Promotion & transfer orders

ITO order dated 10-05-2013

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder is the ITO promotion and reversion orders. ITO SALU ITO JANCY & REVERSION Fraternally GS

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Corrigendum dated 23-04-2013 to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder in the corrigendum dated 23.04.2013 to AGT order 2013 corrigendum Yours fraternally GS

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Corrigendum to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades, Corrigendum issued to AGT 2013 order is posted hereunder Corrigendum yours fraternally GS  

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AGT 2013-14 orders issued

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder are the AGT 2013-14 orders TA STA OS ITI MTS NS LDC PS AO STENO ITO Yours fraternally GS  

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Details of Transfer Proforma

Dear comrades, The details of transfer proformas received for AGT 2013 that have been compiled and published by the O/o the CCIT is posted hereunder. Any discrepancies in the details may be pointed out to the respective Heads of Offices … Continue reading

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ITO, ITI, OS & STA orders dated 25-02-2013

Dear Comrades, ITO, ITI, OS & STA orders dated 25-02-2013 are posted here under. ITO order ITI order OS order STA order Yours fraternally GS

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Promotion orders of ITO, ITI, OS & STA dated 07-02-2013

Dear comrades, Promotion orders of ITO, ITI, OS & STA issued on 07-02-2013 is posted here under: For ITO order Click Here For ITI order Click Here For OS order Click Here For STA order Click Here Yours fraternally GS

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Promotion orders issued on 1.2.2013

Dear Comrades, Promotion orders of 1 SCD, 1 LDC and 6 NS issued today. SCD NS LDC Fraternally, GS, ITEF, Kerala.

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Transfer order of OS dated 03-01-2013

Dear comrades, Please find posted the transfer order in case of a few OS. OS tranfer order dt 03-01-2013 Yours fraternally GS

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Promotion orders of ITI, OS & STAs issued on 1.1.2013

Dear Comrades, Promotion orders in the case of two ITIs, two OS and two STAs  issued today.  Copies posted for information. K S Sajeev GS, ITEF, Kerala. 01.01.2013 Promotion of ITI 1.1.13 Promotion of OS 1.1.13 Promotion of STA 1.1.13 … Continue reading

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