Author Archives: admin

CEA clarification dated 23-04-2013

Dear comrades, Posted here under is the latest clarification on Children Education Allowance issued on 23-04-2013. Click here to download Fraternally yours GS

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DA order dated 25-04-2013

Dear comrades, The Government issued DA order raising the DA from 72% to 80% w.e.f 01.01.2013         Yours fraternally GS

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Action taken report on decisions of 1st Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder is the action taken report on decisions made in 1st Permanent Grievance Redressal Committee. action taken report Yours fraternally GS

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Corrigendum dated 23-04-2013 to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder in the corrigendum dated 23.04.2013 to AGT order 2013 corrigendum Yours fraternally GS

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Dear Comrades, The Secretariate that met on 22-04-2013 discussed at length the reluctance of the authorities in issuing the orders of compassionate appointment. The orders in cases of dependents of 10 of our comrades who were unfortunate to depart our … Continue reading

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Gazette Notification Regarding retention of quarter on retirement or terminal leave


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Corrigendum to AGT 2013 order

Dear comrades, Corrigendum issued to AGT 2013 order is posted hereunder Corrigendum yours fraternally GS  

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Honorarium to MTS – Order & FAQ on Honorarium

Dear comrades, For DOPT order on honorarium to MTS Click Here For FAQ on Honorarium Click Here Fraternally yours GS

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AGT 2013-14 orders issued

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder are the AGT 2013-14 orders TA STA OS ITI MTS NS LDC PS AO STENO ITO Yours fraternally GS  

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Cabinet approves 8% DA

Dear comrades, The union cabinet today approved 8% hike in DA of Central Govt. employees and pensioners. Orders are expected soon. Yours fraternally GS

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Notice for Secretariat Meeting

Dear Comrades, A Secretariat meeting of the ITEF, Kerala Circle is to be held on 22-04-2013 at 10.30 AM at CR Buidings Kochi. All Secretariat members are requested to compulsorily attend. For notice of the meeting CLICK HERE Fraternally yours GS

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CHQ circular on outsourcing

INCOME TAX  EMPLOYEES  FEDERATION      Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.  email: Circular No. 22/2012-15                                               … Continue reading

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Confederation calls for strong protest against delay in announcing DA

CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027  Tel: 011-2510 5324:  Mobile: 98110 48303 No. Conf/27 /2013                               … Continue reading

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GPF interest rate for 2013-14 @ 8.7%

(PUBLISHED IN PART I SECTION OF GAZETTE OF INDIA)  F.No.5(1)-B(PD)/2013  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  (Department of Economic affairs)   New Delhi, the 8th April, 2013   RESOLUTION   It is announced for general information that during the year … Continue reading

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Circular No. 20 from CHQ

INCOME TAX  EMPLOYEES  FEDERATION Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027. Cir. No. 20/itef/12-15                                                  … Continue reading

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Letter to CCIT seeking review of ITI promotions

Dear Comrades, In view of the clarification of the Board with respect to the feeder cadres of the ITI, a request have been made to CCIT to review the ITI promotions made from 2001. For letter issued to CCIT CLICK HERE … Continue reading

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Clarification on N A Parmar case implementation issued by CHQ

INCOME TAX  EMPLOYEES  FEDERATION Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.  email: Telefax. 2510 5324; 2593 7462 Circular No. 19                                     … Continue reading

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Lunch Hour Demonstration on 28-03-2013

Dear Comrades, It has been decided to conduct lunch hour demonstration under the banner of JCA on 28-03-2013 in front of all CCIT offices against the partisan attitude of the CBDT and the vindictive action proposed against the members of … Continue reading

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Details of Transfer Proforma

Dear comrades, The details of transfer proformas received for AGT 2013 that have been compiled and published by the O/o the CCIT is posted hereunder. Any discrepancies in the details may be pointed out to the respective Heads of Offices … Continue reading

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Grant of minimum entry pay to promotees– RTI Reply

Dear comrades, Posted hereunder is the file noting regarding the grant of minimum  entry pay to promotees vis-a-vis direct recruits. The noting was obtained through RTI Act. It seems that the NAC decision has been rejected by the Finance Ministry. However, … Continue reading

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