Departmental News

Clarification on pay fixation of ITIs/PAs/AOs

Dear comrades, The DoE has rejected the proposal for granting the replacement scale of Rs.7,450/- to ITIs, PAs and AOs. Order is posted hereunder: Dowload order Yours fraternally GS

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Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities

Dear Comrades, Our Leaders at the CHQ has been persistently trying to achieve our long pending demand.  We appreciate and thank them for their efforts. Order granting benefit of Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities … Continue reading

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Re-exercise of option for fixation of revised pay

Dear comrades Ministry of Finance has issued Office Memorandum No. 10/2/2011-E-III(A) dated 03.01.2013 for permitting re-exercise of option for fixation of pay to Central Government Employees under CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008 who are covered under Office Memorandum No.10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 19.03.2012, i.e., employees for … Continue reading

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Task force to examine effect of N R Parmar case

Dear comrades, Communication received from the CCI[CCA] setting up a task force to examine the effect of the judgement of Hon’ble SC of India in the case of UOI & Ors Vs. N R Parmar & Ors is posted. Taskforce … Continue reading

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List of Holidays 2013

Dear comrades Posted hereunder is the list of holidays for 2013 issued by the CCIT, Kochi. list of holidays Yours fraternally GS

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