 9-9-2015.



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02nd September National Strike – Malayalam Notice

malayalam notice

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Promotions, Outsourcing, RRs and Infrastructure – JCA launches agitation. Lunch hour demonstration before O/o Pr. CCIT on 25-08-2015




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Circular No. 8/2015-18 of Central Hq.


Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027.


Cir. No. 8/2015-18                                                                       Dated.20.08.15

Central Working Committee Meeting at Ghaziabad on 13th & 14th August, 2015 and decisions.

The Central Working Committee Meeting was held at Ghaziabad, UP(West) as scheduled on 13th and 14th August 2015.  The UP (West) Circle of ITEF made excellent arrangements for accommodating the CWC Members. The incredible hospitality and committed team work of the members of the Circle, specially the members of Ghaziabad Branch, will always be remembered in the days to come.

Com. Ashok Kanojia, President, hoisted the ITEF flag in presence of the all CWC members and the members of UP (West) Circle at 10.10 AM on 13th August 2015  followed by the inaugural session at 10.30 AM with lighting of lamp by Shri A.K. Jain, Hon’ble Member(P & V), CBDT, Shri Anand Deep, Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, UP (West), Com. Ashok B.  Salunkhe, Ex-President, Com. K. P. Rajagopal, Ex-Secretary General, Com. Ashok Kanojia, President and Com. Rupak Sarkar, Secretary General of ITEF, New Delhi.

Com. Ajai Tewari, General Secretary, ITEF, UP (West) Circle, in his welcome speech greeted Shri A.K. Jain, Member (P & V), CBDT and all the Dignitaries, Guests and members of Central of Working Committee present in the inaugural session. He illustrated nicely the glorious history ITEF,UP West Circle  and magnificence of the cities of Kanpur,Ghaziabad and Agra.

            Com. Ashok Kanojia, President, while delivering the presidential address highlighted the various issues of the employees of the Department and also touched upon the major issues concerning the employees pending with the CBDT. He urged upon the Member(P &V) CBDT to resolve the issues immediately.  Shri. Anand Deep, Pr. CCIT, Kanpur while addressing the CWC appraised that ITEF is a dynamic organization. The Pr. CCIT, Kanpur has given his assurance to settle the problems concerning his charge such as providing proper training to the staff members, to pass promotion orders, to settle court cases, to sort out infrastructural problems and to provide good working condition.  Shri. A. K. Jain, Member (P&V), CBDT, while delivering his address expressed his pleasure on attending All India Conference of ITEF at Guwahati, Managing Committee Meeting of ITGOA at Chandigarh and CWC meeting of ITEF at Ghaziabad. The Member(P &V) appraised the house that the ITEF representing a large number of workforce in the Department and the representatives of ITEF are innovative and cooperative in putting forward the issues before the CBDT which shows their gratefulness.  The Member (P&V), while responding the issues placed by the President, ITEF, narrated the background and status of the pending issues. Com. Rupak Sarkar, Secretary General, ITEF, while addressing thanked the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour for accepting the invitation of ITEF and expressed his gratitude to the CBDT for granting advance Increment to Sr.T.A./Steno, carry forward of Stenographer vacancy to Ministerial Staff for Inspector promotion and direction to all  Pr. CCITs to conduct skill test for the relaxed standard Stenos.

The CWC felicitated Com. Ashok B. Salunkhe, Ex-President and Com. K.P. Rajagopal, Ex-Secretary General of ITEF CHQ, New Delhi for rendering their long services to the Federation and sacrifices in building of this organisation. The leaders in their deliberation stressed upon the strengthening of the organisation, significance and necessity of JCA in detailed and called upon the working force to participate in the ensuing 2nd September strike on Common and Departmental demands.

Com. Ajay Goyel, President, ITGOA, addressed the gathering and highlighted the present situation in the Department relating to promotion and infrastructure and also emphasized upon the importance of JCA struggle. Com. Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Secretary General of ITGOA also greeted the delegates and wished the CWC meeting all success. Both the leaders assured to extend their support for success of ensuing 2nd September strike in our Department

The inaugural session concluded with vote of thanks by Com. Pradeep Batnanai, President, UP(W) Circle.  The meeting adjourned for the lunch at 1.35 p.m.

            The CWC resumed at 3.00 p.m. for discussion on subject session.

            The subject session was presided over by Com. Ashok Kr. Kanojia, President ITEF CHQ, New Delhi.  The President called the House into order and extended warm welcome to all members present in this House.  All the Circles were represented in the CWC except A.P. Gr. `D’ Circle.  1-Minute Silence was observed as a mark of respect in memory of those comrades who passed away during the period of last CWC meeting to this CWC meeting.

            Agenda No.1:  Minutes of the last CWC meeting held on 18/2/2015 at Guwahati, was placed before the CWC which was approved unanimously with a query raised by Com. S.P. Sharma, General Secretary, Rajasthan Circle, which was replied by the Secretary General.

            Agenda No.2, No.3 and No.4 taken together:  Com. Secretary General initiated the discussion on pending issues on the Departmental & Organisational matters, functioning of JCA and other common issues.  All the members of the CWC (one comrade from each Circle) participated in the discussion and placed their issues.

After detail discussion and deliberation on various issues the following important resolutions including some pending issues were passed in the CWC and urged upon the Central Board of Direct Taxes for settlement of the issues before the next Quarterly Review Meeting.

  1. 1.                  Review the implementation of Biometric Attendance system in our Department failing which staff members will restrict themselves only to office hours. The Staff members will not attended office on holidays and after office hours.
  2. 2.                  To withdraw the order of Videography in the Examination Hall.
  3. 3.                   To stop misuse of operation vehicle and an order should be given to all Pr.CCITs for strictly maintain the norms of use of Operational vehicle.
  4. 4.                  For official work sanction Laptop to all Inspectors and for communication to all staff members provide Mobile Hand Set to all employees (as had been done in the case of CsIT and above by providing BLACKBERRY) and  enhance the petrol reimbursement for Inspectors & Notice Servers.
  5. 5.                  To merge the Staff Car Drivers with main stream cadres as a one time measure.
  6. 6.                  Regular training to be given all employees, specially immediate after joining in the Department, after promotion to the higher grade and after change of Software System.
  7. 7.                   Unified Guidelines/Instructions to be given all Pr.CCITs for implementation of judgment or handling different Court Cases. All Court cases should be handled properly and promptly.
  8. 8.                  To extend the benefit of determining MACP entitlement and to stop recovery from the officials who were already benefitted.
  9. The erstwhile Group-D employees aged more than 50 years may be considered for promotion to the higher grade by relaxing the Computer Skill Test.
  10. Extension of benefit of two advance Increments to OS & Steno Gr.I for passing Departmental Exam. of Inspectors

           The other issues raised by the members of the Central Working Committee will be placed before the appropriate Authority immediately after the CWC meeting.

            On organisational issues, the House unanimously resolved to request the ITEF Mumbai Circle to nominate its representative to the Secretariat of the ITEF CHQ. Thanking the House over the resolution the President of ITEF Mumbai Circle Com.A B Salunkhe assured the CWC that appropriate steps will be taken and communicate to the CHQ. Regarding inclusion of representative from the Group D Circles, the House decided to take decision in the next CWC.

            The House also unanimously decided to go for agitation under the banner of JCA on the following demands, which require immediate attention of the Board for settlement.

  1. Promotions to the cadre of ACIT, for all regular and CRC      vacancies and upto the R.Y.2015-16, are to be given immediately.      Conducting DPCs for R.Y. 2015-16 in all cadres by the respective Pr. CCsIT      by 31st of August, 2015 positively.
  2. Provide      Infrastructure facility to all Officers and officials i.e. ample space      with modern furniture, Computers with nodes, etc.
  3. Steps      to be taken to fill up all vacant posts immediately to stop outsourcing of      regular office work/data entry work.
  4. To      regularise all Casual/Daily paid workers against MTS posts, who completed      10 years of service as on date in the Department.
  5. Finalise      and notify all Recruitment Rules of Group B & C officials immediately.

            Agenda No.5: For maintenance of the Manishi Nath Bhawan, ITEF, CHQ, New Delhi a proposal for creating Building Maintenance Fund through collection from the members of PB-1 of Rs.50/- and from members of PB-2 of Rs.100/- (for one time only) unanimously approved by the CWC members. The Secretary General appealed before the House to collect from the members and remit the amount in favour of ITEF before the next CWC.

             Under the Agenda No.6, reconstitution of the Advisory Committee and finalization the names of the Chairman, Election Commission and Disciplinary Committee, it was decided to maintain status quo and the present set up will continue till the next CWC meeting.

             Agenda item No.7: All circles were requested to propose the names of lady comrades to be nominated for the CWC by 31st August, 2015.

Com. Yashwant Purohit, Vice President ITEF, CHQ, New Delhi, proposed vote of thanks to all the dignitaries and CWC members for attending and making the CWC Meeting a grand success.  He was echoing the feeling of the entire members and placed sincere gratitude on behalf of the Secretariat as well as all dedicated members of the ITEF UP (West) Circle for making the Meeting a memorable one.

                    For having no other matter to discuss, the President of the meeting thanked the House for their presence and active participation in the 2-day proceedings and declared the meeting as closed.

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ITEF to participate in Nation Wide Strike of Central Trade Unions on 02nd September 2015


Manishinath Bhawan

A2/95 Rajourigarden

New Delhi-110027.

Cir No. 7     /2015-18                                                                                   Dated: 1st August, 2015

Dear Comrades,


As intimated, the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees is embarking on a one day strike on 2th September, 2015 on the call of the All Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations..  The Secretariat Meeting of the ITEF on 13th July, 2015 decided to call upon all circles to make the strike in Income Tax Department a total success and to put all efforts for the same.  The Resolution adopted in the National Executive Meeting of the Confederation held on 12th July, 2015 and demands (Part I & II) are also enclosed herewith to enable you a proper and effective campaign.  All Circles are requested to put all  efforts for campaign and mobilisation by educating the mass on the significance of the strike and the need to make it glorious.   The Circles either under State COCs or independently make wide publicity about the one day strike.  The ITEF,CHQ will  serve the strike notice on 11th August, 2915 to the Chairperson, Central Board of Direct Taxes.  All Circle General Secretaries are requested to intimate their respective Cadre Controlling Authorities about the strike on the same day after a General meeting/demonstration during lunch recess.  The copy of the strike notice which ITEF CHQ will be serving on the CBDT and draft intimation latter to the CCAs are enclosed.

            With greetings

Yours fraternally,

Rupak Sarkar

  Secretary General



 Dated: 11th August, 2015


The Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax(CCA)



                  This is to give notice that all the members of Income Tax Employees Federation, will go for one day strike on  2nd September, 2015.  Copies of the notice given to the Chairperson, CBDT, New Delhi, by the Central Headquarters of the  Federation and the Charter of Demands in pursuance of which the ITEF has given notice for the  strike action are enclosed.

                   Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(                             )

Circle General Secretary

No. N-1/2015-18                                                                                                              Dated:  11th August, 2015.


The Chairperson,

Central Board of Direct Taxes,

North Block,

New Delhi- 110 001.


                   Sub:  Nationwide One Day strike as per the call of All Central Trade Unions and independent  Federations on  2nd September, 2015 –  Notice reg.–

                      This is to give notice that all the members of Income Tax Employees Federation, which is affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, will go on one day strike on 2nd September, 2015.  The Charter of Demands in pursuance of which the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has given notice to the Cabinet Secretary for the strike action is enclosed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

                                                                        (Rupak Sarkar)

Secretary General

Enclosure as above.



1.   Urgent measures for containing price-rise through universalisation of public          distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.

2.   Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment  generation.

3.   Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measure for violation for labour laws.

4.   Universal social security cover for all workers

5.  Minimum wages of not less than Rs. 15,000/- per month with provisions of indexation.

6.  Assured enhanced pension not less than Rs. 3000/- P.M. for the entire working population.

7.   Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/State PSUs.

8.   Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work.

9.  Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund; increase the quantum of gratuity.

10.  Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date          of submitting applications; and immediate ratification of ILO Convention C 87 and C 98.

11.  Against Labour Law Amendments

12.  Against FDI in Railways, Insurance and Defence.


1.      Effect wage revision of the Central Government Employees from 01.01.2014 accepting memorandum of the staff side JCM; ensure 5-year wage revision in future; grant interim relief and merger of 100% of DA; Include Gramin Dak Sevaks within the ambit of 7th CPC. Settle all anomalies of 6th CPC.

2.      No Privatisation, PPP or FDI in Railways, Defence Establishment and no corporatization of Postal services.

3.      No ban on creation of new posts. Fill up all vacant posts.

4.      Scrap PFRDA Act an re-introduce the defined benefit statutory pension scheme.

5.      No outsourcing, contractrisation, privatization of governmental functions; withdraw the proposed move to close down the printing presses, the publications, form stores and stationery departments and medical stores Depots; regularize the existing daily-rated/casual and contract workers and absorption of trained apprentices.

6.      Revive the JCM functioning at all level as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of the demands of the Central Government Employees.

7.      Remove arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointment.

8.      No labour reforms which are inimical to the interest of the workers.

9.      Remove the ceiling on payment on bonus

10.  Ensure five promotions in the serve career.




1.      The National Executive of the Confederation which met at New Delhi on 12.07.2015 decided unanimously to endorse the call of the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations in the country for organizing one day nationwide strike on 2ndSeptember 2015 to oppose the ongoing aggressive neo-liberal economic policies of the Government of India. The National Executive has decided to call upon all its affiliates to organise intensive mobilization campaign to reach out to each and every Central Government employees. The National Executive has also decided to deploy the National and state leaders of Confederation for a wider campaign amongst the Central Government employees in all states and District capitals of the country.

2.      The meeting also noted with grave concern the rejection of a 5 years wage revision for Central Government Employees by the 7th Pay Commission and consequent demand of the benefit of merger of DA an Interim Relief. The meeting also noted the advisory articles appearing in the corporate/controlled media against the wage revision of Central Government Employees to influence the recommendation of the 7th CPC. The meeting noted with grave concern the negative attitude of the Government towards three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department by refusing to include them in the 7th CPC. The meeting decided to exhort the affiliates to bring the contents of the memorandum of the staff side JCM once again to the employees and prepare them for the proposed indefinite strike action of the CGEs including Railways and Defence workers from 23rd November 2015. It was also decided that besides the National charter of demands of prepared by the Central Trade Unions, the 10-point Charter of demands of the JCM staff side National Council shall form the combined charters of demands of the Central Government employees for the strike action on 2nd September 2015.

3.      The meeting decided to appeal to all state committees and affiliated organizations to take active part in all meetings and conventions organised by Central Trade Unions, jointly with state Government Employees Federation, Bank, Insurance and other public sector undertakings. The Confederation and its affiliates shall serve strike notice for the 2nd September strike on 11th August 2015 by holding massive demonstrations at the respective work places.

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Transport Allowance revision order


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Promotion order for Sr PS, PS, OS, NS, SCD I, SCD II dated 31-07-2015







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Deemed date for ITIs promoted on review DPC – order no 49

Deemed date ITI promo

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ITI posting – correction order dated 24-7-2015

ITI correction order 24-7-2015

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Re-classification of cities for HRA – effect dated is 01-04-2015

classification of cities21-07-2015

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Newly promoted ITIs permitted to join present station pending review of transfer

ITI permission to join at present station

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